Real Talk...A Bitter Pill

So now Miami fans want to fire Al Golden?

The best you can hope for if you believe it is on the coaches is that Coley is offered and accepts a HC job and D'Onofrio voluntarily relinquishes his DC position, or Al Golden is offered and accepts the Penn State job.

And then what?
Al has until 2015 to get the program in the right direction.
Dorito needs to be gone by seasons end.
Next year may be rough if the new qb is going through growing pains.
I don't think he is that bad. He is failing with his assistants. He needs to get rid of No D and Jethro and get a ST coach. Get a NFL assistant from a aggressive scheme like the Ravens for example. Do away with this passive ****. Im willing to give the guy a fair shot, just like i gave Randy a fair shot. No D deserves to be canned asap
I think the two fumbles and the Odonnell ***** up completely took the life out of this team. Add to the fact that they fumbled twice in the red zone and got them back both times and our team tanked. Plain and simple. Every single break went Va Techs way.

I'm hurting this morning. That was a bad loss.
Its not nearly as dire as people make it out to be. Al is a very young head coach and this is his first real job. There was always going to be growing pains. If he wants to be stubborn and roll with this defensive scheme then hes toast. If he is willing to change and bring in a veteran DC I think we will head in the right direction.
Dont listen to Franchise, he is a fringe fan. Isnt that exactly what he said about me all those times I dared to question Al and his ability to coach. I saw this a long time ago. You're welcome.

That's alright. He made a thread with a long post. It's all better now. He know's about football again.

I don't even like making posts like this. But it's hilarious to me that someone who so ardently supported a guy ("The Don") and bashed people who didn't is now making threads like this. He'll deflect when he reads this post and make some cute retort, calling me an even cuter name.
All of you fringe UM fans just sit back and call for the coaches' head at the first sign of trouble. It's an easy reaction. Those of us who are deeply invested in the program want to see it succeed at all costs and will try to will it to happen until we are convinced it's hopeless. I gave the guy a 3 year chance, and he let me down.

Now, all the fringe guys and dudes holding little *** grudges against me because I hurt their feelings on a message board want plaudits for being the first guy in the race to say or coach sucks. You guys win. You were first to "call it". Pick up your prize in the toilet tomorrow morning.

Being a cane fan for more than 50 years struggling through programs that was happy to have a winning record, this is a painful experience to see what we saw last night. I will never give up my hopes and dreams for reaching levels of past success. Time to make changes, build a bridge and move forward. Time for Al to make the appropriate changes, he is on the clock, and as a good CEO he should know that if you don't surround yourself with top talent (coaching staff) your true expectations of mediocrity will be fulfilled. JMO.
Logan Thomas will be able to show his kids two games that where his highlites...2011 and 2013 cane games...the other 40 he sucked balls
Agree with Franchise on this. Golden's appearing more and more like he's in over his head. This loss was just as bad as Shannon's UVA debacle, the only game I ever left before the end of the game. Failing to win the Coastal this year (unless we somehow back in to the top spot) is a disgrace. He is easily outcoached by anyone with half a brain. At least with Shannon, there would be some big-time recruiting commit that would be announced right after a loss to make everyone feel a little better.

Although there is no chance he will be leaving any time soon, things are going to get real ugly around this program.....again.
Its not nearly as dire as people make it out to be. Al is a very young head coach and this is his first real job. There was always going to be growing pains. If he wants to be stubborn and roll with this defensive scheme then hes toast. If he is willing to change and bring in a veteran DC I think we will head in the right direction.

He's not that young of a HC. And it's his scheme he's rolling with. The scapegoating of assistants rarely works. Richt scapegoated Martinez and brought in a guy with an NFL pedigree and his D is still trash. How many assistants did C0cker and Shanntard run through?

Look at some of the players' quotes and demeanor after that humiliation last night. That will give you a window into the mindset of the team, and it's not good.
I think Golden is a great organizer and communicator and everyone got caught up in that after years of Coker and Shannon. I can't say that I think he's a great recruiter, even with the NCAA mess hanging over his head. He's missed out on too many positions of need. The biggest problem I have is that it seems that coaches at UM can't get decent coordinators and assistants. I see Jimbo and FSU get really good assistants and can't understand why UM can't do the same. Maybe it's the money or lack thereof?

We just stole FSU's OC. Now I am not ready to make a decision on Coley either way, but money was not an issue there. On Defense, he took his previous coach who is one of his best friends, so we have no idea whether he would have the money he needs to get a good DC.
We stole FSU's OC? You mean the guy who wasn't allowed to call plays? All of my FSU friends were ecstatic the minute we took Coley off the staff.

