Tell me why Wisconsin, Michigan, and UNC...

"Obviously this is undeniable."

"App state isn't a cupcake."

"If we make the ACCCG and win a bowl game, this season is a success."

I don't know why I keep coming back for more. This website isn't representative sample of UM undergrads, right?
"Obviously this is undeniable."

"App state isn't a cupcake."

"If we make the ACCCG and win a bowl game, this season is a success."

I don't know why I keep coming back for more. This website isn't representative sample of UM undergrads, right?

Let me guess, in your opinion this season is national championship or bust....right?
Wow. I don't know how to respond seriously because your logic is so flawed.

I am just going to disagree.

Makes perfect sense to me.

10 wins when you havent won 10 games in forever is a big deal.

Tin Foil Club?

I mean I'm not saying 10 wins will always be considered a great season or such a big deal for us. But this year, it definitely would be.

You're confusing why I commented on that part of your porst. We have had some of the worst coaching in the past _____ years. Some of those atrocious coaches (so bad they may never get similar employment) were able to win 9 games. Not only were they able to win 9 games, they had the opportunity to win 10 (Golden was 9-3 before the bowl game, Shannon was the same).

Winning 10 games, especially after some potatoes almost did it, is not an achievement at all. I don't think some of you realize how awful these coaches were. These coaches were so ***ing useless that the kids were able to coach themselves and win 8 games during the regular season. They even had the opportunity to match Golden and Shannon.

So to repeat:

1. Two potatoes almost won 10 games

2. Kids without coaches almost won 9 games.

3. Regardless of the talent, the schedule is much easier (over 2015).

4. Richt and his staff are a tremendous upgrade over anything we have had in the last _____ years.

Now that these kids have competent coaches and time (3 cupcakes and an off-week), there is no reason to think that this is such a great season.

Unfortunately you are casting pearls before the swine
1. Not really, Golden was fired mid way during the year, which IMO definitely helped us win more games than we would have.

Misses the point again. Not shocked.

2. Talent always wins games. But we aren't as talented this year as we were last year, and I already explained why.

Yes. I agree there is a difference in talent but the bigger point, which is being mentioned again, is that it is difficult to tell due to the lack of coaching. We could have had All-Americans, we could have had other quality players but because these kids haven't received real coaching in ______ years makes it difficult to tell. Richt is a competent guy who is better (understatement) at putting his players in a position to have success. This alone can make up for the discrepancy in talent. Read the OP again as well. I don't think you realize how by changing the leadership and having a coach who knows how to put his kids in the best position to succeed can make up for these minor deficiencies. In addition, this team doesn't have a dramatic difference in talent. We went through this.

3. No, the schedule isn't Much Easier. It's basically the same difficulty, which I explained earlier.

Wrong then, wrong again.

1. Most Difficult Game

2015: Clemson

2016: @ Notre Dame

Clemson obviously is a better team and may be more difficult.

2. Difficult Conference Games:

2015: @ FSU and @ UNC

2016: FSU and UNC (both games are home)

Not only that but UNC has major losses from last year:

QB: Marquise Williams (3000 Passing Yards, 24 Passing TDs, 960 Rushing Yards and 14 Rushing TDs) [2nd Leading Rusher]
WR: Quinshad Davis (Started all 14 games, tied for lead in receptions and holds UNC record for all-time receptions)
OL: Landon Turner (4 Year Starter, All-ACC) [John Ferranto, his replacement is out for the season]
LB: Shakeel Rashad (Started all 14 games last year, led with 126 tackles)
LB: Jeff Schoettmer (Started all 14 games last year, 3rd in tackles with 97)

2015 was harder. Obviously playing both games at home is easier for Miami.

3. OOC Schedule:

2015: FAU, Bethune, Nebraska and @ Cinn

Actual Result: 3-1

2016: FAU, FAMU, App State and Notre Dame

2016 is harder but considering we didn't sweep our OOC schedule in 2015, we could end up with the same result in 2016 (3-1). Please note, App State is not a good team. There a non-BCS team that should be a roll-over opponent for any competent BCS team.

4. ACC Non-Coastal Opponent

2015: Clemson

2016: @ NC State

Nothing needs to be said.

In Summation:

Toughest Opponent was in 2015, Toughest ACC Opponents were in 2015 and on the road, tougher ACC Non-Coastal Opponent was in 2015. The OOC schedule in 2016 seems to be more difficult. Considering we went 3-1 in our OOC schedule last year, we could match that in 2016 and there would be no difference record wise.

Once again, if you saw anything that happened today you'd know App State isn't a cupcake, especially on the road.

Yes it is. There is no reason why we should lose this game.

We still have a difficult October, just like last year.

