2025 QB Luke Nickel, Alpharetta, GA

That was one **** of a throw by 5cent.

This kid has a Gunslinger mentality. I absolutely LOVE that he trusts his arm & is willing to make risky throws in tight windows, because that's what it takes to exceed at the next level.

Yall can keep them safe game manager captain checkdowns, give me a Gunslinger every. single. time.
So, you're saying you prefer Dan Marino to Brad Johnson?
yes. Its a Football showcase so they are hosting multiple of games at STA against OOS teams to air on ESPN.
What I have noticed in Florida some of the teams are not as good as they use to be . Example STA hasn’t been the same since they lost coach Smith . They don’t have the explosive offenses . I’m from Florida they have watered down the playoffs too . To many division to many brackets … Miami Central is better than this Heritage Team . Chaminade will beat STA this year by double digits . I’m curious to see how good MNW will be under Teddy . Starting to think they’re going to end up a powerhouse and soon. Like to see BTW back to being a Power House school. I haven’t nothing in the bell glades and pohokee area in a minute . Did everyone move from that area or something?