I didn't say that taking Coley was good (or bad), but we did take him from FSU. He might not have called plays, but the post I was replying to said that unlike FSU we were not getting good assistant coaches and wondered if it was money related. My point is that I dont think it is money related; at least not compared to FSU.
He's not an awful gameday coach. I think he uses timeouts well and manages close games pretty well.

He just has an awful defensive philosophy that better change soon. He seems scared of opponents & coaches.
I don't think it's coach talk either when he drools over other coaches in the conference. This guy is scared ****less and his schemes and defensive philosophies show that.

No one here is saying... omg we need to blitz (as if that has even worked). But this 2 gap, soft zone crap is without a doubt an awful scheme that will undoubtedly lose the players' trust in him (if it hasn't already).

Luther Robinson was ****ed from day 1 because he's a 1 gap DT being asked to play 2 gap BS. He even made a play once (against Ohio St maybe?) where he broke through and forced a fumble. Come to find out he didn't actually DO his job on that play. He's supposed to engage and play his gap.

This is why he and his father were pretty upset. They aren't fans of this scheme. And can you blame em?

This is some complete garbage and horse ****. For starters, his fat *** better get used to it. Cause the pro game will demand he do it on some downs. The only ******** who don't have to do that are the absolute monsters (i.e. Sapp). If you keep being too aggressive with the front (whether three or four man does not make a ****), the offense will rape your *** with misdirection and screen game. The coaches are way too stubborn and should mix firing through the gaps and playing 2 gap.

On top of that, our guys look like they do not know what to do after they drop into zone. Particularly the LBs (this includes Perryman). How do you let an ******* drag across (by himself) right in front of you and not know there is no one where he is heading? spot dropping is only step ******* one in playing zone. You must read the WR/TE/RB running their route and react based on what you see. Offenses have made a living by dragging their receivers across between the LBs and DL. Here is where the stubborness comes in. When this **** does not work and your guys can't handle reading this, man up and run a shallow spy right behind your 2 gapping DL. Also, when your guys aren't getting there tell them to get their hands up. Don't keep doing it thinking the light bulb is magically going to come on.
The emperor has no clothes. Al golden is bare and everyone now sees him for whom he is. A ****ty head coach with an even ****tier defensive scheme. The guy is soft and couldn't prepare a team if his life depended on it. He's garbage and we are stuck with with this garbage for the next few years.

Basically hes the white randy Shannon but with a ****tier defense and better communication skills.

The night Miami died. Sad fcking night. Whenever we play a team with a pulse we get humiliated.

**** anytime we play on prime time we **** the bed...not clumpy **** talking running goo. While I can agree with some of whats been said about AG..I think his biggest flw is keeping a friend employed that so clearly does not know what the fug to do. Since they have been here...8+ 500 yd games allowed, probably double amount of 400 yd pathetic example that comes to mind, bethune cookman 2012.

I am a loyal die hard canes fan...but I had to turn the channel last night at the hurt too much to watch a mediocre (at best) team with an ex TE at QB and avg WR's look like juggernauts.
Coach Dorito must go...that and AG needs to get that killer mentality on game day that he apprently has in other aspects of his job (recruiting)
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Dont listen to Franchise, he is a fringe fan. Isnt that exactly what he said about me all those times I dared to question Al and his ability to coach. I saw this a long time ago. You're welcome.

I'm invested in the program and wanted badly for it to work out because I know we're stuck with him. So I tried to see the positive and emphasize it. You're one of those dudes who always sees nothing but negative and wants everyone fired all the time. And you have no real love of UM. So congratulations for guessing right. You're bound to be right sometimes when all you do is complain and mope.

So the fact that it didn't take this long for me to recognize that Al really isn't all that good makes me some kind of lesser fan than others? I complained about him because I know what the fck I'm talking about. You were blinded by his speeches and everything else and never paid that much attention to what the **** was going on between the white lines. I did. You were wrong and I was right. But some how you have turned this into the idea that I was a half fan when I started to complain, last year to be exact, and now that I am right, I am some how also lesser of a fan because of it.

Maybe you should stop listening to the man talk and open your eyes on game day. You should have known for sure after the Wake game when he threw it all on the fact that, in his words, "this team is mentally worn out".

Wasn't no guessing to it. That's the difference here. You ingored all the signs but guessed it was because of every thing else that they played so poorly, so often. You never even put the whole coaching aspect into the equation until you had no choice. But yeah, I guess that makes you more of a fan than me.
I honestly don't give a **** about the "philosophy" of the defense. If you think what happened last night is just about scheme, you may have never seen this before. Whipple wasn't saving Randy because Randy had a soft team. Rich Olson wasn't saving Coker because Coker had a soft team.