Not sure why the month matters. Not sure why this is a point.

We are a young team with a new coaching staff.

You left out competent coaching staff. It isn't just a new coaching staff, they're competent.

Aren't we older and/or better at certain positions: QB, RB, WR, OL, DL and S

I'd say LB is the major position where there is a dramatic difference in age.

You're the one failing to understand that to go from us winning 8 games last year to winning 10 games this year is a big improvement still.

No it isn't. It is just doing more things right than wrong. We went through this before, not going through the coaching stuff again.
Makes perfect sense to me.

10 wins when you havent won 10 games in forever is a big deal.

Tin Foil Club?

I mean I'm not saying 10 wins will always be considered a great season or such a big deal for us. But this year, it definitely would be.

You're confusing why I commented on that part of your porst. We have had some of the worst coaching in the past _____ years. Some of those atrocious coaches (so bad they may never get similar employment) were able to win 9 games. Not only were they able to win 9 games, they had the opportunity to win 10 (Golden was 9-3 before the bowl game, Shannon was the same).

Winning 10 games, especially after some potatoes almost did it, is not an achievement at all. I don't think some of you realize how awful these coaches were. These coaches were so ***ing useless that the kids were able to coach themselves and win 8 games during the regular season. They even had the opportunity to match Golden and Shannon.

So to repeat:

1. Two potatoes almost won 10 games

2. Kids without coaches almost won 9 games.

3. Regardless of the talent, the schedule is much easier (over 2015).

4. Richt and his staff are a tremendous upgrade over anything we have had in the last _____ years.

Now that these kids have competent coaches and time (3 cupcakes and an off-week), there is no reason to think that this is such a great season.

Unfortunately you are casting pearls before the swine

Look at his last gem.
Last Year: Team wins 8 games during the regular season without any "coaching" and against a tougher schedule.

This Year: Better coach comes in and we have an easier schedule.

Richt isn't a first time coach. We open with 3 jokes and then have a week off before playing GT. Plenty of time to get things going before it matters. 10 wins (before the bowl) isn't some monumental achievement either. Get it done Richt.

...And a worse team. Everyone glosses over the fact we've lost a lot of people.
And yes last years schedule was harder, but not by all that much. We trade Clemson for ND. Away at App St is tougher than Nebraska or Cincinnati were last year. GTech, VTech, and Pitt will all be better while UNC is going to be slightly worse. It's like you guys assume we are the only ACC team that can improve from one year to another.

How are we a worse team? Nobody glosses over it. We lost some players, we have better coaches. For the first time, in a long time, we have actual coaching.

Yes. Better Coaches. Not as many good players.

You say we don't have as many good players, but the guys we lost, couldn't hold a candle to the guys we lost the previous season.

We lost a Mackey Award candidate, a Butkus candidate, a Doak Walker candidate, plus an elite LT in Flowers. That not even naming guys like Dorsett, Feliciano or Gunter, who also made the NFL.

We lost all of that, and still won 8 games. I don't see how losing Grace, AQM, Waters, and Scott can add up to all of that.
Why did we even hire Richt and fire Golden if we don't expect Richt is going to do any better (and some of you mouth breathers are even predicting a worse season)

Richt should be expected to win 10 games a season a season here, especially when you consider he did it in the SEC. We definitely have the potential to win 10 games. The question is how quickly we can he purge the **** poor technique, and half assed effort that became part of this team from the last regime. If it's been purged then yes. If not then we're going to give away a game or two that we shouldn't. We've heard Diaz complain about the players dogging it at times and Richt has talked about the lack of speed on this team.
"Obviously this is undeniable."

"App state isn't a cupcake."

"If we make the ACCCG and win a bowl game, this season is a success."

I don't know why I keep coming back for more. This website isn't representative sample of UM undergrads, right?

Let me guess, in your opinion this season is national championship or bust....right?

No, I have no idea what to expect, and that's fine.

But espousing a bunch of opinions and then finishing it with, "obviously those are all facts," is little-kid logic.

The rest of that **** has no context, I mean zero. We have no idea how good App state is or Tennessee, and not every scenario where we make the ACCCG and win a bowl game can be considered a success. It's all just mouth diaharrea, and now I'm mad at myself for even responding.
Awsi Dooger is too busy swimming in his sportsbook money bin to answer silly requests for him to back his **** up!

"Obviously this is undeniable."

"App state isn't a cupcake."

"If we make the ACCCG and win a bowl game, this season is a success."

I don't know why I keep coming back for more. This website isn't representative sample of UM undergrads, right?

Let me guess, in your opinion this season is national championship or bust....right?

No, I have no idea what to expect, and that's fine.

