Stars or Evals?

Cincy had what 10 players drafted this past season?

Look up the blue chip ratio on 247 they beat alot of the usual suspects on that list pumping in talent and I don’t think they had a single top 25,35 or 50 class

Stars matter but let’s not make it seem that good evals and more importantly scheme fit aren’t still major

With so many guys in recruiting departments and endless connections, stars and evals probably similar most of the time. If big schools are recruiting a 3 star, he’s bumped to a 4 star alot of the time.

As a regular fan, I’m just looking at stars and threads on here.
he was evaluated by that staff to n ot have a scholarship but to walk on. He is essentally in my opinion still a walk on level...g5 at best qb.
They won a championship despite him not becuase of him.
All what u said is true…. BUT he was offered a scholarship to come back to UGA from JUCO. So there was some evaluation. They don’t just give out scholarships to kids. Of course, they didn’t think he would ever have to step on the field.
Always gonna need evaluations no matter where u are as a program. Bama and UGA are great at evaluating kids too, all 5 and 4 stars aren’t the same
There's only 32 5 star players every year. You take every single 5 star you can get. If they bust, they bust. Nobody's had more blue chip busts than Alabama but it doesn't matter because they just keep reloading. Do Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, etc. evaluate prospects? Of course they do. It's just not as important when you have wave after wave of blue chip players on your roster.

Most teams can't play that numbers game though so evaluations are more important for them. If you're some middle of the road team and the top players pretty much ignore you, you've got to dig through the piles and piles of 3 star guys and get your evaluations just right. Anybody can succeed when you stack your roster full of can't miss players. They guys who can still put together solid programs while signing a majority 3 star and under players are the most impressive to me.
It’s about choosing the right 4 and 5 stars, which includes mental makeup, love for football, coachability, etc. That’s the value of an Alonzo Highsmith. Our evaluation outfit will look like a high level NFL personnel dept from a process standpoint.
Exactly and just making sure the kids actually a 4 star or 5 star talent. With the 7 on 7 and camp circuit kids get elevated for certain reasons and it results in them being overrated.

Plus, you want to have a team of dudes who can find that 1 or 2 diamond in the rough a year guy like a David Njoku or Gregory Rousseau
All what u said is true…. BUT he was offered a scholarship to come back to UGA from JUCO. So there was some evaluation. They don’t just give out scholarships to kids. Of course, they didn’t think he would ever have to step on the field.
Gray area found I'll allow it.

There's only 32 5 star players every year. You take every single 5 star you can get. If they bust, they bust. Nobody's had more blue chip busts than Alabama but it doesn't matter because they just keep reloading. Do Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, etc. evaluate prospects? Of course they do. It's just not as important when you have wave after wave of blue chip players on your roster.

Most teams can't play that numbers game though so evaluations are more important for them. If you're some middle of the road team and the top players pretty much ignore you, you've got to dig through the piles and piles of 3 star guys and get your evaluations just right. Anybody can succeed when you stack your roster full of can't miss players. They guys who can still put together solid programs while signing a majority 3 star and under players are the most impressive to me.
I understand but bama and Georgia aren’t just taking every 5 star they’re evaluating them and getting who they think are the best of the best. Same with 4 stars there’s probably hundreds of them but everybody isn’t in play for the same ones because its different levels of evaluations.

You’re right about stacking your roster with talent but not anyone can succeed because some don’t evaluate well enough or develop well enough. The elite teams do both and thats why they have been successful. Its always gonna be the most important part no matter what level of program you are…I think you’re downplaying that part of it but I understand your point
I'll take 85 blue-chippers, you take 85 "evals", and we'll see if you can make it to halftime before running out of ambulances.

Lock this thread.
I dont understand why people are separating the blue chips from the evals tho looll…The evals are how u determine if they are a blue chip player or not
he was evaluated by that staff to n ot have a scholarship but to walk on. He is essentally in my opinion still a walk on level...g5 at best qb.
They won a championship despite him not becuase of him.
This board needs to understand this lol
I dont understand why people are separating the blue chips from the evals tho looll…The evals are how u determine if they are a blue chip player or not

Evaluate all you'd like to determine which blue-chip recruits you'd like to go after the hardest, and where they rank on your board. That's fine, should happen, and does happen. But there is literal concrete data that the teams who sign the highest ranked recruiting classes (which is calculated on stars) win the most. It's not opinion. It's not a mirage. It's a ******* fact. We have this same conversation 10 times a year, and each time is dumber than the last.

There is gray area here, as there is in almost all aspects of life. It's not completely black and white. If you have the cast of Barnum and Bailey coach your 85 5-star players, yes, you're probably not going to be very good. But in order to win national championships, you MUST sign highly ranked recruiting classes. Period. There is no debating that. There is no rule that says you need to be a certain type of coach, be in a certain region, run a certain type of scheme...none of that. The only "rule" is you have to sign multiple top ~5 classes. That's not the *ONLY* thing you have to do, but it is one thing that is non-negotiable.
Cincy had what 10 players drafted this past season?

