Not breaking news, but…

So with a competent QB he can call plays; but where a kid is a zombie who looks like he is on the take, he sucks. I can't argue with that, but the guy is an OC, not a magician.

So with a competent QB he can call plays; but where a kid is a zombie who looks like he is on the take, he sucks. I can't argue with that, but the guy is an OC, not a magician.

He had a qb last year whose now in the NFL and still was close to getting his playcalling duties taken away from him. Point is Shannon Dawson isn't some oc that was just lighting it up at other places and now poor Shannon Dawson is being handcuffed by Mario. He was a suspect hire from the beginning not some slam dunk hire.
He had a qb last year whose now in the NFL and still was close to getting his playcalling duties taken away from him. Point is Shannon Dawson isn't some oc that was just lighting it up at other places and now poor Shannon Dawson is being handcuffed by Mario. He was a suspect hire from the beginning not some slam dunk hire.
It isn't the same offense as he ran in the beginning of the year. That is clear. Why would he have abruptly changed? Offenses can be severely limited by a bad QB is mentally shot, injured, and emotionless/moxieless. Do I love Dawson? No, but I think he is ok. But with a mediocre QB we would be 8-1 behind this line. I'm sorry, you can't judge him with this kid taking snaps.
Dawson is done here at the end of the season.

Not happy with the amount of meddling by Mario and his boyfriend (Mirabal), and his ideas to fix TVD (limit the thinking by speeding up the pace of the game) has been nixed in order to play “complementary football”.

He’s also getting some heat internally for not being able to script plays to start games to get TVD in rhythm. While this is well deserved, you can’t really roast his *** if one of the fixes he’s pitched has been declined. As a professional, he should be able to come up with a scheme (it’s been 5-weeks) to mask some of this **** and he just can’t.

Two things -

^ I believe it’s true that he’s unhappy, but the source is biased. To me, this is a bit of CYA as the season ends on a major thud. Like Gattis, the stink of this type of prolonged failure is brutal for the resume.
^ TVD’s inability to develop as a player claims yet another OC’s career. It’s no secret I have a personal dislike for him, and this only strengthens my criticism that he’s an unaccountable *** clown.

Believe what you wish, and **** all of your mothers.

No offense, but I really hope your post is B.S. because if true, good luck getting a good O.C. at UM.
But, yes, I don't see Dawson working at UM beyond this season.
He will find work at a good program.
I’m not an alumni, I must have a mental illness continuing to follow this joke of a program..

Here are the actual facts:

-The offense was a top 10 offense in the country up until Ga Tech
-Our starting QB had a mental breakdown during that game and has not recovered, and the offense has never looked the same
-Opposing defenses are running the same scheme EVERY GAME against us that we cannot scheme around
-There is absolutely no creativity on offense anymore

You can say all you want that Mario is sabotaging our season in the background but the reality is we have a QB who has lost his mind and an OC that can't figure out how to beat zone coverage. None of that is on Mario. He may be an absolutely horrible game day coach but I don't for a second believe the offensive struggles are on him and not Dawson. The offensive line, Mario and Mirabel's area, is giving TVD ALL FREAKING DAY to throw the ball and Dawson can't figure out a way to get people the ball.

And honestly, I don't blame Mario for slowing the game down. If TVD cannot complete a pass your only hope is to keep it low scoring, which worked against UVA and Clemson. And almost worked against NC State. How quickly we forget the Lashlee 3 and outs that took 17 seconds off the clock and would get us behind 3 scores before we could blink. This team cannot come back from behind with TVD.

You forget Mario is the 1diot who keeps trotting TVD out there. Therefore the buck stops with him.
If he had half a brain, he would have played Emory vs UVa.. nope. Dumbo had to f#@k it...
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At this point we can leave Addae's spot unfilled and we'd get the exact same results.
Just asking in general but Porter has turned into a legit cover guy after last year not making any impact. Couch is still Couch but he’s actually made an impact this year

Who do you credit that to if not the CB coach?

I’m not trying to champion for Addae or anything. His recruiting is embarrassing
We were losing to UNC the whole second half. Losing to Clemson the whole game. Losing to NC St the whole game. Losing to UVA most the game.
None of those games were Miami down enough that required not running the ball minus UNC end of 3rd quarter. Bad take Josh. We ran it a million times in the 4th/OT vs. Clemson. We actually took lead against UVA early 3rd. We led GT in 2nd half too.
Being an alumnus, I

You forget Mario is the 1diot who keeps trotting TVD out there. Therefore the buck stops with him.
If he had half a brain, he would have played Emory vs UVa.. nope. Dumbo had to f#@k it...
Beat Clemson down 10pts at 18yrs old, and your reward is, no more snaps whatsoever for the next 2 asinine is that??
Mario will be OC next year.

Next year box score will

6/13 passing

45 carries for 187 yards (can't break long runs bc the entire defense will be bunched up in between the hashes and we will run straight into it everytime).

No more TEs on the roster. We will create a new position. OTE (offensive tackle end). It will be revolutionary. We will come out with 9 offensive lineman.

But no worries, explosvie Ray Ray Joseph will be on the field. Pre snap, he will motion into the offensive lineman and act as one himself while he blocks the 240 LB LB.

All will be OK.
I laughed and then I cried :cry:
So basically don't matter who the OC is, this is offense Mario wants? That's shocking never would have imagined
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