But espousing a bunch of opinions and then finishing it with, "obviously those are all facts," is little-kid logic.

The rest of that **** has no context, I mean zero. We have no idea how good App state is or Tennessee, and not every scenario where we make the ACCCG and win a bowl game can be considered a success. It's all just mouth diaharrea, and now I'm mad at myself for even responding.

We have a better coaching staff than we did before. This is a fact. It isn't an opinion.
App State isn't a cupcake. If they were they wouldn't have just given UT a run for their money. A cupcake is FAMU. A cupcake is a team that's basically impossible to lose against. That's not what App State is. Again that is just a fact.
the third statement was clearly me stating my personal opinion on what a succesfull season is, which I also had already laid out in other posts. It's not my fault if you can't comprehend what was written.

Yeah we have no idea how good App State is or UT, I guess we have no idea how good anyone is then until the season is over....right? What the **** is even the point of saying that.
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Yes. I agree there is a difference in talent but the bigger point, which is being mentioned again, is that it is difficult to tell due to the lack of coaching. We could have had All-Americans, we could have had other quality players but because these kids haven't received real coaching in ______ years makes it difficult to tell. Richt is a competent guy who is better (understatement) at putting his players in a position to have success. This alone can make up for the discrepancy in talent. Read the OP again as well. I don't think you realize how by changing the leadership and having a coach who knows how to put his kids in the best position to succeed can make up for these minor deficiencies. In addition, this team doesn't have a dramatic difference in talent. We went through this.

Wrong then, wrong again.

Toughest Opponent was in 2015, Toughest ACC Opponents were in 2015 and on the road, tougher ACC Non-Coastal Opponent was in 2015. The OOC schedule in 2016 seems to be more difficult. Considering we went 3-1 in our OOC schedule last year, we could match that in 2016 and there would be no difference record wise.
Not sure why the month matters. Not sure why this is a point.

You left out competent coaching staff. It isn't just a new coaching staff, they're competent.

Aren't we older and/or better at certain positions: QB, RB, WR, OL, DL and S

I'd say LB is the major position where there is a dramatic difference in age.

Yes, I had already said that Richt's staff can make up for the discrepency in talent. Last year we won 8 games with the talent we had. Then factor in the fact that we are just plain less talented than last year, which should mean we'd be in the 6/7 win range. However, add in the fact that we have coaches that can actually coach, and I think it we can definitely get to 10 wins. But to say that is an expectation Richt's first year is wrong. To say that wouldn't be a great season for us is wrong, because it would be. I'm not saying this coaching staff isn't going to make a major difference, I fully understand how big of a difference they will make. I just am being realistic and assuming not everything is going to go perfect in their first year here. I don't think everything will go perfect with Richt calling plays for the first time in a decade. I'd bet money Diaz's defense won't rank top25 this year because we have major problem at LB, and aren't very good at CB.

As far as the schedule it's like your forgetting every other team we play, that will be better. VTech, GTech, and Pitt were pretty bad last year. VTech got a new coaching staff and will improve, plus we play them on a clear setup game. GTech is definitely going to be better (They can't get much worse), and their offense will be tough for a defense led by 3 Freshman LB's to handle immediately, Sure it's basic, but they run it well. Pitt gets their best player back, and I'd bet Narduzzi gets that D performing well. Yes, Clemson it harder than ND, but it's almost a wash. Last year's schedule was harder (I already said that), but it wasn't that much more difficult.
The month matter in all of this because having all your tough games at once can easily set you up to lose multiple games quickly and take a quick spiral out of could also give you momentum leading to the next week.

Sure our guys may be older, but as you pointed out they weren't coached up at all under Golden, so according to you they are effectively freshman. They also happen to be freshman in this offensive and defensive system, which just happen to be a complete 180 from what they had been taught for the past 1-3 years. Obviously it helps that we have player with game experience. I definitely think our offense will be better than last year, without a doubt. But I really don't know how anyone can be confident in our defense to easily get us to 10 wins.

Anyways, I already predicted we get 9 or 10 regular season wins this year. But I was just making the point this entire time that 10 wins would likely be the best season we could hope for, and thus shouldn't be "expected". Also I was saying that would be a great accomplishment in Richt's first year seeing as how it hasn't been done in over a decade.
Again, my goals for us this year are beat FSU, Coastal Champs, and Bowl Win. Do that and I think we are kicking off the Richt era strong.
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2 key games as I see it are: VT away at night on short rest (how did we allow this to happen?), and getting the Heels at home (to our advantage). Obviously, all the games are important, but these 2 are winable, and could be the difference in a 9 or 10 win season or a 8/9 year.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Yes, I had already said that Richt's staff can make up for the discrepency in talent. Last year we won 8 games with the talent we had. Then factor in the fact that we are just plain less talented than last year, which should mean we'd be in the 6/7 win range.

