Not breaking news, but…

Each reaction gets you closer to hypertrophy. You slap POST on that Under The Bench Press see the first like and you're out here like CT Fletcher "GROW ************...GROW."
IF true…….Mario will end up like Brian Flores where no OC (or offensive coaches in general) will want to come work with him.

For Mario’s sake and that of the program, let’s hope it’s not.
It isn't the same offense as he ran in the beginning of the year. That is clear. Why would he have abruptly changed? Offenses can be severely limited by a bad QB is mentally shot, injured, and emotionless/moxieless. Do I love Dawson? No, but I think he is ok. But with a mediocre QB we would be 8-1 behind this line. I'm sorry, you can't judge him with this kid taking snaps.

It is the same offense we were running at the beginning of the year and thats the problem. Its so much of the same that teams have easily adjusted to it and Dawson hasn't countered. One of the things that always concern me about hiring coaches from smaller conferences is sometimes they underestimate the resources power 5 schools have. Georgia Tech probably had 10 analysts dedicated to just scouting and breaking down our offense. You have to disguise things better at this level. The fact that he seemed surprised in the press conference that teams have started to drop 8 against us is telling. I'm not saying I want the guy fired but I'm not going to act like because the offense is struggling it has to be Mario's fault.
Of course it doesn't make sense, because there's a really good chance it's not entirely true. Consider you're reading this on an internet message board thru a game of telephone via a guy who is perpetually negative in every regard. Just something to keep in mind.

Even though you are 100% correct, it goes against the storyline that 70% of the board WANTS to believe, so you are going to be attacked.
Mario meddling in the offense means it really doesn't matter who the **** he hires as his next OC after another inevitably long, drawn out search. He's maddeningly stubborn and wants it to be his way, even if his way is doomed to fail spectacularly.

We went from lighting up a talented Texas A&M squad with 48 points in the first month of the season to regressing into a 2022-esque disaster of an offense. Countless turnovers, slot receivers slowly coming in motion and talking to our senior citizen blocking TE pre-snap to telegraph the play, and neanderthal caveman horse****. That's not just because TVD played through injuries or fell off a cliff mentally.

If Mario can't keep himself out of offensive gameplans, he has no chance of succeeding here. None.
After The Honey Bees 🐝 stunned The U at home because of that dumba ss Dawson who refused to run down the clock as the offense was hiking the ball with almost 20 seconds on the play clock and he took all the heat like a focking champ. I’d definitely start questioning the OC also. Because to not have situational awareness that after finally taking the lead vs the Honey bees 🐝 that the team and the defense specially was gassed and needed to kill some clock. If a Qb can’t throw the ball with plenty of time then you can’t do schit with such a QB. Y’all need to realize that TVD is really that focking bad. Mario has been a gentleman far too gentle for my taste allowing INT/TVD to try to get himself right but nothing. This is all on TVD and yeah the only thing I blame Mario is not making the call to bench that somamambich earlier.
Based on his results, he's a dime a dozen. Mario MIGHT start to feel like he needs to take a step up and hire a proven guy with more autonomy. I hope so. He wasted this team's season.
my biggest worry is that their has ben talent out there the past 2 years. Dillingham,Longo, G.Riley, Lebby
and even though we have the budget they never seemed interested ? is Mario to much of a micro manager ?
also we seemed to be a different first 4 games vs. last 4 games. everyone will start yelling for Sean Lewis since Dion demoted him staff wise.... if Micro managing Mario in reality is true, he will never get anyone who is really a stand out. If he hires a great OC that guy should be allowed to bring some of his assistants with him!!!! fat chance !
Mario has really burned thru his equity with the fan base in less than 2 years, he should start thinking of making changes in his approach cause it does not appear to be working
IF true…….Mario will end up like Brian Flores where no OC (or offensive coaches in general) will want to come work with him.

For Mario’s sake and that of the program, let’s hope it’s not.
Oc's have big egos. The good ones do anyways. We pay they will come.
He needs to get an oc who opens it up and stay out the way . To many athletes to play 70.s style football .
Well here's the perfect time for a Hail Mary hire. The Bills fans want Dorsey out. Dorsey is a Miami guy so he meets the most important criterion. He also happens to be an exceptional OC, whose stock is down because Bills fans are spoiled. Mullen isn't going to work for Cristobal, but Dorsey migh
For those who think the program is dead if/when Cristobal flops, keep hope alive! Jon Gruden is still out there and I'd be willing to bet he doesn't want to end his coaching career on the note that it did.
when we reach a buy out with Mario, Lane Kiffin is the answer, he did not sign extension with Ole Ms. till Mario was signed
wonder what Kiffin would have done first 2 years
when we reach a buy out with Mario, Lane Kiffin is the answer, he did not sign extension with Ole Ms. till Mario was signed
wonder what Kiffin would have done first 2 years
let it go GIF
Alex Smith
Dak Prescott....
You and I were begging for this last year.

Many would always retort back that the admin won’t allow it. Just like they wouldn’t allow Lane to be here.

What a bunch of morons!!

In the end, we end up crying about what could’ve been.