Sometimes i wonder if these people bashing N'kosi Perry have actually watched his highlight tape. How can u watch such a display of playmaking throwing deep, on the run, throwing that slant route, throwing back shoulder stick throws, running ability, the fact he gets out of trouble and instead of taking off running he keeps his eyes downfield to hit the big play, how many times was he wrapped up for a sack and he spins out of it to complete passes with guys hanging on his legs, the fade patterns in corner of endzone, and his ability to flat out run, use the zone read option, doesn't turn the ball over with bad mistakes, finishes 2nd in state of Florida for Mr.Football- all as a Junior, and we have canes fans who hate the guy And think he's garbage. I just don't get it.
If you like jack better or Evan better or Weldon better that's fine. Competition is good for program. But for canes fans to post on this board that Kosi Perry is not legit then your either biased for some
Reason, he slept with your girl, your related to a competitor of his, he beat your school or alma mater, or just don't like dual threat QB's for some reason. One Last time-WATCH THE HIGHLIGHT VIDEO. And if you can get your hands on some full length game tapes.