South Florida

I've been saying this for months.....the door is open to the nation's not going to come back over night......gotta go after some outta state kids to balance it out....Miami is getting good in state talent just gotta have a great eye for recruiting for those sleepers like Pickney, Young...Lamar Jackson was #50 in Florida.... player development is very important to building depth.....get a few JUCO here and there...The main focus should be getting the best lineman possible....all other positions are a dime a dozen in sfla....

To get his attention you need to say his name three times. Beatlejuice Beatlejuice Beatlejuice. Hope this helps.
$$$, half of these kids are trend followers hoping on the hottest teams bandwagon, Social media, and the fact UM has not been dominant in majority of these kids lifetime.
Because they listen to these "handlers" like himself, these colleges cut checks to these so called "handlers" and then sway the recruits to said school.
Blah blah blah.

Win the games and we own our backyard as we always have.

After losing Jeudy I asked myself if South Florida is salvageable. We saw the rise of the SEC happen as Coker was eroding our program by opening the door for them to come in and take who they want. Others followed suit as well putting a bigger strain on the Canes. The landscape of college football has changed too much to truly "build a fence around South Florida". My question is is it at a point of no return? Did the Coker/Shannon/Golden decade open the door too much where we are going to continue to struggle keeping the program changing kids (Cooper, Cook, Jeudy's, etc.) home.
1) We've never gotten everyone in SFL. There'll always be those who leave.

2) WIN. Watch what happens the FIRST time we in 10 games. We'll instantly become "cool" again.
He was probably "consulting" with jeudy's recruitment

You have been on this issue like a bulldog. I hope [MENTION=6088]Tweed[/MENTION] or someone will tell you if genron was involved with Jeudy's recruitment so that you can finally get that question answered
If anybody knows why these SFL players leave to go play elsewhere it's you....So, what's the number one reason in your honest opinion why some of the elite SFL players go elsewhere? and what can UM do to get most of them to stay

Pete is a genron apologist, you won't get any answers from him. In SFL football the exploiters are considered mentors. It's kind of like how catholic priest touch little boys and collect tithes from the parents.
To get his attention you need to say his name three times. Beatlejuice Beatlejuice Beatlejuice. Hope this helps.

To get his attention you need to say his name three times. Beatlejuice Beatlejuice Beatlejuice. Hope this helps.

This was gold. I'd also remind people to not feed Genron after midnight or he turns from lovable local into a Gremlin that scares all the kids he mentors to LSU.
To get his attention you need to say his name three times. Beatlejuice Beatlejuice Beatlejuice. Hope this helps.

Geez, that's not nice. When I posted about it, I simply described it as a "head issue," or something like that. No need to make fun.

It might be from recessive jeans or something. I dunno.
If he is a handler getting paid by schools then he is probably in a way better position brokering a kids future then to settle for a recruiting coordinator which prob gets paid squat.