Spring 2017 Track Thread for Miami Recruits

So anyone that didn't run track is automatically Lovon Ponder? If that's the case, Clemsons starting secondary consisted of Tankersley and Lovon Ponder at corner and Lovon Ponder and a guy with a PR of 11.84 at safety. I don't know if those were the actual starters, but they were listed at the top of the depth chart. Not sure where you got 6 under 11.1, I only listed 3.

You clearly are missing the point, because in your last paragraphs you mention injuries, training, etc. The 11.5 comment was not saying it was a good time for someone training with a serious focus on track and peaking. Remember, this started with calling out Bandy's 11.1 in early March.

If you're saying the Clemson secondary could run, you seem to be supporting the opposing viewpoint considering several fall into that 11.1-11.5 range or even outside it.
You listed 6 dude. Carter, tankerlsly, Edmond, fields, Mullen and Johnson. That's 6. The one guy ran a 22.3 and 47 qtr I know he can run 11 or better in the 100. Carter ran a 4.59 you said you saw? Bet he can run 11 or better. With these teams running spread you think they bringing more slow poke s's in the game? Doubt it unless you have some injuries or whatever.

The 11.8 dude.... was he hurt? Did he run the rest of the year? You have no idea. All you did was see a PR of 11.8 an ran with it. He just ran a 4.6 at the combine. he can run 11 or better IMO.

All the info points to me being right. 11.1 being the low bar while being 11 or better is the norm
Is this the football recruiting board or the track board?.

Im tired of scrolling rthrough threads and seeing track times.

Who let these **** baton smellers in this joint....mods need to clean it up...cause its bad enough we got to worry about 40 times..these clowns on here posting every 100 m time in the state of fla in every thread.

Prop Joe Out
I don't mind the track stuff & appreciate Carol City & 1953 for keeping us up to date on it...

What shouldn't happen is this obsession over it to the point where people are discussing prospects strictly in terms of their track ability as if that's what determines what type of football player they'll be.

We should never get too caught up in track times that we forget the #1 rule which is,
Game film supersedes all.
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Carter 4.59 40 = "bet he can run 11 or better"
Johnson 4.60 NFL combine 40 = "he can run 11 or better IMO"

Bandy 4.51 Opening Final 40 = personal best 100 of 11.1 = too slow
The idea of posting relevant track times for recruits is a good one. The execution has been terrible. Seems like it's taken over every thread.
Lok at this guy. Rapid fire posting his absurd bullshīt.

Like I said before, he's an obsessed fūcktard that is under the delusion he knows something about track and football.

Here come another 6 or 7 posts from him.

11.5 more post to be exact. Lmao..you act like you're apart of some message board gang child please. 11.5 is garbage. That's why you couldn't find anything to back up that silly comment. Spent all that money on a cheerleading outfit and bra for what? To sit at home and type "
****tard" on your computer like a real G? lmao

Nice thought talk on your keyboard.

I'll bet you're a real scary badass.

You're the special needs track tard on this site. Congrats.

Remember how this whole thing started, idiot. You taking a shīt on an 11.1 for Bandy. That's what this is all about. That, and the fact that your idiocy has been totally exposed by people that know what they're talking about. And also the fact that Bandy's already run a laser timed 4.5 40. There goes your fūcktard theory about bandy being too slow to be in the defensive backfield.

First off, about bandy as I've already stated..... he reprortily ran a 4.51, if that's true I feel he can run under 11. He still has the rest of the season to prove that. He hasn't done it yet.

This started cause YOU said 11.1 is good enough meaning if he doesn't get any faster it's good enough. No it's not... not at CB IMO.

If bandy runs all year and doesn't improve on 11.1 then there's some issues... either he needs to run longer races/ get stronger/endurance and change his training/ train harder etc. or he really isn't a 4.5 guy. If it's coaching then its not his fault. It's the coaches fault.

You sound like a real Al golden fan when you cheerlead 11.5. That's Polly the kinda dumb chit he believed in. I'm talkin championship football no sorry *** 11.5 chump BS.

Anybody that comes to Miami and starts a CB who runs a 11.5 100m should be fired on the spot in this day and age.
Carter 4.59 40 = "bet he can run 11 or better"
Johnson 4.60 NFL combine 40 = "he can run 11 or better IMO"

Bandy 4.51 Opening Final 40 = personal best 100 of 11.1 = too slow

How many times have I said it. I think bandy can run faster than 11.1. if that 4.51 is legit he should be able too barring training/coaching issues.
No sense posting the plodding times of clodhoppers during the Folden era. We got screamers now...let us rejoice in the resurrection of team speed. Dude, WE BACK!!
I don't mind the track stuff & appreciate Carol City & 1953 for keeping us up to date on it...

What shouldn't happen is this obsession over it to the point where people are discussing prospects strictly in terms of their track ability as if that's what determines what type of football player they'll be.

We should never get too caught up in track times that we forget the #1 rule which is,
Game film supersedes all.

And the bolded is what has occurred.
listen i like to see track times on sme of our guys...but there are legit threads talking about 9th and 10th grade track times of guys were not even recruiting or wont.

Then threads about a **** d linemans track time....?? cmon son?...This aint the PREFONTAINE