Official President Joe (the other one)

I have yet to hear a reason to be upset about this. That's unusual. Must be a good sign though.
I just want to know how he feels about ****** baseball

Asks Russian GIF
I remember watching the Hail Flutie game on the Friday after Thanksgiving, 1984. I was in middle school. I saw the academic commercial/ad/spot that feature the actual school. Unfortunately we lost that day, but I kept watching the team and kept seeing those academic spots. It sparked my curiosity enough to eventually apply a few years later. I chose Miami over some other really good schools. The rest is history.

Point? Don't underestimate the value of top notch athletics.
Most SEC schools now have more out of state students then in state... and it conicides with the increased TV exposure of the league
Who would be considered a rock star choice?
Someone like a Donna Shalala.

I disagreed with her politics and some of her decisions, but she was a well known fundraising powerhouse who helped lead two successful capital fundraising campaigns and a significant increase in the academic rankings.

Someone in that category.
Echevarria is named President of UM

Color me shocked that the elitist faculty would name a businessman as President. Good guy, Smart guy. Hopefully he dispenses with the bull****e

It seems the University of Miami is serious about winning with their athletic programs with this hire! Very excited!
This is great for athletics. I've spoken to Mr. Echevarria in the past and he is the polar opposite of shalala went it comes to sports. Who knows what this means for academics but this is good for athletics.
And he will also be the primary playcaller on offense.

No, I'd imagine that Joe has a hand-picked successor for UHealth.
Other Roles
- DC
- Recruiting Coordinator
- Time Management Corch (2H + Overtime)
- HC Men's Basketball
- Gerente de béisbol masculino
- Artistic Director, Men and Women Ribbon Dancing
One more political comment and we shut down this thread.

Let me ask some of you, and specifically @rsa coral gables. Is self restraint really that challenging? You could have made your point about the new President without ever using a label like Marxist. It was completely unnecessary and solely included because you wanted to create a reaction among others. We are less than 3 weeks away from a presidential election so emotions are running high. We have an entire board dedicated to politics and whatever else floats your boat.

Just chill out on this board with terms like Marxist and woke, and stop mentioning the names of current, past, or future political leaders because they have absolutely NOTHING to do with football.
1. I apologize for my statement, which IMO is a statement of fact, not a political statement.
2. IMO my comment is germane to the process of hiring Echevarria because IMO the individuals that I characterized were not likely supportive of hiring a businessMAN as president. they would have preferred an academic hung up on ___________________, as evidenced by the hiring of Frenk over Admiral Stravidis.
3. to respectfully correct since you could never know my motive, i did not make the statement to create a reaction among others. how presumptuous. I accept your apology in advance.

in conclusion, because you deem it a political statement and it is not allowed here (i dont really follow what is allowed where), i will edit my comment.

PD i suppose i will be banned for my words/behavior, ita sit.
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I personally love this hire. If there’s a guy who won’t be sitting twiddling his thumbs given conference realignment it’ll be Joe. Also sub standard athletics will never be accepted. I just hope he works just as hard at the school ranking stuff that Julio seemed to not give a **** about
agreed. what we have seen in other areas of our country, when a businessMAN is hired rather than a career academic or politician, they get things done. Joe is the epitome of results driven success.

plus, remember, he was as involved in hiring Mario as anyone else, just a little more behind the scenes.
Someone like a Donna Shalala.

I disagreed with her politics and some of her decisions, but she was a well known fundraising powerhouse who helped lead two successful capital fundraising campaigns and a significant increase in the academic rankings.

Someone in that category.

Among her many accomplishments at Miami was single handily dismantling the football program that she detested so much. She put her politics before anything else. Worst president ever in the history of the school. Every opportunity I get, I will say that.
Would be great for Joe E to bring same deliberate rigor, structure, and discipline to all UM that he installed (and salvaged) at UHealth.

I truly hope he is expansionist minded and builds a campus in Palm Beach or even farther North.

If you aren't sitting at the table, you're on the menu...

Miami needs the enrollment to grow...
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