Real Talk...A Bitter Pill

I honestly don't give a **** about the "philosophy" of the defense. If you think what happened last night is just about scheme, you may have never seen this before. Whipple wasn't saving Randy because Randy had a soft team. Rich Olson wasn't saving Coker because Coker had a soft team.

Guys quit playing. They missed tackles. They didn't give a ****. That's all about mentality. And it's a mentality that Golden has told us he would get rid of. Nobody ****ing competed! They laid down at home, at night, against one of our rivals. It's the anti-cane mentality. Our guys aren't badasses. I'm beside myself right now.

I say I don't give a **** about the "philosophy" of the defense because the mentality of this team absolutely sucks, and a new DC is not going to be able to fix that himself.

Dudes don't get it because they don't study history. How many times have we seen HCs run through assistants looking for that miracle to save their jobs. Meanwhile, the problem was them and their lack of ability to push the right buttons. How many times was C0cker or Shanntard going to get it fixed with a new coordinator only to keep **** going the same way it was?

If Golden stands a chance at making this thing work, then he's going to have to learn how to push the right buttons to have his team ready to play. We haven't played a consistent game all year, and we get worse every week. Blame that on whatever assistants you want to blame it on, but I've seen the assistant scapegoating way too many times to think it works.

Funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same. I think we have seen the same ole dog and pony show. Canes start out strong, then mid season it goes down hill.
I'll tell you about a pill that is NOT bitter! I would swallow anything that cute, chubby little Allsion Pill squirts out!

Cane[]_[]DigIt;1670773 said:
I'm not jumping off of Al's ship just yet, but I'm eyeballing the **** out of the safety vests and paddle boats.

This right here

LOL! We were coming back from the Bahamas when I was about 10, in the roughest seas ever, in the days of no cells, no GPS and no radio worth a ****. My dad had the life raft inflated in the back of our 25 foot Mako. Scare the crap ,out of me.
So Chise is now on record as saying Golden won't cut it here......noted.

He knew the whole time but didn't want to alert his followers

Well you can put me down on record in the "Golden will win a National Championship @ UM" club. A lot of the concerns voiced in this thread have validity, however, I think he gets it right.

It'd be interesting to get people on record on their belief that Al will win a chipper here or not.
Most of the complaints I hear and read about Al Golden in his third year, are almost verbatim the same diatribes we all heard about Butch Davis his third year. Remember Butch could recruit, but was a lousy game day coach. The defense couldn't stop anyone so fire the Defensive Coordinator (Bill Miller-which he did) An inconsistent quarterback ( Kenny Kelly) We all know how that turned out, and in a year we will also know one way or the other.
Is it too much to ask for someone on the team to show a little anger after a humiliating loss?
Everyone has the same company line…"we'll get it fixed, we need to do better", really, what a revelation.
There seems to be a complacency in the program from the top down, no, you don't need to be a raving lunatic, but at least make me think you give a ****.

I really wanted to drive my car off the turnpike last night listening to Morris' interview after the game.

I have a better idea: play with anger and coach with anger. If you do that, you won't have to show anger in the post game post mortem.

That`s exactly what I was thinking. First the team plays well-behaved football without anger, so what comes next if you play without anger, right fear to lose and then it's a deer caught in the headlights time and the interviews afterwards are like, ok we blew it, a lot left to play for, lets get me a snickers and we'll meet again next week. Bye!
The bottom line, this isn't a very talented football team, one great player to date. A few freshman and next years recruits are more talented.
Here it is right off the bat: We really suck. The worst part of it all is that we are so fcking far from being a top tier team that it's reasonable to think that we might never get there. I see such a giant chasm between us and the top programs that I don't see how we're going to close it.

We're locked in with Golden for the next ten years with that long extension, and the writing is clearly on the wall with him. He's a dried **** on gameday. We can continue to try to fool ourselves, but our eyes aren't lying to us. What we see is what he is--a good politician, a good talker, a good face for the program, a very good recruiter, and a fcking horsesht gameday HC who can't get his team prepared to play.

We haven't played a full game all year and have actually gotten progressively worse all year. And in the most important moment of the year, we laid our biggest egg. It's almost like that Brad McCrimmon look alike was saving his most prized egg for the biggest moment. We had EVERYTHING to play for, and he let Flubberneck walk into his house and stick both fingers in his pig nose and drag him around the field for 60 minutes. It was the most embarrassing, humiliating, and disheartening loss we've had since Shanntard's UVA debacle.

I'll let you guys talk about coordinators and who needs to be scapegoated, but this is ALL on the HC. It's his program, his assistants, his schemes, and is his third year. There's absolutely no excuse for that disgraceful performance.

We were in the driver's seat to make it to our first ACCCG, and Golden blew it. His team wasn't prepared, they sagged and quit as soon as they were faced with a turnover, and they never matched VT's intensity. All of that is the HC's job.

Whatever fervor we entered the game with was fake and fraudulent because it disappeared at the first sign of adversity. His team is soft and mentally fragile and that's all on him.

We turned another horsesht offense into Bill Walsh's 49'ers, and that's all on him because he's the boss. The buck stops (and that's the only thing that he can stop) with the boss. So you guys can scapegoat everyone else, but at the end of the day it's his team, his assistants, and his fault.

550 yards and 40 points to one of the worst offenses in football? His defense. His fault. It's his philosophy to go out there and spread his *** for the opponent every week and hope they lose their boner before they rip his colon completely out of its socket. That's no way to go out.

When it was clear as fcking day to anyone that we stood no chance of slowing Logan Heisman down wouldn't someone with a pair of actual functioning ********s say, "OK, this sht ain't working. Just send a blitzer or 3 through the fcking A-gap every down and make this guy make some decisions under duress or at least let him know you're there. " We went out like total ***** tonight, and that's all on Al.

Did you see Pud and Flub go alpha on Al at the end and put their starters back in? That's something Al would never think of doing. It's a big dog move. They marked their territory. And their territory is Al's ***.

This was a goddam disgrace, but, sadly, I think we're stuck with this pattern of garbage for as long as he wants to be here. The FSU game was big because it is a rivalry game. But this was way bigger this year because it was for all the marbles, and it was a team we should have beaten. Instead, they abused us and humiliated us in our own house, and we didn't even seem to care.

We've come to accept this garbage and then we get to listen to one of our captains tell us it's no big deal and that they've been through a lot. Guess where that loser mentality starts? At the top of the organization. Could you imagine one of Saban's captains taking such a matter of fact approach to getting their azzholes caved in? Never happen.