Wow. I stopped here because you're still stuck on this potato logic.
"Obviously this is undeniable."

"App state isn't a cupcake."

"If we make the ACCCG and win a bowl game, this season is a success."

I don't know why I keep coming back for more. This website isn't representative sample of UM undergrads, right?

Let me guess, in your opinion this season is national championship or bust....right?

No, I have no idea what to expect, and that's fine.

But espousing a bunch of opinions and then finishing it with, "obviously those are all facts," is little-kid logic.

The rest of that **** has no context, I mean zero. We have no idea how good App state is or Tennessee, and not every scenario where we make the ACCCG and win a bowl game can be considered a success. It's all just mouth diaharrea, and now I'm mad at myself for even responding.

We have a better coaching staff than we did before. This is a fact. It isn't an opinion.
App State isn't a cupcake. If they were they wouldn't have just given UT a run for their money. A cupcake is FAMU. A cupcake is a team that's basically impossible to lose against. That's not what App State is. Again that is just a fact.
the third statement was clearly me stating my personal opinion on what a succesfull season is, which I also had already laid out in other posts. It's not my fault if you can't comprehend what was written.

Yeah we have no idea how good App State is or UT, I guess we have no idea how good anyone is then until the season is over....right? What the **** is even the point of saying that.

"App state is OBVIOOUSLY a formidable opponent... Of course we have no idea how good any team is, I guess we can wait until the season ends. Sorry you no comprendo ******!!!"

****, sick burn, thanks for taking me to logic school.
I really don't understand reporters picking us at 8 wins. We lost Scott, Burns and Bush. That's it. We won 4 games last year with a TE coach and they see no improvement? Sure they say we'll be better and then still pick 8 games. Looking at you Porter.

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Makes no sense to me how anyone who calls himself a football fan or reporter could go into this season expecting us to have the same record we had last year.

Not only were we coachless for half the season, but the toxicity surrounding the program was unprecedented in history. The players were completely beat down and unmotivated by the circus that UM had allowed to continue.

We have one of the best QBs in college football, yet no one wants to account for that huge advantage.

THE best qb, let's make that clear

Are you saying Kaaya is the best QB in college football? The potential is there for this year but there were a dozen or more that were better passers last year and about a 100 or so that were better runners.

What you think a realistic view of our QB makes you cool or something? Let me guess, you also don't think we'll beat App State by 105 points. We don't take too kindly to contrarians such as yourself around here.
VT away at night on short rest (how did we allow this to happen?)

Both teams are on short rest.

Good lord this place took a strong up-wind turn in the last few months. It's where logic comes to die.
You're right, I should have checked VT's schedule. Although it will still be a tough game in Blacksburg. Probably a cold night. We'll know more in a couple of weeks. Thanks for catching that.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
only because we have no one to replace him really. But imagine instead of having Kaaya we just had an average QB instead. **** even if allison was starting everyone would be saying something like "yeah but we have pretty much everyone on Offense returning."

Well we don't so why does it matter?
What an unbelievably infantile comment. What if we didn't have Kaaya? What the fck does that even mean? What if New England didn't have Tom Brady or the Colts and Broncos didn't have Peyton Manning or Auburn didn't have Cam Newton or FSU didn't have Jameis?

You fcking retards are supposed to have swag and be c0cky. Watch that kid Sean on Born This Way. He'll show you some ****** swag.
...not every scenario where we make the ACCCG and win a bowl game can be considered a success...

You bring up a good point...but only to a point though...

What are this season's objectives* for the team? I believe its been reported "win the ACCCD".

What are fans' expectations for this season? Its all over--delusional undefeated NC or bust to the clubbed baby harp seals wailing 7 wins because AQM, Grace, and Young are gone. Thats a big gap..and neither camp or anyone in between, can see the other's we have yelling and screaming from keyboard tough guys of all types pounding there chests with "ghey", "facqit", "******", et al...productive right hiding behind an LCD screen...

I think most posters have a general consensus for Y1 to beat FSU and win the ACCCD and come through unscathed without career ending injuries to key players.

It all really comes down to what "success" looks like to the team (required) and not so much the look for fans (nice, but not required).

Some will scream "undefeated and Ws by no less than 30pts each game" disappointed if thats your mark...some will go full baby harp seal and see only 7 wins (or less) for this season...barring unforseen catastrophe you too will be disappointed...

Its all in perspective, realistic to delusional.

Go Canes.

*that popping sound you are hearing is the exploding heads of the corch, croot, porster crowd...thy number is legion

**Im still waiting for my blue lot invite...what a joke