OMG....Trevor Harris from Edison just gave best interview

Corch Ice Harris. No wonder he and Randy were so tight. They're carbon copies.

First, Ice was never fired by Al Golden, that is wrong, in fact he was asked to stay by Golden, and this gentlemen is a fact.

Secondly, perhaps, and this is just my own connect the dots here, it was stated prior by someone that Ice could be headed to FSU, and we now know that Coley was kept under wraps by Golden since it would look ridiculous the same man trashing this team while at FSU, goes now to these same recruits and now tells them he was lying while at fsu. So what if Coley told Golden inside info regarding Ice and btw, and within all the inside info he gave them regarding his time at fsu and recruiting, that now Golden and staff simply went and called out Kirkland, and regarding his commitment and then basically told them f off?

Simply put there is no pro environment at btw towards UM there. There has not been since Ice LEFT UM, and that is clear. And again ICE HARRIS DID NOT GET FIRED HE WAS ASKED TO STAY BY GOLDEN

I don't buy it at all.

He was referring to the Alonzo Highsmith interview with Sedano. 2nd interview down. I put a synopsis on the thread link I provided.

Where's interview with Trevor Harris?

They took it down, however, if you go to and go to interview #79 (podcast) it's at the 20 minute mark.
First, Ice was never fired by Al Golden, that is wrong, in fact he was asked to stay by Golden, and this gentlemen is a fact.

Secondly, perhaps, and this is just my own connect the dots here, it was stated prior by someone that Ice could be headed to FSU, and we now know that Coley was kept under wraps by Golden since it would look ridiculous the same man trashing this team while at FSU, goes now to these same recruits and now tells them he was lying while at fsu. So what if Coley told Golden inside info regarding Ice and btw, and within all the inside info he gave them regarding his time at fsu and recruiting, that now Golden and staff simply went and called out Kirkland, and regarding his commitment and then basically told them f off?

Simply put there is no pro environment at btw towards UM there. There has not been since Ice LEFT UM, and that is clear. And again ICE HARRIS DID NOT GET FIRED HE WAS ASKED TO STAY BY GOLDEN

I don't buy it at all.

I'm just telling you what has come from somebody who is on the staff and has been at UM going back to Butch.
No mentor for HS kids should ever sound so uneducated. Jesus. THIS guy is someone who Miami has to make nice to? Guy is a moron.

When you speak so poorly, you represent yourself in the worst way. How can he teach kids when he himself cannot even speak properly????
First, Ice was never fired by Al Golden, that is wrong, in fact he was asked to stay by Golden, and this gentlemen is a fact.

Secondly, perhaps, and this is just my own connect the dots here, it was stated prior by someone that Ice could be headed to FSU, and we now know that Coley was kept under wraps by Golden since it would look ridiculous the same man trashing this team while at FSU, goes now to these same recruits and now tells them he was lying while at fsu. So what if Coley told Golden inside info regarding Ice and btw, and within all the inside info he gave them regarding his time at fsu and recruiting, that now Golden and staff simply went and called out Kirkland, and regarding his commitment and then basically told them f off?

Simply put there is no pro environment at btw towards UM there. There has not been since Ice LEFT UM, and that is clear. And again ICE HARRIS DID NOT GET FIRED HE WAS ASKED TO STAY BY GOLDEN

I don't buy it at all.

I'm just telling you what has come from somebody who is on the staff and has been at UM going back to Butch.

Well that guy of all people should know that Randy was in over his head and deserved to be fired on the merits.
First, Ice was never fired by Al Golden, that is wrong, in fact he was asked to stay by Golden, and this gentlemen is a fact.

Secondly, perhaps, and this is just my own connect the dots here, it was stated prior by someone that Ice could be headed to FSU, and we now know that Coley was kept under wraps by Golden since it would look ridiculous the same man trashing this team while at FSU, goes now to these same recruits and now tells them he was lying while at fsu. So what if Coley told Golden inside info regarding Ice and btw, and within all the inside info he gave them regarding his time at fsu and recruiting, that now Golden and staff simply went and called out Kirkland, and regarding his commitment and then basically told them f off?

Simply put there is no pro environment at btw towards UM there. There has not been since Ice LEFT UM, and that is clear. And again ICE HARRIS DID NOT GET FIRED HE WAS ASKED TO STAY BY GOLDEN

I don't buy it at all.

I'm just telling you what has come from somebody who is on the staff and has been at UM going back to Butch.

I appreciate it. I just don't buy it. When stuff doesn't make sense to me, and I don't know the source of the info personally, I disregard it. No offense to you because you seem like a nice dude.
Ice could have left UM on his own because he was mad that Randy got fired.

Seems like the dumbest version of loyalty I can imagine.
First, Ice was never fired by Al Golden, that is wrong, in fact he was asked to stay by Golden, and this gentlemen is a fact.

Secondly, perhaps, and this is just my own connect the dots here, it was stated prior by someone that Ice could be headed to FSU, and we now know that Coley was kept under wraps by Golden since it would look ridiculous the same man trashing this team while at FSU, goes now to these same recruits and now tells them he was lying while at fsu. So what if Coley told Golden inside info regarding Ice and btw, and within all the inside info he gave them regarding his time at fsu and recruiting, that now Golden and staff simply went and called out Kirkland, and regarding his commitment and then basically told them f off?

Simply put there is no pro environment at btw towards UM there. There has not been since Ice LEFT UM, and that is clear. And again ICE HARRIS DID NOT GET FIRED HE WAS ASKED TO STAY BY GOLDEN

I don't buy it at all.

I'm just telling you what has come from somebody who is on the staff and has been at UM going back to Butch.

I appreciate it. I just don't buy it. When stuff doesn't make sense to me, and I don't know the source of the info personally, I disregard it. No offense to you because you seem like a nice dude.

None taken, as much as I would like to give out the name of where this comes from, I can't out of respect of the manner of where we get this info.
Can anyone find this interview?? I want to use parts of it in the recruiting video but I now I cannot find it on the wqam archived interviews??

He was referring to the Alonzo Highsmith interview with Sedano. 2nd interview down. I put a synopsis on the thread link I provided.

Where's interview with Trevor Harris?

They took it down, however, if you go to and go to interview #79 (podcast) it's at the 20 minute mark.

CaneFreak2001... ^^^^

They took it down, however, if you go to and go to interview #79 (podcast) it's at the 20 minute mark. (Actually around 19 min mark)
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canefreak they said it was a "fake" interview but i dont see how a big sports radio station in miami doesnt do any checking on who is calling their show or who they schedule.
It wasn't a scheduled call. He called in while Sileo was doing his rants wanting to set him straight.
I haven't heard it confirmed that it WASN'T Trevor Harris, other than a poster saying he got in a disagreement with Ice. Jr. on Twitter. Has anyone heard anything definitive on it?
Someone down there go talk to him, we can match that voice up. I bet it was him!

I haven't heard it confirmed that it WASN'T Trevor Harris, other than a poster saying he got in a disagreement with Ice. Jr. on Twitter. Has anyone heard anything definitive on it?
Someone down there go talk to him, we can match that voice up. I bet it was him!

I haven't heard it confirmed that it WASN'T Trevor Harris, other than a poster saying he got in a disagreement with Ice. Jr. on Twitter. Has anyone heard anything definitive on it?
I find it hard to believe that it was fake without the "real" Harris publicly denying it. If you are a local HS coach who has been in community for 28 years and know of someone else stealing your identity on a radio show, won't you make an effort to say it wasn't you?
How come nobody got in touch with him to confirm? Strange to say the least.
I guess only in Miami.