Our Admin and the NCAA

good post canegrad05. opinions aside hegemon we all want what u want which is success in athletics and outside of football we have been fine as cg pointed out. under golden, i agree we have a shot at getting back to the miami way but it will not happen overnight. this season is frustrating for all of us but remain patient and give it time. remember it even took butch 5 years to get to the point where it was elite. the golden hiring was a good one for DS and hocutt and hopefully the AD will follow, but the AD honestly will not matter if were winning again. i for one dont mind blake james at all since he has been here w the school, seems to love it here, and is very visible in the community. just be patient and we should be back to winning titles

ps: there is nothing for older folks in miami dade outside of aventura and sunny isles really. the house prices near UM (pinecrest and CG) are not affordable at all unless u want go to the semi hood in south miami (right behind red road commons)

The notion that our AD isn't financially capable of affording a safe home in or around campus is absurd.

Now Miami isn't safe for a middle aged man or woman with a family. The lengths the 3-5 guys in this thread go to come up with excuses is nauseating.

OHH WAIT! I know what it is, we're hiring numbskulls who grew up in the corn fields of America and have no concept of culture and mixed races.

Lets hire a MIAMI GUY OR GIRL and stop taking advice from Madison Wisconsin that our little Troll can't seem to get away from.

point of information: eichorst lived in a very nice house in pinecrest that was broken into in the middle of the day. and i'm also not sure how being raised in/taking a job in the midwest makes someone a racist.

Did I say racist?

If you think guys from the Midwest aren't having a culture shock down here you need to travel more.

Well you clearly just showed your true colors. You only care about football. That's FINE. Just admit it and let's be done with it. Otherwise, you'd have to account for the success of every other program just about, unless you are insinuating that those other programs are having success without leadership.

Furthermore, there is no response you can give me as far as the criticism re: marketing of our program that is not substantially baseless. If you think that's being done without leadership, I have no words.

You do realize you're on a CANES FOOTBALL board don't you?

You're like the Sherlock Holmes of the internet with your deductive reasoning skills.
You are like the Albert Einstein of the internet with your academic achievements

I find it beyond hilarious that this mope is whining about Shalala increasing the worth of his degree

How does my butt smell? You're obviously so close flowing me around that you couldn't see me post multiple times how much I appreciate what the Troll has done for the institution academically.

Now go put your helmet back on before you hurt yourself.

I wouldn't know because I didn't choose to read 12 pages of your bull**** "arguments." However, I assumed that your female-like hate carried into what she's done academically, as most of the anti-Shalala trogs could give a **** about that.

I told you to go get your helmet before you hurt yourself.

Now go do it.
you know what's awesome about this thread? that the mod allows this nonsense to continue, edits posts that he doesn't agree with, and allows the same crap to stay on posts that he does agree with. nice work.
Without delving too much into this mostly unreadable thread, I agree with Hegemon on his position that Shalala has relied too much on her Madison, Wisconsin background in her oversight of the UM football program. Miami and Madison are worlds apart, and the fact that she consults Alvarez on everything, and hires worthless midwestern people (who have no ties to South Florida, understanding of South Florida, or allegiance to UM) is a huge part of the reason that the program is how it is. She's been great for UM in general, but has failed the storied football program. That will be her legacy.
I'm still flabbergasted that some seemingly intelligent people can't seem to grasp how supportive, both financially and personally Shalala has been to the program.

Yes, we're not where we need to be, but its not for a lack of trying. If we had Foote as Pres through all of this? Holy ****, we'd have folded the program.

Yes, Shannon was a bad hire, but we didn't exactly have a lot of choices at the time if anyone wants to actually base this conversation in reality. Remember what we had to offer financially back then? And why was that? Because we don't SUPPORT THE PROGRAM. You can't spend what you don't have.

She's raised a ton of money compared to past admins, improved the facilities, attends all the games, works the stands, works the donors, and ******* meets with recruits to sell them on UM on her Winter weekends. The $15M Schwartz Center for Football Excellence is coming, Greenfield was upgraded, Mark Light is brand new, they built the Cobb, they redid Tennis, and they built a ******* legit NCAA basketball arena, on campus, in ******* Coral Gables. Its harder to build on quicksand then get something that big done there.

