Thanks Randy....recruits that never played/transferred

To deny that this year's squad is still affected by the Shannon era is the worst nonsense I have read on this board since... Ever.

Have you heard that we are still under investigation by the NCAA for sanctions that occured in great part under Shannon? Did you know that this makes it a lot easier for other teams to talk **** about us when we try recruiting kids, or is it too hard to understand? As long as the sanctions have not dropped, and for that matter, as long as we are playing on reduced scholarships and such, we'll still have to blame, at least in part, the Corch and his predecessor. Hope you don't even try to deny that one.

Did you even read the original post here? Did you notice that an alarming number of players your Corch recruited never played a down here? Did you notice that our roster this year is composed of 36 FRESMEN to 11 seniors? Yeah, I guess Shannon left us with great depth and talent to be working with. As long as we have 3 times as many freshmen than we have seniors on the team, we'll have to put some of the blame on your beloved Corch's shoulders.

Have you missed out on the news? Did you know that 6 players left early for the NFL only to be drafted much lower than if they had stayed for 1 more year in college. This is crazy speculation, I agree, but don't you think it's remotely possible that they weren't on board for a culture change that looked like it demanded to word hard an dedicate to football where it was all fun and games before? As long as it takes to change the entitlement mantality on the team and the culture of not having to work to get onto the field -granted this shouldn't take too long to change because we've finally hired a coach who just gets it -, we'll have to blame teh ol' ball corch.

These are only a few examples of why and how we are still feeling the aftermath of the Shannon era, and wether you like it or not, people here aren't stupid enough to think that just because he's gone now, that there could be no lingering effect of his self-destructive tenure here.

Is Shannon still at Miami? No he is not. Get over it. Dudes not coming back. Some people sound like a wife who has been cheated on by their husband, decided to stay in the marriage and constantly brings him up cheating over and over and over again. That's what you call a nagging *****, and it's mimicked in this thread by certain posters in their posts unfortunately.

Shannon and parts of his staff put Miami way behind the eight ball. That is a fact, that has been expressed multiple times. Lamar Millers not running tough, it's Shannons fault. Sea treks not showing up to Practice, it's shannons fault. Miami loses to Boston College and Maryland,guess what guysm it's Shannons fault. News Flash Ol boys not here anymore. Every time the team messes up it's not his fault. The sanctions tha will be dropped on Miami fall on Shannon and his staff. No doubt about it. To continuously harp on it is ridiculous IMHO. No one can do anything about it. All you can do is support Miami if you choose to.

Yes I read the original post. Golden decided to get rid of some of "shammins guys". That was his choice. Subsequently Miami is going to be left with a young squad. He could have kept ome of those guys and worked with them, but he decided not to. I'm assumingthey didn't want to buy into his system/abide by his rules so he told them to take a hike. Completely understandable. He still made that decision in the end. I don't have loyalty to ANY Coach, instead if there is any loyalty it would be put towards to Miami. I don't know any of these coaches personally, they don't help me in any way, etc....

What's wrong with them leaving early? Why should they have stayed? Maybe a few of them had to jump into the league early to help their families out. Maybe one of them had a kid on the way, bills to pay, etc...... This is speculation as we'll. I don't have the full story as to why they left, and I'm not going to place judgement on anyone because I don't have all of the facts. Who exactly on the team besides SEANTREL seems yo be suffering from an entitlement attitude. By now Gokden should have gotten rid of those guys, that his job. Please tell me EXACTLY which players suffer from this entitlement attitude, besides the ONE I already pointed out. I still don't see how kids leaving early for the draft falls on Shannon. If anything that sounds like a lame *** excuse to blame Shannon.

So basically what your saying is Shannon did NO GOOD here. He didn't bring in Stephon Morris, Travis Benjamin, Lamar Miller, Mike James, Eduardo Clements, etc..... Your telling me someone else built that correct? No doubt he Messed Up ALOT at Miami. However, like I previously stated, at some point you have to move on. Lmfao people are still blaming a UTSA head coach for Miamis problem.

It's remarkable how UM could have hired two of the worst coaches in the history of CFB back-to-back. Both those guys left this place in shambles in every way. I've always felt that the AD never got enough blame for both those hires.

A decade.

We literally had 10 years of epic corching.

That's unbelievable.
So another Shannon thread huh..


I couldve sworn I was on and not grassy.

Yes we are still feeling some effects from our Corching Era of 10 years, but it won't be for too much longer, thank goodness.
They still talk of Hiroshima. We will be talking about Shannon and Cokers devastation for years.