Not breaking news, but…

Who is next year’s Mertz? That’s our guy…

Honestly, and I swear I’m not trying to be funny when I say this but if it isn’t Pratt then I have zero confidence that we will be able to land someone better than Mertz.

Yes, we have great pass protection to sell and skill players (hopefully they stay/sign) but we have 748484300 legitimate reasons to be recruited against and it’s not difficult to see. So unless we drop a bag, which we will absolutely have to, I just don’t see it. We will likely go all out for Pratt due to the SoFla connection and some likely back channeling interest and call it a day instead of doing some real deal evaluating, money tossing and back channeling and try to get someone better.
Nothing @Ghandi said is surprising and even Dawson isn't surprised by it since he was told up front Mario would be meddling. By requiring/expecting him to make exceptions/concessions before hiring him. That basically is Mario saying "I know best and I don't trust you". If you're a coordinator you don't agree to those terms and then later on decide you don't want him to do it more.

I'm not blaming Dawson here because I absolutely hate that Mario is so blind and stubborn that he's not willing to move us into the 21st century.. But Dawson took the job making some concessions to a head coach who already had a reputation for meddling. That's a huge red flag Dawson chose to ignore.
Oh there is definitely another option and it’s us landing a dud portal QB who probably is no better than Emory and us having ****** QB play for the 3rd year in a row.

Thats probably the odds on favorite right now at around -350 or so. The best predictor of future behavior/occurrences are past behavior/occurrences. The day Mario Cristobal lands a stud portal QB in the portal will be the first day he does.

…and yes, I know he hasn’t really gone after many.
Mario has literally had 1 Qb that wasn't an inherited starter start for him at Oregon/Miami. The portal also wasn't even close to as big for Qbs as it is now. Like the only Qbs that year in the portal with Anthony Brown that were even decent were Taulia, King, and like Jake Haener?

I'd have a lot more confidence in him picking correctly in the Portal than out of HS.
I understand your point, but the fact is this can be simplified to:

"I quit because I don't like playing for a team that runs more than they pass"

(ok solid point, WRs want to play for teams that pass the ball)

"Instead I'll Transfer to a team that runs WAY more than they pass!"

(Ok, now any bull**** you said has literally zero value and is purely just excuse making after the fact)

My daughter is eating her dinner, but ignores her onions. I tell her to eat the onions because they're a great source of vitamin C, antioxidants, and other nutrients. I don't eat onions. Did I lie?
My daughter is eating her dinner, but ignores her onions. I tell her to eat the onions because they're a great source of vitamin C, antioxidants, and other nutrients. I don't eat onions. Did I lie?
Snl 1990S GIF by Saturday Night Live
Why do people keep bringing up Alonzo, like he had **** to say or power to influence the game day calls? People have overestimated his position and what he has the power or influence to do all along.
1. No one has really explained what he does or doesnt do aside from recruiting evals and strategy.
2. We assume Zo isn't the type to just stand there and collect a check if he sees something stupid going on. We assume he has the personality and respect to give input, whether that's personnel or game planning.

If an insider wants to let us know what he really does or doesnt do, i think we'd all like to know. Until then, I'll assume he not a "yes" man and recruiter only.
More likely Mario laid out a vision for what he wants the offense to look like. Mario, a former offensive coordinator involves himself heavily in the offense. Dawsons job is to do what he's told.
Dawson's job is to score points and win games. Of course, he wants Mario to be happy with him but as long as he scores points and win games, he's golden. No way Mario can fire him and he'll set himself up for bigger OC / HC jobs (see Lash). So i really dont think Dawson refuses to call plays he believes will work and only calls what Mario wants 100% of the time. Sure he may tailor the gameplan to more Mario bro ball, but no way he is completely handcuffed to the same 5 plays over and over. You really think Mario is the reason B Smith doesnt get the ball at all? And Dawson cant call a play for B Smith if he wants?
My source is very biased, of that there is no doubt.

I would spread it out and run tempo, flood the zones with route concepts (sail, etc), and run more draws and delays into those 3 man fronts on third downs.

