Spring Game

thinking of taking palmetto north to I-75 to turnpike to commercial blvd. does i-75 connect to the turnpike in broward?
thinking of taking palmetto north to I-75 to turnpike to commercial blvd. does i-75 connect to the turnpike in broward?

Based on what hoops said, I think you are better off taking the Turnpike Extension to the Regular Turnpike, and then getting off at Commercial.

Your best bet in SoFla these days is paying whatever the highest possible toll is to get someplace the fastest possible way.
Yikes. My bad. I overlooked that. What the F channel is ACCN Extra?

*For everyone who doesn't want to bother looking it up, it's apparently a streaming option via ESPN Watch. Absolute crap.
It’s what you said. Tbh as negative as I can be this is basically standard for all springs but uva which got accn
we have the worst TV deal and we can blame blake james in part for this and i suppose our new AD also.

No, the blame lies most heavily on the ACC brass.

Dan couldn't single-handedly reverse what UNC-NCS-Duke-Wake set in motion.

And that's not an excuse, go back and research the self-dealing and nepotism involved in the Jefferson Pilot deal.
Yikes. My bad. I overlooked that. What the F channel is ACCN Extra?

*For everyone who doesn't want to bother looking it up, it's apparently a streaming option via ESPN Watch. Absolute crap.

ACC Extra is basically the same thing as ESPN3. A branded streaming channel that allows them to stream as much programming simultaneously as they want, since streams are practically unlimited. Outside of UM, NCST, and Duke, the other 11 ACC Spring games are running against at least one other, if not more, so I think the conference decided to make it equal for everyone, show them all live on ACCX streams (except for UVA - "ACCN to carry Virginia’s Spring Game on April 15 as the Cavaliers make their first public appearance at Scott Stadium since November’s tragedy"), and then re-broadcast them all on the proper ACCN at different times. It actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it, a lot of big time programs are just live streamed in spring, and how do you pick one school over another? War.

The issue is not "can a conference network show every game live". It is the approach to content, particularly a piece of CONFERENCE-BASED content that has massively grown in popularity (the "spring game" broadcast).

Let's note, the spring games usually run 1 to 2 hours max. So with a bit of creative scheduling, it's possible to run more than JUST ONE of the games live.

1. The bandwidth exists. It doesn't take much to realize that "not every" channel in the sports lineup has been assisgned. As conferences get LARGER, the days of "just one channel" gets exposed as not-enough. The larger conferences like the Big 10 and SEC (and ACC) should have at least 2 assigned television channels each. I know that I've seen several assigned channels FOR THE PAC 12, and I live on the East Coast.

2. Find network partners, or even local broadcast partners. The Big 10 has the right approach now, not just relying on ESPN/ABC/Disney. To think that there is NO OTHER alternative for a live broadcast is just nutty. TV needs content, particularly on Fridays and Saturdays.

3. Figure out a way to "make a day out of it". Schedule a bunch of spring games between noon and 6 pm for a Saturday and a Sunday, and you manage to broadcast at least half of the conference live, even if you were only on the ONE channel of ACCN.

4. Finally, there has GOT to be a better alternative for an ACCN rebroadcast than "three days from now".

I get what is being said about "other conferences" and this is not a problem that is 100% unique to the ACC. But we can't make excuses for it. The only thing going on right now is baseball/softball, and though it pains me to say it, in most markets a football PRACTICE would draw more eyeballs than a baseball/softball GAME. Just being honest.

I'm tired of live content only being available on ACCX for days prior to an ACCN rebroadcast. We need to demand better. Maybe if the ACCN showed more content that people want to see live, we could get better advertisers than the "Irish Potato Peeler", and we could then make more money to distribute to the schools.

Crazy, huh?
coming from Miami? i might as well hire a rickshaw in Coconut Grove outside of Village Inn.
Having visited Bangkok, this made me actually laugh out loud. Probably would help you with the parking situation at DRV PNK. That was a serious ****show last year.
So how exactly do you watch this? I have Hulu live tv with ESPN+ package, will it show up on the hulu platform? Dont see anything in the seach