Spring Game

The Truth

Riley needs to blow this thing up. Being honest.

Bam is playing out of position. He's a power forward.
sorry one more -- yes hes out of position but he has no range or a real jumper (that mid range jumper he used to take is albatross. either extend your range to three (ive seen him take it practice) or develop a real post game and get better footwork. hes got neither and hes a space killer playing a 4 in todays game where you need your 4 to shoot esp w jimmy being your best player.
It will be interesting to see what Mario does tomorrow when the portal opens.
Alec Baldwin GIF

Always Be Closing Alec Baldwin GIF
Please stop. You don’t even know how to decipher whether a quarterback is slow on his reads or not. For chrissakes cut it out.
When a QB stands in the pocket for 6-7 seconds while staring down a WR and does nothing he's slow on his reads. You can easily tell when a QB is slow on getting the ball out, because the timing and rhythm is completely off. It doesn't take a QB guru to understand that. Overall TVD played a good game but on more then 4-5 plays he was slow at getting the ball out and the timing was completely off.
Except Gore....I hate sometimes when we go into the transfer portal get a jag and most people think the jag is a good player. Someone has to explain to me why do we just grab a guy that's not good just to grab them. I would love for someone in the know to tell me how that happens.
No idea maybe they looke dat his production and hoped it would some what translate. I agree with your other post that manny Atleast hit on all his portal transfers
When a QB stands in the pocket for 6-7 seconds while staring down a WR and does nothing he's slow on his reads. You can easily tell when a QB is slow on getting the ball out, because the timing and rhythm is completely off. It doesn't take a QB guru to understand that. Overall TVD played a good game but on more then 4-5 plays he was slow at getting the ball out and the timing was completely off.

You’re a moron. You literally have no clue what you’re talking about. Ask permission to speak to me from now on.
As usual there is going to be plenty of Debbie downer posting in here but this spring games was much better than last last. There is visible improvement in both offense and defense, I’m very encouraged we’ll trend in the right direction this year. Go canes!!!
Appreciate the post. Haven’t gotten the chance to watch as long as there is a noticeable upward trajectory I’m happy. Even though it’s easy to go up from rock bottom lol
Factoring in that it’s just a Spring Scrimmage in a controlled environment against not necessarily great WR’s, It’s been pretty good.

Davonte had textbook coverage at Boundary, released to outside leverage, transitioned in phase, used the sideline as an extra defender & played through the WR with active hands on the follow through & disrupting the Catch point. That’s exactly how you play the Fade to the pylon in the End zone.

Darryl Porter Jr has been a mixed bag; He had good coverage on an underthrown ball to the end zone, but then gave up a TD on JGeorge. It was a good throw by TVD, but DP Jr gave up outside leverage & got frozen on the hesitation stutter step inside-out release, which gave JG enough time to get outside & get his positioning for a drop in the bucket throw. If DP Jr recognizes he’s got the sideline & doesn’t need to give up Outside leverage, all he would’ve needed to do was initiate the jam to keep the WR in front of him & then instinctively flip & get his head up to make a play on the ball. He covered as if he didn’t know the End zone was behind him lol It’s a teachable moment for film study.

I liked Jaden Harris’s coverage as well, he’s easily the fastest DB on the team, I still think his future is best as a pure Corner, but they’re experimenting trying to develop him into a Nickel/Safety, but his physical tools are perfect for Field Corner IMO.
Thanks for this man. Wasn’t able to watch the game, but I trust your DB assessments. The breakdown of the key plays is definitely appreciated.

From what you’ve seen of Damari Brown in HS, do you think he’s got the potential to be as good as his older brother?

How did the Safeties look?
But what y'all expecting the roster was I shambles and it's young asf and has mad cheeks on it still. I say anywhere from 4-6 losses again. The following year is where I'm expecting things. Assuming we land a top five class.

We didn’t land a top 5 class in a bump year. We gonna land one with another 6 losses?? ****