I haven’t seen any of those things done.

I’m OK with your source being biased. It balances the biggest MariBros that can’t look past his ball bag like they are wearing it as a hat…
My daughter is eating her dinner, but ignores her onions. I tell her to eat the onions because they're a great source of vitamin C, antioxidants, and other nutrients. I don't eat onions. Did I lie?
I'll play you're analogy game:

Your daughter is eating her dinner and tells you she's full, and still has all here vegetables sitting on the plate. She says it's not because it's vegatables, she's just not hungry, if she were, she'd eat those veggies.... She then proceeds to go and get a ice cream sandwhich from the freezer. Did she lie and just make excuses for not wanting to eat her veggies?

Pittman was in an offense and claimed it didn't pass enough and wasn't adequately using his talent - it certainly wasn't because he wasn't good enough, they were just misusing him! He then proceeds to transfer somewhere that passes even less, and still barely uses him. Did he lie and just make excuses to justify him quitting and lack of production?
I'll play you're analogy game:

Your daughter is eating her dinner and tells you she's full, and still has all here vegetables sitting on the plate. She says it's not because it's vegatables, she's just not hungry, if she were, she'd eat those veggies.... She then proceeds to go and get a ice cream sandwhich from the freezer. Did she lie and just make excuses for not wanting to eat her veggies?

Pittman was in an offense and claimed it didn't pass enough and wasn't adequately using his talent - it certainly wasn't because he wasn't good enough, they were just misusing him! He then proceeds to transfer somewhere that passes even less, and still barely uses him. Did he lie and just make excuses to justify him quitting and lack of production?

You didn't answer my question. I suspect that's because you recognize, at least on some level, that being a hypocrite doesn't make a person incorrect, nor does acting in one's own interest make someone a liar. I'll answer your questions though.

My daughter may have lied in that scenario. Of course, she's a child and what she wants in one moment may not be what she wants in the next. And what she thinks she wants may not be good for her regardless (maybe she eats that ice cream sandwich and ends up with an upset stomach). It is, after all, the adults in the room that put the dinner on her plate (and the ice cream sandwiches in the fridge).

On your second question, no, and you are mistating the facts. Pittman left UO to go to FSU... a team that passes way more than UO under Mario. **** did not work out for him there. Plans change and he has to leave or get passed up on the depth chart because he's not as good as the guys there. And, at that point, who knows what his options are. You are assuming his act of desperation is an act of dishonesty.
Why do people keep bringing up Alonzo, like he had **** to say or power to influence the game day calls? People have overestimated his position and what he has the power or influence to do all along.
Where his influence isn't seen, it is surely felt. Alonzo works in mysterious ways. We must have the humility to admit that those ways may lie beyond our capacity for understanding. I meditated on this.
1. No one has really explained what he does or doesnt do aside from recruiting evals and strategy.
2. We assume Zo isn't the type to just stand there and collect a check if he sees something stupid going on. We assume he has the personality and respect to give input, whether that's personnel or game planning.

If an insider wants to let us know what he really does or doesnt do, i think we'd all like to know. Until then, I'll assume he not a "yes" man and recruiter only.

Donald Duck Money GIF
In the home, the husband is the leader, the wife submits.
In the church, all teaching/preaching/leadership positions are filled by men. Women submit.
In society, men work and women stay at home.

As for the football me.
Sounds great! ;)
Mario meddling in the offense means it really doesn't matter who the **** he hires as his next OC after another inevitably long, drawn out search. He's maddeningly stubborn and wants it to be his way, even if his way is doomed to fail spectacularly.

We went from lighting up a talented Texas A&M squad with 48 points in the first month of the season to regressing into a 2022-esque disaster of an offense. Countless turnovers, slot receivers slowly coming in motion and talking to our senior citizen blocking TE pre-snap to telegraph the play, and neanderthal caveman horse****. That's not just because TVD played through injuries or fell off a cliff mentally.

If Mario can't keep himself out of offensive gameplans, he has no chance of succeeding here. None.
This and that's the bottom line.