Ruiz family attempting to build a stadium in Coral Gables...

After 20 years of UM Athletics ****ting on the students, we should just keep doing that?

What a stupid comment. Students become alums. Alums, as a group, are the most significant component of donors, boosters, season ticket holders, and tailgaters.
11k students who barely attend isn’t to be catered to and I went there just as you did. Most of the fans aren’t students or alums and they come from all over. Building a stadium in a **** feat traffic area for 11k is stupid
i have lived within a mile from the U and CGHS for the last 30 years. i deal with the city on regular basis. i can confirm with one hundred percent certainty that a stadium will never be built within the city. neither the commission nor the resident would allow it.

as an example, publix has been trying to build a two story building off Madruga Ave. most people were in favor of it since the existing publix is terrible. a small group of residents blocked it.

again. it will never happen within the city
So my guys were working near the parking garage about 6 months ago and the entire outside wall collapsed onto the street. Luckily no one was walking on the sidewalk at the time oe else it could have been deadly.

Engineering disasters. Was that outside wall under construction, or was it an existing wall of some building that was already there.
because they are built in industrial areas with large areas of land, about 15-20 miles from coral gables.

you have to live in miami to understand.
They built one on land in opa locka airport. If you live in Miami you'd know opa locka is pretty residential. What I'm saying is if there's a will, there's a way, especially with money to back it. Everything is for sale for the right price.
Do people not realize that most College Stadiums are geographically located in a way to optimize potential visitors. All of these SEC schools have stadiums in ****hole towns and their fanbase isn't asking them to move the stadiums to the state capital or some large cityl.

Yeah, which SEC teams cry about "but half of our fans are in these two particular populous counties, and they won't drive an extra 15 minutes"?

If the Broward/Palm Beach fans don't want to drive to Coral Gables or Coral Gables-adjacent, then let's go back to giving away 2-for-1 tickets at Dade County Burger Kings. That seemed to build up our fan base nicely.
I hate when people say things like this are impossible. I don’t know why but it irks me. It just wreaks of a self defeating cant do attitude. Does anyone really believe nothing like this has been done before in the history of this great nation? Its a small accomplishment in the grand scheme of things. Coral Gables arent some mythical people who are just different than anybody else and dont have a price. We are seeing right now the affects of powerful, wealthy people that with the snap of a finger have seemingly sent UM in a direction not thought possible by many.
I felt the same way when they used to give me those stupid blocks as a kid. I used to try to fit the square into the circle. Could it be done? Yes when I eventually got that hammer out. Doesn’t mean it fit. 🤷‍♂️
24.6 acres for CGHS is accurate.
To your point though it's about a tenth of the size of the overall footprint of HRS.

For the on-campus crowd, the entire University of Miami footprint (excluding the frat-rats) is approximately the same size as the HRS footprint (260 acres).

Yes. And how much of the HRS footprint is now Dolphins practice facility/tennis center/Formula 1 racetrack?

I'm not pushing for CGHS as a site, but I don't have John Ruiz' (current or future) cash either...
That's on-campus parking for students and faculty already. So you're saying shut it down for students and faculty on Saturdays so fans can use it for the day? That seems like a challenge, but if they build a parking garage there, maybe... I just think access, the small footprint and a large, imposing stadium in a residental neighborhood are non-starters and not even worth considering it, not in Coral Gables, anyway.

Are you kidding? You do realize that UM doesn't have classes on Saturdays, and that many of those parking spaces are for commuters and employees, right?

Have you ever been on the UM campus on a Saturday?
The Magic City Casino land?

I am including that, but it is not essential. If you look at a map, I am referring to the 11 blocks north of Flagler, between 37th and 42nd.

Does not "HAVE TO" include Magic City Casino, but yes, in that general direction...

And my #1 preferred site is the dirt mall immediately north of Magic City Casino.
11k students who barely attend isn’t to be catered to and I went there just as you did. Most of the fans aren’t students or alums and they come from all over. Building a stadium in a **** feat traffic area for 11k is stupid

We are not talking about "fans". We are talking about people who actually spend money on things like tickets and parking and tailgating and contributions. You are really misinformed as to how many of those people are alums.
They built one on land in opa locka airport. If you live in Miami you'd know opa locka is pretty residential. What I'm saying is if there's a will, there's a way, especially with money to back it. Everything is for sale for the right price.
opa locka residential? yes, but has a large airport and a large industrial area. amazon built the warehouse there to have access to the airport
I am including that, but it is not essential. If you look at a map, I am referring to the 11 blocks north of Flagler, between 37th and 42nd.

Does not "HAVE TO" include Magic City Casino, but yes, in that general direction...

And my #1 preferred site is the dirt mall immediately north of Magic City Casino.
Whoa first person with something that could actually work. Hmmmmm bravo
They built one on land in opa locka airport. If you live in Miami you'd know opa locka is pretty residential. What I'm saying is if there's a will, there's a way, especially with money to back it. Everything is for sale for the right price.
Fundamental difference between Opa Locka residents and CG residents. One group has a ton of political influence due to them being WEALTHY, one does not. There's a reason why the Watsco Center only seats 8500, instead of the 10k the school wanted. There's a reason why for DECADES, you couldn't park a luxury pickup truck on the street overnight in CG, and there's a reason why you haven't seen an influx of McMansions in CG, despite the housing stock being ancient by modern standards. It's because the residents of CG believe in quality of life and NIMBYism and they have the political muscle to enforce it.
Are you kidding? You do realize that UM doesn't have classes on Saturdays, and that many of those parking spaces are for commuters and employees, right?

Have you ever been on the UM campus on a Saturday?
Actually, unless it's changed in the last 5 years, there are still some select seminar classes on Saturdays. Not many, but some. It's not a full course load, but some departments fit in lab/lecture discussion groups on Saturdays...