Texas DL Coach Loses His ****!!!

It’s needed but doing it too much leads to kids just ignoring you and blocking you out. I’ve had coaches rip me so bad I had tears in my eyes but they gave me a pat on the back when I did something right. It can’t always be screaming , but tough love is needed for young men. There should be a balance.

These days coaches have to kiss asses amd worry about getting in trouble for being mean. They’re walking on egg shells, rather than just coaching.

Football prepared me for the real world and I wouldn’t change a thing about the coaching I received.

Yeah, if you're screaming all the time, it loses its effectiveness (this applies to parenting/raising kids as well).
When coaches used to be able to coach and whip young men into shape.

This used to happen back in the day—all the time—and these men were their players' favorite coaches for it. (You ever hear Art Kehoe yelling at his boys??)

Texas needs to find whoever filmed and leak this and throw his *** off the team and out of school. Was a gross breach of trust.
I think a lot of the people that think he's just being loud and immature is missing the point. It's not so much that they didn't perform, it was because apparently they were performing poorly, and then joking around on the sideline like it didn't matter.

It's one thing to play bad, it's another thing to play bad and not care
How you deliver a message, especially one that’s emotionally-charged, almost always determines whether that message is heard or not. We’ve all been in a disagreement before when someone said, “It’s not what you said but how you said it.” It’s like that.

You didn't tell me why you think my statement is ”patently ridiculous”.

There is nothing ridiculous about it.

What’s ridiculous is using an incorrect cliche like “it’s not what you said but how you said it” to make a point.

What is said is actually as important, if not more, than how it is said. But the end result - was the message accepted and acted upon - is the most important factor, and my point.

Maybe he didn’t get through to those kids, maybe to some he did. It’s just a communication tactic to try to achieve a desired result. One that is very common in sports. I only have a problem with it, if it doesn’t work.
The key line is "I got my *** kicked", not "we got our *** kicked".

This guy feels humiliated, and is taking it out on his team. Probably hits his wife when things don't go well in the bedroom.
If you think he is effectively expressing his anger then I’m not sure what to tell you. I played the game, not at a high level, but I did play and was subjected to these incoherent tirades. The first time it happened I was confused. I generally thought the coach was having a stroke. I could only make out every other word. I remember thinking, “Instead of raging, why doesn’t he tell us what we’re doing wrong and how we can do better.” You know, actually coach us.
I played at a very high level and was familiar with such rants. Hey, its a physical violent game and that type approach to a team has been going on from the very beginning and has been used by the very best. It is unfamiliar and uncomfortable to people who never experienced it. Of course many of today's Miami fans don't get it.
I played at a very high level and was familiar with such rants. Hey, its a physical violent game and that type approach to a team has been going on from the very beginning and has been used by the very best. It is unfamiliar and uncomfortable to people who never experienced it. Of course many of today's Miami fans don't get it.

I get it. You can tell the people that never played any football, or sports for that matter. They are uncomfortable with it and think it’s outrageous.

The issue is whether this approach is effective with today’s kids or not. But that’s a different topic.
Which is more effective? Yelling at your players occasionally or dancing on the sidelines with them after a missed tackle. I will take the yelling any day over what No D Manny does.
Part of being an effective leader is knowing exactly how to motivate the people you're in charge of. Not everybody responds to everything the same and you can't be a one trick pony. The guy who's always yelling and screaming is just as ineffective as the guy who never gets upset at all. Have you ever worked somewhere where the manager in charge was always a complete **** and just treated all the employees like trash? Yeah, nobody wants to work for that guy and nobody is going to give all their effort for him. Now a dude who's calm 95% of the time all of the sudden loses his **** and starts flipping out? I'm going to take that seriously. But a dude who's always yelling and posturing...I'm going to laugh at that clown because it loses it's effectiveness.
The whole "this is how you make men" is so incredibly stupid.

If the goal here was to make them men, the point of the tirade would have been to get the team captain or de facto leader of the DL to get out of his seat and say,

"Coach, sit down and shut up". And then walk down the aisle looking his teammates in the eye and say "Guys, each of us has a decision to make - whether you're going to be part of this or not. Whether your going to take this serious or not. If you don't, that's cool. But you gotta be all in or all out. We're too far along this season to be making these kinds of **** ups. Tonight, get whatever you need to get out of your system. I know what I'm going to do. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to church. And then I'm going to Chic-fil-a for take out. And then at noon, I'm going to be in the film room for two hours. And then I'm going to the weight room for two hours. And then I'm going back to the film room for two hours. Come or don't come, but I'll know who's in this with me by who else is there at noon"

That guy would be on his way to manhood. But the coach didn't want that. He wanted them to cower in front of his bluster. Cuz that's what the training of men is . . . . teaching them to cower.
Wow, I'm sure a bunch of college kids are going to play better football because a coach threw a hissy fit. I have no problem with it, it just doesn't work.

Some will and some won't. Every kid is different. Some respond to getting called out. Others tune it out. Some don't want to see a guy they respect lose their **** because they let him down. Some don't care because they don't like the guy. Some get woke up.

Coaching is about knowing what works with your players and what doesn't. Same with kids. One of mine I can just look at and the other I have to yell at sometimes. It just depends.

You can beg though there's not one player that didn't get the message. The ones that didn't get it will be gone and the team will likely be better.