And we have Al ******* Golden.

You cannot be serious with this **** still.

See the forest through the trees, I beg you.

The ONLY problem this program has is US. The fan base. Put 75,000+ people in the stands like the other schools we want to compete with do each week, generate all the ancillary revenue that those people bring in, and god forbid ******* make a comparable donation to what people at UF do in order to get the OPPORTUNITY to buy season tickets, and then you will see what an admin and staff can do with ******* options, not rubber bands and paper clips holding this ***** together. Those ******* UF and LSU hillbilly ****tards, just like all the other teams across this great country with a truly supportive fan-base make their tax deductible donations to the program BEFORE they even get to buy a ticket. They are generating like $50M more than us. Want some ******* reality dropped in this thread? Here. And let me apologize in advance for ******* up a *****-fest with actual facts and numbers:


And don't give me any of this "but I go to the games" ****. You can be a Golden Cane who hasn't missed a game since 1976, but it doesn't make a difference. We, collectively, as a fan base, are the PROBLEM. There aren't enough people in the stands or enough donations flowing in.

Everyone is so busy trying to tear down the people who are actually trying to right this thing day in and day out. Why do you bother? Go root for a pro team with equal TV revenue and a salary cap. Then you can ***** all you want.

I ******* love my Canes, and because of this malady I have that causes me to grasp reality and process information, I happen to realize that our program is **** lucky to have Shalala.

Now let's go have a snack.
Hegemon is a troll. CIS is fortunate he spends most of his time spamming and trolling on Real Cane Talk or itd be worse.
I'm still flabbergasted that some seemingly intelligent people can't seem to grasp how supportive, both financially and personally Shalala has been to the program.

Yes, we're not where we need to be, but its not for a lack of trying. If we had Foote as Pres through all of this? Holy ****, we'd have folded the program.

Yes, Shannon was a bad hire, but we didn't exactly have a lot of choices at the time if anyone wants to actually base this conversation in reality. Remember what we had to offer financially back then? And why was that? Because we don't SUPPORT THE PROGRAM. You can't spend what you don't have.

She's raised a ton of money compared to past admins, improved the facilities, attends all the games, works the stands, works the donors, and ******* meets with recruits to sell them on UM on her Winter weekends. The $15M Schwartz Center for Football Excellence is coming, Greenfield was upgraded, Mark Light is brand new, they built the Cobb, they redid Tennis, and they built a ******* legit NCAA basketball arena, on campus, in ******* Coral Gables. Its harder to build on quicksand then get something that big done there.

And we have Al ******* Golden.

You cannot be serious with this **** still.

See the forest through the trees, I beg you.

The ONLY problem this program has is US. The fan base. Put 75,000+ people in the stands like the other schools we want to compete with do each week, generate all the ancillary revenue that those people bring in, and god forbid ******* make a comparable donation to what people at UF do in order to get the OPPORTUNITY to buy season tickets, and then you will see what an admin and staff can do with ******* options, not rubber bands and paper clips holding this ***** together. Those ******* UF and LSU hillbilly ****tards, just like all the other teams across this great country with a truly supportive fan-base make their tax deductible donations to the program BEFORE they even get to buy a ticket. They are generating like $50M more than us. Want some ******* reality dropped in this thread? Here. And let me apologize in advance for ******* up a *****-fest with actual facts and numbers:


And don't give me any of this "but I go to the games" ****. You can be a Golden Cane who hasn't missed a game since 1976, but it doesn't make a difference. We, collectively, as a fan base, are the PROBLEM. There aren't enough people in the stands or enough donations flowing in.

Everyone is so busy trying to tear down the people who are actually trying to right this thing day in and day out. Why do you bother? Go root for a pro team with equal TV revenue and a salary cap. Then you can ***** all you want.

I ******* love my Canes, and because of this malady I have that causes me to grasp reality and process information, I happen to realize that our program is **** lucky to have Shalala.

Now let's go have a snack.

