Not breaking news, but…

I didn’t know at the time but he 100 percent did make concessions. Hm being an “air raid” guy made Mario uneasy. The run game alone is a giveaway.
I’m being honest these losess are on Tyler imo the man isn’t picking the right answer on certain coverages and he’s short arming throws that tbh he usually can make in his sleep I think he’s hurt and not able to play good right now
Sean Lewis runs the perfect balance of run and pass but probably runs to much of a tempo offense for Mario’s liking
Yes I like that but if all of this is true. God help us. Mario is an *******. He is a olineman worry about that unit and let the other coaches worry about about their positions and the oc game planning. It's that simple.
As far as we know, Mario isn't meddling with the DC.

This **** just blows my mind. We have two very good experienced coordinators and Mario can't keep his hands off. His job is to get the groceries and let his chefs cook. That it.
Correction, we have one very good experienced coordinator and Shannon Dawson.
As far as we know, Mario isn't meddling with the DC.

This **** just blows my mind. We have two very good experienced coordinators and Mario can't keep his hands off. His job is to get the groceries and let his chefs cook. That it.

Mario needs to be more GM and less HC. Get the young men that the OC and DC need. Let them teach them the playbook and execute. If you want to have input, do that in the offense when there isn't as much pressure to perform week to week. If **** hits the fan, Mario takes 100% of the blame so the coordinators can continue to execute.

IF this is truly happening, Zo and Rad need to step in and get them to clear the air.

Sad as this all comes down to the QB forcing passes.
Mario meddling in the offense means it really doesn't matter who the **** he hires as his next OC after another inevitably long, drawn out search. He's maddeningly stubborn and wants it to be his way, even if his way is doomed to fail spectacularly.

We went from lighting up a talented Texas A&M squad with 48 points in the first month of the season to regressing into a 2022-esque disaster of an offense. Countless turnovers, slot receivers slowly coming in motion and talking to our senior citizen blocking TE pre-snap to telegraph the play, and neanderthal caveman horse****. That's not just because TVD played through injuries or fell off a cliff mentally.

If Mario can't keep himself out of offensive gameplans, he has no chance of succeeding here. None.

"regressing into a 2022-esque disaster of an offense"

It's becoming more clear to me that last years offense was just as much Mario's offense as it was gattis.
What a waste. Could have been good but just couldn't help himself.
Just my opinion but I think he initially wanted the change because it was getting so hard to recruit WR's but over the season he just couldn't help himself.
What a shame.
This is one of the issues with having a free message board. You let outsiders come in pretending to be fans create negativity around the program.
Sad part is I don't think @Ghandi is an outsider. He just chose to do some sucker s***. The offseason is literally a month away. Plenty of time to post this and get the traction you're looking for.
Serious question when did Mario change any game plan or interfere with Offensive play calling????
Can we agree that the offense against GT looked entirely different? Even the run blocking was different?

Now, if you agree it changed, then do you think during the bye week that Dawson decided to change his offense to something he has not run in his career as an OC.

What we're seeing is not Dawson's offense. It's not his identity.

Dawson had to give Mario concessions to that he wouldn't just "air raid" the football in order to get the job. This is Mario putting his loafers on Dawson's neck.
Here are the actual facts:

-The offense was a top 10 offense in the country up until Ga Tech
-Our starting QB had a mental breakdown during that game and has not recovered, and the offense has never looked the same
-Opposing defenses are running the same scheme EVERY GAME against us that we cannot scheme around
-There is absolutely no creativity on offense anymore

You can say all you want that Mario is sabotaging our season in the background but the reality is we have a QB who has lost his mind and an OC that can't figure out how to beat zone coverage. None of that is on Mario. He may be an absolutely horrible game day coach but I don't for a second believe the offensive struggles are on him and not Dawson. The offensive line, Mario and Mirabel's area, is giving TVD ALL FREAKING DAY to throw the ball and Dawson can't figure out a way to get people the ball.

And honestly, I don't blame Mario for slowing the game down. If TVD cannot complete a pass your only hope is to keep it low scoring, which worked against UVA and Clemson. And almost worked against NC State. How quickly we forget the Lashlee 3 and outs that took 17 seconds off the clock and would get us behind 3 scores before we could blink. This team cannot come back from behind with TVD.