Official President Joe (the other one)

Thanks for PM


Sorry, I haven't PM'd anyone on this yet. Just texting with some fellow alums.

There is a lot of good potential here, I'm just curious to see how vocal the opposition will be.

A lot of schools have trended in this direction over the past decade. Not necessarily doing things the "old way". There are pros and cons to this kind of evolution in higher education.

Ehhh. I'm sure it's good for athletics but UM's academic rankings have been tanking for a decade now. As an alum, I hoped for someone who could restore some more credibility to our undergrad and law school stats. The med school is fine though.
Precisely. Fans will like it. Alums...not so much. Somewhat of a lazy hire actually.

I'm an alum and I like it.

There is not some huge pool of tremendously talented college administrators out there. Many of the state schools have gone the route of "let's hire another failed politician to be our president" (including both Florida and FSU), so I don't know who people think we coulda/woulda/shoulda hired with a "less lazy" approach.

Having said that, I'm generally a fan of quality presidential searches and securing the backing of the faculty and Trustees. I would certainly like to know if anyone back-channeled to Condoleezza Rice. But until @Memnon or someone else can rattle off the names of top college administrators like they can name assistant coaches and high school recruits, then a lot of this type of criticism is pure guesswork.

But I still think Joe is a solid hire and should not be trashed from Day 1 because we didn't spend a year or more looking for some third-in-command from another university.
Precisely. Fans will like it. Alums...not so much. Somewhat of a lazy hire actually.
I mean I like it. Kind of wild some people bash it when the last two presidents didn’t really amount to much except for gutting football and promoting uhealth. Refreshing to see a priority shifted to what put the university on the map in the first place.

If anything it’s more frustrating seeing outsider after outsider come in and leave it worse than they found it to then be recycled within the system to some other institution or political position.
Win football games, applications go up. Apps go up you become more selective in who is accepted. Then rankings which are completely ridiculous bump you up. Now even better professors want to work at your university as well.

More money coming in means everyone on campus wins too. New buildings, better salaries, etc.

Is it that simple…no but it will def get the ball rolling.

If he is pro athletics I’m all for it
Echevarria is named President of UM

Color me shocked that the elitist faculty would name a businessman as President. Good guy, Smart guy. Hopefully he dispenses with the bull****e

Is he retaining is role at UHealth??


Although I can't see legallly how.
Ringing? That's probably tinnitus. It tends to happen to older folks.
Voices? You should probably talk to your PCP about it. I'm sure they can refer you to someone. But whatever you do, don't trust the voices! Flammable and inflammable are NOT opposites!

PCP might be why the voices are being heard.............oh you meant....................
Im Gonna Go Exit Strategy GIF by Law & Order
I mean I like it. Kind of wild some people bash it when the last two presidents didn’t really amount to much except for gutting football and promoting uhealth. Refreshing to see a priority shifted to what put the university on the map in the first place.

If anything it’s more frustrating seeing outsider after outsider come in and leave it worse than they found it to then be recycled within the system to some other institution or political position.
Sidewalk alumni talking about something they know nothing about, a tradition unlike any other. You may not like that Dr. Shalala wasn’t a traditional jock school President but she was a highly effective administrator. There’s a reason why Frenk looked even worse, he followed someone that raised money and improved the University on a scale rarely seen.
Win football games, applications go up. Apps go up you become more selective in who is accepted. Then rankings which are completely ridiculous bump you up. Now even better professors want to work at your university as well.

More money coming in means everyone on campus wins too. New buildings, better salaries, etc.

Is it that simple…no but it will def get the ball rolling.

If he is pro athletics I’m all for it
I remember watching the Hail Flutie game on the Friday after Thanksgiving, 1984. I was in middle school. I saw the academic commercial/ad/spot that feature the actual school. Unfortunately we lost that day, but I kept watching the team and kept seeing those academic spots. It sparked my curiosity enough to eventually apply a few years later. I chose Miami over some other really good schools. The rest is history.

Point? Don't underestimate the value of top notch athletics.
If we had a business man instead of a politician we’d still have the orange bowl or at least our own stadium.

That is a flat-out lie.

The Marlins (Samson and Lurie) lied to everyone. As did the City of Miami politicians.

But people in Miami would rather turn a blind eye to what the Marlins did, so they can root for the local baseball team, while blaming the former UM president for something she could not prevent.