You were also, as I remember, one of Coker's most steadfast supporters back on grassy, right up until the end. So your opinion counts very little with me, as well as most others that go back that far. And so much for your pleading to 'see the forest through the trees.' Your ability to even see the canopy is doubtful in my book.

No. I fail to see how this has anything to do with the fanbase. Unless, we are all guilty by association to Nevin Shapiro.

As much as our fanbase operates like a big, often drunken, extended family of sorts, as it is more of a ragtag army (a 'Canes army, if you will) than any type of 'Nation', after having been to well over a two hundred home and away games through the years, I can state without a hint of doubt that i'm often proud of the ragtag fanbase our little school has gathered. Its passion. Its diversity.

Obviously, many of our fans won't extend their support to certain pecuniary interests. But considering the small, and elite nature of the school, having the level of support we do (for the football team at least, don't get me started on basketball) is something that one would have to be obtuse to truly belittle. Consider if you will, that the University has done itself little favors. Our little school plays in a cavernous stadium that a majority of our fanbase despises, but still manages to occasionally fill. An athletic department, known so little over the years for any type of fan interaction that having a well organized Canesfest and a video series like Raising Canes, has been truly a wonder to behold.

No, the majority of our fanbase may be spoiled by success, among other things, but they aren't crappy. (I've been on the road and seen crappy fan bases.)

And no, they have little or nothing to do with the failures of the athletic department to plan into the future, to monitor, and to make good decisions.

And, finally, no, being critical isn't necessarily the sign of being a bad fan, something I think you lack the ability or possibly the want, to absorb. Even back to those days where you seemed to enjoy goading people into getting banned over your inane support of Larry Coker, all justifed with the same eulogistic positiveness you cling to.

And not surprisingly, you remember selectively and incorrectly. My entire premise was that Coker deserved that last year to try to right the ship. The loudest and angriest thought he should have gone a year or more earlier. Halfway through the last season I concluded that yes, it was time for a change. My premise was based on a number of issues, the most important being how hard I thought it would be to draw a good coach in the future to a program that ****-canned an NC winning coach for going 53-9 and winning 9 games. Loyalty works both ways. It was a risk/reward scenario.

I am glad you are proud of the fanbase. Good for you. Meanwhile, the stadium is empty every week, the program is 10's of millions of dollars behind our competitors, and your little "army" is basically a lynch mob at best.

Yes, its fine to be critical. What's not fine is to point fingers at the people who are the programs greatest assets, when thew problem is you. And me. And us, and the collective fan base. I'm baffles me that some people can't accept that our problems are financial, and refuse to listen to evidence to the contrary. These are the same people who are often never wrong in life, and refuse to take constructive criticism, to evolve and grow. I give you facts, numbers, and evidence, you give me deflection. Good luck.
How is this thread still going on. It's retarded and should've been moved to the wez once name calling began
I haven't read this big wall of text, but has someone ripped Chris Freet?

Shame on you if you have. If you knew the former members of the SiD, you'd realize how night and day the two groups were...Freet is on the cutting edge of marketing the program in the world of college football. Under his watch, the team overall has never been more accessible (albeit, through the SiD), the website has never been better, the social media initiative has been at the forefront of college football. Freet is the real deal.

The old SiD group...good guys, but a bit antiquated, and there is a reason why we got a lot of guys in the older Coker-era regime that liked to talk...because they were given carte blanche to talk...lets just say it became habit.
I haven't read this big wall of text, but has someone ripped Chris Freet?

Shame on you if you have. If you knew the former members of the SiD, you'd realize how night and day the two groups were...Freet is on the cutting edge of marketing the program in the world of college football. Under his watch, the team overall has never been more accessible (albeit, through the SiD), the website has never been better, the social media initiative has been at the forefront of college football. Freet is the real deal.

The old SiD group...good guys, but a bit antiquated, and there is a reason why we got a lot of guys in the older Coker-era regime that liked to talk...because they were given carte blanche to talk...lets just say it became habit.

People don't know ****. They just hate on.
Someone ripped Freet?

Now I'm glad I didn't take the time to read this thread. That guy is thedifference between our old 1980's athletic department and our current 2020's athletic department.