Like, WFH?
Again, you don't let a cancer like that INTO THE BUILDING. At any position. It's a binary thing. Who he is as a person is directly in conflict with nearly all of Mario's core principles. This is binary and a non-starter.
Don't you think that there is a reason that the ONLY mentions of even the IDEA of this throughout a manic hiring season is by a few anons on a message board?
Mullen was just fired from a school up the highway from us right when Miami is building a staff, and there hasn't been a shred of an inkling of a suggestion of even a rumor connecting him and Miami. Why do you guys think that is? I am telling you, Mario wouldn't let a guy like that take a **** at the Hecht. Mario demands his staff grind hard, be relentless in everything they do. Mullen is a clown. FIT matters. Hiring Mullen would send a horrible message. Not happening. And would be a terrible idea.