Look up the blue chip ratio on 247 they beat alot of the usual suspects on that list pumping in talent and I don’t think they had a single top 25,35 or 50 class

Stars matter but let’s not make it seem that good evals and more importantly scheme fit aren’t still major
Don’t make an outlier the norm. Every once in a while these teams make a great run for a variety of reasons and their coaches get crowned as the next elite dude.
Fedora and Fuente for example. Boise state as well.
Fedora would’ve been in the playoffs with unc if it wasn’t for a ridiculous performance by Watson in the acc championship. Go look at the box score and Watson’s stats that game.

Now if you tell me that Cincinnati is a borderline playoff team year after year in that conference and with those players then I’m buying all that stock.
Evaluate all you'd like to determine which blue-chip recruits you'd like to go after the hardest, and where they rank on your board. That's fine, should happen, and does happen. But there is literal concrete data that the teams who sign the highest ranked recruiting classes (which is calculated on stars) win the most. It's not opinion. It's not a mirage. It's a ******* fact. We have this same conversation 10 times a year, and each time is dumber than the last.

There is gray area here, as there is in almost all aspects of life. It's not completely black and white. If you have the cast of Barnum and Bailey coach your 85 5-star players, yes, you're probably not going to be very good. But in order to win national championships, you MUST sign highly ranked recruiting classes. Period. There is no debating that. There is no rule that says you need to be a certain type of coach, be in a certain region, run a certain type of scheme...none of that. The only "rule" is you have to sign multiple top ~5 classes. That's not the *ONLY* thing you have to do, but it is one thing that is non-negotiable.
Im not arguing against going for high rated players I think you’re thinking about other people who have spoke on this topic lol im simply saying getting a highly ranked class is apart of evaluations, they shouldn’t be separated.
Im not arguing against going for high rated players I think you’re thinking about other people who have spoke on this topic lol im simply saying getting a highly ranked class is apart of evaluations, they shouldn’t be separated.

How would they ever be separated? You think any coaching staff in the country doesn’t evaluate who they offer and pursue? What else would they do? Just call kids off a list and never go watch them play, watch their film, talk to their coaches, speak to people at their camps, bring them in for visits and workouts, etc etc etc?
How would they ever be separated? You think any coaching staff in the country doesn’t evaluate who they offer and pursue? What else would they do? Just call kids off a list and never go watch them play, watch their film, talk to their coaches, speak to people at their camps, bring them in for visits and workouts, etc etc etc?
Was replying to u saying you’d take 85 blue chippers or 85 evals
Was replying to u saying you’d take 85 blue chippers or 85 evals

Gotcha. By “evals” I’m thinking you’re talking about project type kids. “Diamonds in the rough”. Lower ranked kids who you think will be studs because you’re a superior judge of football talent. I’m sure you’d find a few that are good. There are plenty of examples of 3-star kids who turn out to be ballers. But it’s simple math. You take 85 of those type kids, I’ll take 85 of the Top 250 kids in the composite, and I’ll beat you by 50 points 100 times out of 100.
Stars matter for the collection of talent for the overall haul of the class

Evals matter per individual player that you recruit

A player isn’t automatically not good just because they’re a 3-star & neither is a player automatically good just because they’re a 5-star & Vice versa. Some 3-stars are better than their rating & some 5-stars are overrated. Some 5-stars are Elite NFL caliber players & some 3-stars are just average players who are limited in their ability.

Overall, you want the largest collection of 4/5-star talent you can acquire because it raises the talent floor of your team. Each player is an Evaluation unto themselves, some are better than perceived & some are worse, there’s no one size fits all rule that pertains to every player, you have to eval them all.

The better question is, why is our fanbase so stupid all the time?
One sentence that should close this thread.


The star rankings are skewed to offer list, subscriptions, camps majority of the time. TRUST EVALS even of those 5 stars.
The data shows stars matter; however, evals also play a big role in regards to fit, culture, competition, strengths/weaknesses etc.

The CFP have seen MSU, UC be apart of it, although they’ve had rosters full of 3* guys. However, when the lights came on, both were escorted out of the CFP, immediately, by the teams filled w/ 4 & 5*.

I look at teams in past yrs like Utah, OKSt, Baylor, Wisconsin, as examples, who typically bring in more 3* guys than 4/5* guys, & they are always in the hunt or sniffing around. It appears that’s their ceiling, though; maybe a flirt here or there w/ the CFP, but typically either a NY6 or tier 1 bowl game.

In reality, that’s outstanding…….for them. When u’re a blue blood w/ multiple nat’l titles in the modern era, having a roster full of 3* is not going to cut it. Ur blue chip ratio needs to be at a min. 50% of the roster, but ideally 60%+, & ur evals on 3* should be spot on to compliment the roster. Fact is, some 3* should be 4* & some 4* r grossly overrated. That’s y evals r important, but statistics show these nerd sites r typically spot on, as those w/ a high blue chip ratio r the usual suspects competing for the title.