Penn Live Article: Golden Turned Down

But, but Canes4Life and the golden slurpers said he turned them down. How could this be true? And that Golden was going to spin it so it could benefit him in recruiting.

No your right dude. My apologies. IF the PSU version of Gary Ferman posted it, then it must be so. He was turned down just yesterday, but said he was not a candidate more than 4 days before that. I mean if AG HAD turned down PSU, its not like some PSU homer blogger would try to spin it the other way around right?

Like I have said all along, NONE OF US has a clue what went down. But Schools dont usually fly down and meet with an HC FIRST, only to leave them hanging for a week without an answer. This could have played out any number of ways, up to and including PSU asking Golden what his timeline was, and him saying "I need an answer by Sunday night, or Im pulling out".

And I dont blame him. Again, everyone on this board new PSU was the ONE place that he would likely bolt to, or at least seriousy consider if it ever opened up. I just find it funny how suddenly everyone seemed SHOCKED that he would meet with them and hear their offer once it did open up. Many HCs will listen to offers from other programs. Art Briles was reported to have almost been BEGGING for the UT job, and it wasnt until days later, that he issued his "Im staying at Baylor" statement, and that was right around the time Strong was hired.

But of course, its just Al Golden. The Antichrist. The only coach who has ever considered a huge raise. LOL.
If you think that weak ***, calculated statement Golden made was him rejecting the PSU job because he wanted to stay at miami then you are more in love with golden than I thought.

It was a calculated carefully worded statement which said he was NOT taking the PSU job, wether it was because they said no, or he said no, that is what it meant. And it was worded the way it was, because he clearly WAS a candidate at some point, and did meet with them, so he couldnt come out and say, I never had any interest in the job nor discussed it, because that would have been an easily disprovable lie.

Once again, you have absolutely NO idea what actually happened, and neither do I. But I think it is JUST as plausible, if not MORE, that he was either offered, or given the opportunity to be a finalist, and bowed out on his own. PSU came STRAIGHT to Golden first. So what, so they could then tell him, "Ok Champ, dont call us, we'll call you"? BULLSH*T. That isnt how these things usually work. Did they offer him the gig straight out? Who knows. Maybe yes, maybe no. But I think his "dark days" the 48 hours or so he took where he was out of touch, was him probably mulling things over with his family. And objectively, I cant begrudge him that. It was probably a HEFTY raise over his current gig, at his Alma mater. He bowed out last Sunday, and you can spin it whatever way you want, but his statement left NO room, to later claim he was STILL a candidate, though it certainly left open that he HAD been a candidate at one point. The statements many recruits have also made after talking to him, imply that he told them he turned it down.

So you can keep calling him a liar, but you do so simply because you will spin anything related to the guy into a negative tirade since all you want to do is bash and trash him. That doesnt make it "fact".

I tend to agree - also, thank you for the articulate and well thought out post.

But, but Canes4Life and the golden slurpers said he turned them down. How could this be true? And that Golden was going to spin it so it could benefit him in recruiting.

No your right dude. My apologies. IF the PSU version of Gary Ferman posted it, then it must be so. He was turned down just yesterday, but said he was not a candidate more than 4 days before that. I mean if AG HAD turned down PSU, its not like some PSU homer blogger would try to spin it the other way around right?

Like I have said all along, NONE OF US has a clue what went down. But Schools dont usually fly down and meet with an HC FIRST, only to leave them hanging for a week without an answer. This could have played out any number of ways, up to and including PSU asking Golden what his timeline was, and him saying "I need an answer by Sunday night, or Im pulling out".

And I dont blame him. Again, everyone on this board new PSU was the ONE place that he would likely bolt to, or at least seriousy consider if it ever opened up. I just find it funny how suddenly everyone seemed SHOCKED that he would meet with them and hear their offer once it did open up. Many HCs will listen to offers from other programs. Art Briles was reported to have almost been BEGGING for the UT job, and it wasnt until days later, that he issued his "Im staying at Baylor" statement, and that was right around the time Strong was hired.

But of course, its just Al Golden. The Antichrist. The only coach who has ever considered a huge raise. LOL.

That's an insult to the Antichrist.
Dan Lebatard is reporting on his show that PSU was not impressed by Al Golden during the interview. He also said that Golden would be gone if offered.
But, but Canes4Life and the golden slurpers said he turned them down. How could this be true? And that Golden was going to spin it so it could benefit him in recruiting.

I'm still waiting on the spin. 3 down, anytime now Al...
Don't know why people are offended by him looking at PSU. Its his home. What bothers me and makes me not want him around is the on the field product. No D is my only issue and if he won't get rid of him it makes him an issue.
But, but Canes4Life and the golden slurpers said he turned them down. How could this be true? And that Golden was going to spin it so it could benefit him in recruiting.

I'm still waiting on the spin. 3 down, anytime now Al...

I thought the spin was that Golden turned down his Alma Mater to finish what he started at Miami. Wasn't there some comments recently from recruits who said this? I can't really remember right now
Dan Lebatard is reporting on his show that PSU was not impressed by Al Golden during the interview.

Well if Dan said it then it has to be true...... said no one ever.

Dan has pretty good sources and would not come out with this statement if he did not believe it were true. JS

Dan also looks for an audience.
Frankly I would expect anyone associated with PSU to say that, I certainly don't expect them to say we offered it to Golden but he turned us down.
The petty attempts to discredit Golden are kinda pathetic, regardless of what transpired. I never though I would see the day Golden was more disliked than Shannon.
I trust nothing that PSU says about as far as I can throw them. They're doing nothing but trying to save their own face and damaging Golden's as they do it. I hate that school. Hurry up and find a school that will go to your frozen rehabilitation project and never darken our doorstep again.
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I trust anything that PSU says about as far as I can throw them. They're doing nothing but trying to save their own face and damaging Golden's as they do it. I hate that school. Hurry up and find a school that will go to your frozen rehabilitation project and never darken our doorstep again.

We shouldn't be surprised considering how they handled the Sandusky mess.
I trust anything that PSU says about as far as I can throw them. They're doing nothing but trying to save their own face and damaging Golden's as they do it. I hate that school. Hurry up and find a school that will go to your frozen rehabilitation project and never darken our doorstep again.

We shouldn't be surprised considering how they handled the Sandusky mess.

Sorry, I meant nothing, not anything. Too early in the morning...
Of course the Goldenites are in here like a Maytag spinning this into their gods favor.
This is over. I have moved on from this debacle. Let's root for the team and hope for the best.

We need more charismatic leadership like this on the board. This man said it's over, and, I'll tell ya, I feel like it's over now. I think I was just waiting for someone to make that bold proclamation.

Let's get this thing going, Al! We love you and are glad you're here!

You're really sounding like a broken record at this point, all the B&M'ing isn't going to change reality. Honestly what's the point?

I'm going to evaluate what I've been doing over the weekend and try to come back on Monday and make you really happy.

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