Not breaking news, but…

So roll the dice trying to bring in a portal QB to “challenge” TVD, who was flirting with Bama, and run the risk of TVD leaving and no portal QB coming in? Then trotting out Brown or Williams week 1 after you went 5-7 the year before?

I would let TVD know we need another QB in the room especially after Garcia left. We should be looking for a kid with 2+ years to play which should not scare off TVD but could scare off brown. UL took three QBs over the summer so it was possible.

This offseason we should be taking two or three!
Can you share the video of Mario asking Dawson to take a knee?
I'd have to look on Twitter for awhile chief.

That isn't something I'd lie about. At the end of the day that is 1000000% Marios call and it's truly baffling it didn't happen.
Dawson's job is to score points and win games. Of course, he wants Mario to be happy with him but as long as he scores points and win games, he's golden. No way Mario can fire him and he'll set himself up for bigger OC / HC jobs (see Lash). So i really dont think Dawson refuses to call plays he believes will work and only calls what Mario wants 100% of the time. Sure he may tailor the gameplan to more Mario bro ball, but no way he is completely handcuffed to the same 5 plays over and over. You really think Mario is the reason B Smith doesnt get the ball at all? And Dawson cant call a play for B Smith if he wants?
Well after the bye week the play calling was different. The formations were noticably beefier.

That was after Mario made a big deal about "self scouting" and "breaking tendencies."

The offensive schemes against teams we are supposed to beat is night and day different from the ones that are supposed to be competitive. Even a bit in defense. It's clear Mario thinks he can hide stuff from the film but it never works.
I seen difference, i seen way more tight formations. The same ones TVD struggled with under Gattis. TVD to me is clearly a system QB like some of those Hawaii QBs in the early 2000s. He doesnt understand concepts so its hard to translate from formation to formation. We should be predominantly 3 and 4 wide, even if we line up the TEs wide. And the pace like i said before is atrocious. That can help a struggling QB. Cristobal has no more get out of jail free cards. He can have as long a contract he wants, playing in front of 2 people is the same. Better fix it
Well after the bye week the play calling was different. The formations were noticably beefier.

That was after Mario made a big deal about "self scouting" and "breaking tendencies."

The offensive schemes against teams we are supposed to beat is night and day different from the ones that are supposed to be competitive. Even a bit in defense. It's clear Mario thinks he can hide stuff from the film but it never works.
Just simply not true.

we were spread out and threw the ball around. Problem is the QB started handing ball to the other team like it was his job to.

GT and UNC offense was same in terms of formations. Clemson it was more conservative obviously with Emory. During UVA game and N. C. State it was more conservative, but that's because QB1 again was handing the ball to the other team. Wet we're trying to lean on the running game and defense which is what any intelligent person would do if their QB was turning it over at an alarming rate.

Now I would have considered mixing in some Jacurri run game for a different look, and maybe think about giving Emory a look just up settle TVD down, but the Wolfpack defense at home is very tough on young QB's IMO.
I dont doubt that Mario has said lets lean on the run game more, lean on our D, and give TVD less risky pass concepts. Seems reasonable in general with TVD struggling and something Mario would do although i know most of us just want to air it out kiffin style.

But you want me to believe that Mario went to Dawson and said you cannot do any of the following:
- no tempo (even when successful moving the ball)
- no deep shots
- no TE over the middle
- little to no RPO
- little to no mesh / crossing concepts
- no RB screens
- no use of B Smith, Ray Ray (injured last week im aware), CJ, Harrell (deep ball), Robbie, or any speedy player
- no run plays except right up the middle
- no reverses, tosses, double reverses, wildcat, or any run variation
- little to no motion
- no trick plays

You all seriously believe Mario put those handcuffs on Dawson? And then Dawson agreed to do it? While Zo sat there and nodded his head in agreement with zero say or disagreement?

Calling BS on that. TVD is 50%+ of the problem with his mental breakdown but Dawson is certainly not doing him favors either and big part of problem as well.
My issue, is i dont think its out of the possibility that Cristobal has done this.
Run the ball, limit the possessions the defense is on the field to mask the deficiencies in depth and talent on the DL. It’s also less time the blazers at CB have to spend on the field.
So does this mean that as Mario stacks more talent on the defense he may actually open up the offense? As in he's actually got a plan and this is thought through and not Mario just being a cave man? It would make me feel much better if this was the case because your original post did not sound like this was a good thing.
So does this mean that as Mario stacks more talent on the defense he may actually open up the offense? As in he's actually got a plan and this is thought through and not Mario just being a cave man? It would make me feel much better if this was the case because your original post did not sound like this was a good thing.

I don’t think that’s ever going to happen.

He is who he is.
This fanbase is so dumb at times it blows my mind. You would think after 20 years of misery they would be able to see things faster. But nope. A large chunk of the fanbase will still be making excuse after excuse to the very end like every prior failed staff.

Watch the 1st 3 offensive possessions of this condensed game against A&M and tell us what is different offensively. If you don’t see anything different god help you

This fanbase is so dumb at times it blows my mind. You would think after 20 years of misery they would be able to see things faster. But nope. A large chunk of the fanbase will still be making excuse after excuse to the very end like every prior failed staff.

Watch the 1st 3 offensive possessions of this condensed game against A&M and tell us what is different offensively. If you don’t see anything different god help you

I’m not a football guru like you guys, but I honestly just think we beat a trash team.
I’m not a football guru like you guys, but I honestly just think we beat a trash team.
They’re not very good you’re right. But what its highlighting is what a modern offense looks like: tempo (as needed), orbits, spread concepts, formation creativity, non idiotic personnel decisions, etc.

Versus what we’ve seen since the conclusion of the Temple game, which is Stone Age 19th century offensive football.

It’s night and day and that video serves it up on a platter for the average fan to see it
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Meddling or whatever, I just remember those haunting posts by Oregon fans who came over here saying "wait and see" that Mario was a great recruiter, but a QB killer and not a great gameday coach. **** I hope he can distance himself out of that reputation soon.
I don’t think that’s ever going to happen.

He is who he is.
The other thing I can't wrap my head around is, why is Mario recruiting all of these speedy offensive players like Ray Ray last year, Jo Jo and Chance this year if he just wants to run his bro style offense? And did Mario tell Shannon to mysteriously stop using Brashard?

It's all just not adding up for me. As you said, you are biased against Mario and TVD so I'm guessing what's actually going on is somewhere in the middle between everything falling on MC and everything falling on Dawson.

But this is making me wonder why I'm wasting my money and time going to Tallahassee this weekend. I guess I can think of it as a nice weekend get away with no kids.
Meddling or whatever, I just remember those haunting posts by Oregon fans who came over here saying "wait and see" that Mario was a great recruiter, but a QB killer and not a great gameday coach. **** I hope he can distance himself out of that reputation soon.
I doubt anything changes with that as it's just who he is. The thing that confuses me is that he won the Pac-12 and went to the Rose Bowl twice in his time there. I get that there was a ton that needed/needs to be fixed here but it just doesn't feel like things are moving forward like they did when he was in Oregon.