Ruiz - "Life Wallet" - NIL Opportunities


Reaction GIF by moodman
It very well maybe legit, and the app looks pretty nice. But this all for NIL purposes so **** doesnā€™t seem illegal. Just my opinion.
So you float that comment out there and leave it.
And it based on what it seems to you.
Itā€™s your right even though itā€™s irresponsible.
Ruiz is a god**** savage. How are y'all complaining about this?

Complain about other schools paying recruits, NIL makes it all out in the open, bagman Ruiz comes around to make us great again and you guys are scared about the NCAA? They have literally no power - NONE - over state laws.

Check your pants for some ****stains you pansies.
While I believe his communication style needs to be cleaned up and spit shined, and managed with more discipline and less ā€œshoot from the hipā€, the family is committed to helping the program.

That's a real positive.

We, as fans need to get out of our battered spouse funk, and realize that these deals are being set up everywhere, especially by SEC bag schools.

If we donā€™t do these, we will get destroyed in recruiting, much less get a seat at the big boy table.

The college football environment has changed drastically over the last two years and we need to keep up with the big dogs. Weā€™ve already seen what itā€™s like when you donā€™t run in their pack and arenā€™t allowed to use the same tactics they do. Thatā€™s the definition of the last 20 years.

The days of an SEC lead blocker like Emmert/NCAA clearing a path for their hillbilly boys club are over.

So Iā€™m grateful for the Ruiz family and look forward to more.
"While I believe his communication style needs to be cleaned up and spit shined, and managed with more discipline and less ā€œshoot from the hipā€... "
Ya think?


With that said, he and Lambert's take no prisoner's approach have become important engines for change.

Let's hope they make it to pit row before they slam the wall in turn 4.
I dont Like how this is all out in the open and publicized lol. Do what you have to do but we ainā€™t seeing Texas A&M publicly stating what they are doing with nil
As long as he follows up on it, I donā€™t see the big issue. NCAA canā€™t do **** about it, so whatā€™s the problem.
Ruiz is a god**** savage. How are y'all complaining about this?

Complain about other schools paying recruits, NIL makes it all out in the open, bagman Ruiz comes around to make us great again and you guys are scared about the NCAA? They have literally no power - NONE - over state laws.

Check your pants for some ****stains you pansies.
Seriously. Itā€™s the same people that complain how SEC schools have a sizeable bag game. Ruiz is trying to level the playing field. Now the same people are complaining. Mother****ers love staying miserable.