Tears Nole Tears (“Offcial”)

they must be on cornhub

Those guys are really ******* delusional. They may get into the B1G or SEC one day but if they think either conference is actively working/talking with them right now is ludicrous. One open record request by the ACC and those conferences could be held liable.

Put it this way USC and UCLA reached out to the B1G, Texas and OU reached to SEC and all 4 did when they were entering the last 2 years of their GOR conference deals. FSU has 12+ years left.
Even more is the delusion that they have much to offer because they had a good season. All those conferences actually care about is media rights. Cracks me up that they don’t realize what a great selling point Miami has bringing with it a top 5 national media rights market
Even more is the delusion that they have much to offer because they had a good season. All those conferences actually care about is media rights. Cracks me up that they don’t realize what a great selling point Miami has bringing with it a top 5 national media rights market

They’ve had EXACTLY 1.5 good years in a row. Do the research. Before Prison Mike’s winning streak, he was sub.500 at F$U.
Those guys are really ******* delusional. They may get into the B1G or SEC one day but if they think either conference is actively working/talking with them right now is ludicrous. One open record request by the ACC and those conferences could be held liable.

Put it this way USC and UCLA reached out to the B1G, Texas and OU reached to SEC and all 4 did when they were entering the last 2 years of their GOR conference deals. FSU has 12+ years left.
FSU does NOT have 12+ years left. The CURRENT ESPN media agreement expires on June 30, 2027, that is 3 more football seasons (24. 25. 26).
ESPN declined to exercise the option they had to EXTEND to 2036 in January 2021. The GOR states that it exists TO SUPPORT THE ESPN MEDIA AGREEMENT, only. You are the one who is delusional and very uninformed.
Even more is the delusion that they have much to offer because they had a good season. All those conferences actually care about is media rights. Cracks me up that they don’t realize what a great selling point Miami has bringing with it a top 5 national media rights market
Miami / Fort Lauderdale is the #18 ranked DMA. The conferences actually care about VIEWERSHIP .... how many eyeballs does a team attract when they are on TV. Right now the available teams being evaluated for the B10 ranked in order of VIEWERSHIP are:


The B10 apparently is more media driven in their expansion planning than the SEC who, according to many comments over the past 2 years, also places a high value / priority on geographic consolidation, hence the interest in UNC / UVA.

One facet of "university / program evaluation" that is not being talked about enough is the FINANCIAL STRENGTH of programs and their overall ability to FUND athletics. Tony Altimore presented a comparative financial evaluation of several schools and it was eye opening. His comments:

"The overall UNIVERSITY BUDGET is something that gets overlooked and when you look at a schools overall budget you can see why FSU and Clemson took action when they did when faced with the media revenue gap between the P2 and their schools. Total UNIVERSITY BUDGETS for
FSU, Clemson, and Miami:

-Miami $4.6 Billion Edit .... 2023-2024 estimated $5.5B
-FSU $1.6 Billion Edit ... 2023-2024 $2.6 B
-Clemson $1.3 Billion

Miami has the advantage of a huge profitable health care system being part of it's structure and they have the ability to direct funds to help their athletic programs where FSU & Clemson rely basically 100% on ticket sales and media revenue from sports to fund athletics". FSU has been in talks with PE firms re LONG TERM DEBT to fund their exit costs. Added financial burden to a university with limited revenue.
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Miami / Fort Lauderdale is the #18 ranked DMA. The conferences actually care about VIEWERSHIP .... how many eyeballs does a team attract when they are on TV. Right now the available teams being evaluated for the B10 ranked in order of VIEWERSHIP are:


The B10 apparently is more media driven in their expansion planning than the SEC who, according to many comments over the past 2 years, also places a high value / priority on geographic consolidation, hence the interest in UNC / UVA.

One facet of "university / program evaluation" that is not being talked about enough is the FINANCIAL STRENGTH of programs and their overall ability to FUND athletics. Tony Altimore presented a comparative financial evaluation of several schools and it was eye opening. His comments:

"The overall UNIVERSITY BUDGET is something that gets overlooked and when you look at a schools overall budget you can see why FSU and Clemson took action when they did when faced with the media revenue gap between the P2 and their schools. Total UNIVERSITY BUDGETS for
FSU, Clemson, and Miami:

-Miami $4.6 Billion Edit .... 2023-2024 estimated $5.5B
-FSU $1.6 Billion Edit ... 2023-2024 $2.6 B
-Clemson $1.3 Billion

Miami has the advantage of a huge profitable health care system being part of it's structure and they have the ability to direct funds to help their athletic programs where FSU & Clemson rely basically 100% on ticket sales and media revenue from sports to fund athletics". FSU has been in talks with PE firms re LONG TERM DEBT to fund their exit costs. Added financial burden to a university with limited revenue.
Another facet not being talked about, but considered a priority benchmark criterion is the number of FUNCTIONING urinals. To meet the benchmark of 1 functioning toilet per 12,500 fans, FSU has announced a $265 million dollar renovation to Doak Campbell Stadium. To raise this money, they are planning a $10,000 capital assessment for season ticket renewals.

Semenole Boosters, who originated this plan, say the encouraging initial response has been, "**** NO!", which they consider a more positive response than being shot in the doorway.

Season ticket holders who do not wish to participate in the capital campaign will still get to keep their actual seats, but those seats will be relocated to a trailer in the parking lot equipped with 86" Hisense plasma screens. The trailers will be conveniently located next to the parking lot's phalanx of Port o' Johns, which will count toward the B1G's minimal urinal/fan ratio, which is currently a major barrier to FSU's consideration.

Additionally, the B1G was assured that renovation funding will be completed on time due to stadium sponsorship initiatives. A Semenole Booster source has confirmed the planned transition to Doak Spanx Campbell Stadium. "Just think of how exciting it will be to hear 'Welcome to Chainsaw Al-Bowden Field at Doak Spanx Campbell Stadium' being announced on the Big Ten Network!!"

Finally, Leon County has agreed to leverage a 1% assessment of manufactured housing appraised values in the county, anticipated to raise nearly $725.62 in additional revenue, whereas the Region IV EPA office in Atlanta calculates that removal and scrapping of the estimated 3 abandoned vehicles per property in Leon County could contribute another $363,000 in scrap metal alone. County Manager Earl "Cledus" Nesbitt IV confirms that "We are leaving no overturned stones unturned over when it comes to Leon County's greatest challenge since Reconstruction. Remember, we are Unconquered! 13-0* Baby!!"
FSU does NOT have 12+ years left. The CURRENT ESPN media agreement expires on June 30, 2027, that is 3 more football seasons (24. 25. 26).
ESPN declined to exercise the option they had to EXTEND to 2036 in January 2021. The GOR states that it exists TO SUPPORT THE ESPN MEDIA AGREEMENT, only. You are the one who is delusional and very uninformed.
I think it fair to point out that the sole purpose of this thread is to laugh at the delusions of the un*conquered flaccid spears to the north. Anything that may on first glance appear to be Orange and Green self-delusion should more accurately be understood as team spirit. Here. In Tears.