The bottom line on the Yahoo story...

LUTHER R CAMPBELL ‏@unclelukereal1
This interview is wow
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5h LUTHER R CAMPBELL ‏@unclelukereal1
Q.did you just do a interview with yahoo sports. A. No
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6h LUTHER R CAMPBELL ‏@unclelukereal1
Just got done talking to this guy S Allan for the second time
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9h LUTHER R CAMPBELL ‏@unclelukereal1
Yahoo sports is full of it I talk to S Allan last night

Preach Luke

standinf ovation.webp
At the risk of being branded traitor, I would like to caution everyone to temper their defense of Al Golden.
1) He's only been here 1 year so nobody truly knows him
2) Remember who is his mentor. All the defender of that guy, who knew that guy much more than we do Golden, look kind of silly now.

I'm not saying........ I'm just saying

Why you. I should smack you so hard there's only one penny left.
This **** is a troll posting on all Cane sites the exact same garbage. I'm just saying.

Cribby, good to see you here.

I posted several comments on the Rivals free board. Most of the points I made have been covered here so I'll skip it.

BTW, I uploaded some old Canes games to YouTube recently, if anyone cares. This is a high profile thread so I'll drop the mention here. I posted Oklahoma 1985, Michigan 1988 and Cal 1990. Full games. I'm going to replace the Michigan version soon with a tape with better audio. I also have the full FSU 1991 (Wide Right) ready to upload fairly soon, along with some oldie defeats -- Jimmy Johnson's first two bowl games, against UCLA and Tennessee. Unlike Charles Robinson, might as well have some balance and take a look at the failures.

Right back at ya Awsi. I'll definitely check them out. Those games are oldies but goodies , definitely takes me back to when I was a kid.