Texas DL Coach Loses His ****!!!

Remember the video someone shared with the coach shoving his players and getting all crazy to hype them up and a bunch of dudes here were like “I want THAT guy to be our coach!” Until they found out his team was winless and had gotten blown out in every game?

This is nothing.

I’ve been yelled at worse than this, and for longer.

I remember first it would scare me, then it would make me so mad I wanted to kill the coach, and then after a while it just went in one ear and out the other.

The important thing is the sending the message that losing is not to be taken lightly. That’s how he communicates, other coaches communicate differently. It’s all the same to me. If something like this upset you so much that you have to tell the whole world about it, you just might be lost.

In the end what’s important is the message not how it’s delivered, and whether the players buy in or not.
It’s needed but doing it too much leads to kids just ignoring you and blocking you out. I’ve had coaches rip me so bad I had tears in my eyes but they gave me a pat on the back when I did something right. It can’t always be screaming , but tough love is needed for young men. There should be a balance.

These days coaches have to kiss asses amd worry about getting in trouble for being mean. They’re walking on egg shells, rather than just coaching.

Football prepared me for the real world and I wouldn’t change a thing about the coaching I received.
While I do agree that you cant blow smoke up everyones ***, I dont agree with the fact that you have to scream and yell and spit into players faces in order to make them play better.

You can enforce discipline and accountability without having temper tantrums. And if the players who play for you see that what you are talking about is right and that it works on the field, they will listen to you more and more and execute better.

Only get upset when a line has been crossed.
It’s needed but doing it too much leads to kids just ignoring you and blocking you out. I’ve had coaches rip me so bad I had tears in my eyes but they gave me a pat on the back when I did something right. It can’t always be screaming , but tough love is needed for young men. There should be a balance.
Exactly. Jerry Kramer is a Hall of Fame Guard and he had a False Start in Training Camp under Vince Lombardi. Kramer told him he didnt even had the concentration period of a Kindergarten student. In the locker room he went to him, gave him a pat on the back and told him he will become the best guard in pro football.

Rest is history lol. But yeah, my best coaches and teachers in school were the ones who yelled when it was neccessary but rewarded effort and results when I had them.
My high school head football coach did this exact same **** on the bus ride home after we got blown out by our division rival. Kids were jokin around and ****.

I don’t see any issue with it.
The only concussions I ever got was my own coaches hitting me in the head when I made a good play and hitting me in the head even harder if I made a bad play
Behavior and its acceptance by society is always changing.
What's accepted in Society and what's accepted in the game of Football are two entirely different things, focused on two entirely different subjects. Can you even imagine if this became a trend in college football locker-rooms, or even in your workspace after you went on a (perhaps needed motivational) rant?

And these days, as an old dude, you have to have noticed accepted behavior is pretty much divided along political lines like never before.
All these videos of coaches yelling like lunatics show the same thing — that they are frustrated and angry but lack the skills to effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings.
You must never have played the game if you think his position group didn't get that message loud and clear even in the pitch darkness of night, with his lack of communication skills and spit flying out of his mouth. It took me all of ten seconds to understand what he was so ineloquently trying to say - seems effective.

Or: "Pardon me Francis, I know we lost, and I know they had 300 plus yards of rushing, but you participated as a D-1 Scholarship athlete out of that field and by golly, I'm proud of you! Perhaps next week you'd engage our game plan and attempt to fill the hole you're responsible for, rather than allowing the Offensive linemen to treat you like a blocking dummy, and release on the linebackers all day. I know you'll try and do better - here's you participation helmet sticker."
Remember the video someone shared with the coach shoving his players and getting all crazy to hype them up and a bunch of dudes here were like “I want THAT guy to be our coach!” Until they found out his team was winless and had gotten blown out in every game?
Ya a lot of these guys like to bang the all style no substance mentality but quick to fawn over the rah rah sht because it plays to their emotions.

****….I like this guy’s style.

If you are shocked by this, try having several of these individuals around you 24-7 for 3 months. The Texas coach is rated +Teen compared to the individuals below :cool:

Gonna translate that rant (and any non-halftime coaching rant, for that matter):

"We lost, and I'm sad and angry. Further, I don't know what to about it. You kids are in my charge, and your failing in a reflection of my failing. So, like any other child caught up in their emotions, I'm going to scream about it, even though I know it won't have a meaningful impact on your performance next game."
You must never have played the game if you think his position group didn't get that message loud and clear even in the pitch darkness of night, with his lack of communication skills and spit flying out of his mouth. It took me all of ten seconds to understand what he was so ineloquently trying to say - seems effective.

Or: "Pardon me Francis, I know we lost, and I know they had 300 plus yards of rushing, but you participated as a D-1 Scholarship athlete out of that field and by golly, I'm proud of you! Perhaps next week you'd engage our game plan and attempt to fill the hole you're responsible for, rather than allowing the Offensive linemen to treat you like a blocking dummy, and release on the linebackers all day. I know you'll try and do better - here's you participation helmet sticker."
If you think he is effectively expressing his anger then I’m not sure what to tell you. I played the game, not at a high level, but I did play and was subjected to these incoherent tirades. The first time it happened I was confused. I generally thought the coach was having a stroke. I could only make out every other word. I remember thinking, “Instead of raging, why doesn’t he tell us what we’re doing wrong and how we can do better.” You know, actually coach us.
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Wow, I'm sure a bunch of college kids are going to play better football because a coach threw a hissy fit. I have no problem with it, it just doesn't work.