Guys quit playing. They missed tackles. They didn't give a ****. That's all about mentality. And it's a mentality that Golden has told us he would get rid of. Nobody ******* competed! They laid down at home, at night, against one of our rivals. It's the anti-cane mentality. Our guys aren't badasses. I'm beside myself right now.

I say I don't give a **** about the "philosophy" of the defense because the mentality of this team absolutely sucks, and a new DC is not going to be able to fix that himself.
I think most of the players on defense gave in b/c they realized it wasnt working.... if it's true the players did quit, that is also on D'onofrio, they dont believe in what he's teaching.
I think most of the players on defense gave in b/c they realized it wasnt working.... if it's true the players did quit, that is also on D'onofrio, they dont believe in what he's teaching.

I can buy that, but here's the real problem, then: It's really Golden's D. He's telling the same stuff Corch D is. How can they even believe in their HC in that case?
Dont listen to Franchise, he is a fringe fan. Isnt that exactly what he said about me all those times I dared to question Al and his ability to coach. I saw this a long time ago. You're welcome.

I'm invested in the program and wanted badly for it to work out because I know we're stuck with him. So I tried to see the positive and emphasize it. You're one of those dudes who always sees nothing but negative and wants everyone fired all the time. And you have no real love of UM. So congratulations for guessing right. You're bound to be right sometimes when all you do is complain and mope.

So the fact that it didn't take this long for me to recognize that Al really isn't all that good makes me some kind of lesser fan than others? I complained about him because I know what the fck I'm talking about. You were blinded by his speeches and everything else and never paid that much attention to what the **** was going on between the white lines. I did. You were wrong and I was right. But some how you have turned this into the idea that I was a half fan when I started to complain, last year to be exact, and now that I am right, I am some how also lesser of a fan because of it.

Maybe you should stop listening to the man talk and open your eyes on game day. You should have known for sure after the Wake game when he threw it all on the fact that, in his words, "this team is mentally worn out".

Wasn't no guessing to it. That's the difference here. You ingored all the signs but guessed it was because of every thing else that they played so poorly, so often. You never even put the whole coaching aspect into the equation until you had no choice. But yeah, I guess that makes you more of a fan than me.

This. People more worried about how the coach speaks and other dumb **** that doesnt matter, Instead of wether the guy can REALLY recruit and coach. Jimbo sounds straight from the backwoods, who cares... he can recruit very well and coach. The other **** does not matter. If shannon couldve actually recruited well enough for Miami and coached well enough who cares how he presented himself.......
I think most of the players on defense gave in b/c they realized it wasnt working.... if it's true the players did quit, that is also on D'onofrio, they dont believe in what he's teaching.

I can buy that, but here's the real problem, then: It's really Golden's D. He's telling the same stuff Corch D is. How can they even believe in their HC in that case?

what a tangled web we've weaved at Miami..... getting a HC who has such personal ties w/ the defensive coordinator and the philosophies of that DC may soon become a serious issue that would need to be addressed by the AD.

I think it's already at that point personally, this team cant have a scenario where D'onofrio "resigns" and this defense is still in place.
I honestly don't give a **** about the "philosophy" of the defense. If you think what happened last night is just about scheme, you may have never seen this before. Whipple wasn't saving Randy because Randy had a soft team. Rich Olson wasn't saving Coker because Coker had a soft team.

Guys quit playing. They missed tackles. They didn't give a ****. That's all about mentality. And it's a mentality that Golden has told us he would get rid of. Nobody ****ing competed! They laid down at home, at night, against one of our rivals. It's the anti-cane mentality. Our guys aren't badasses. I'm beside myself right now.

I say I don't give a **** about the "philosophy" of the defense because the mentality of this team absolutely sucks, and a new DC is not going to be able to fix that himself.

Dudes don't get it because they don't study history. How many times have we seen HCs run through assistants looking for that miracle to save their jobs. Meanwhile, the problem was them and their lack of ability to push the right buttons. How many times was C0cker or Shanntard going to get it fixed with a new coordinator only to keep **** going the same way it was?

If Golden stands a chance at making this thing work, then he's going to have to learn how to push the right buttons to have his team ready to play. We haven't played a consistent game all year, and we get worse every week. Blame that on whatever assistants you want to blame it on, but I've seen the assistant scapegoating way too many times to think it works.