New uniform material and more? (official)

What a dopey response.

I never said that the AD should tell an apparel company how to design things. But that same AD can ABSOLUTELY veto any proposed ideas that go too far from what the university is comfortable with.

As for "feathers", I was clearly referring to Miami, not Oregon, and the fact that adidas added those to the Miami jersey. But there you go again, trying to act like you caught someone making a mistake. YOU were the one who hypothesized that a bunch of lines on a jersey were "feathers".

Keep pointing the finger at everyone else when you make a mistake. It's your brand.

To this point, Nike wanted to do something w Bama unis, and they told them “No!” The only thing Nike did & this was per the player’s request, was provide them w/ a black out jersey & I’m not sure when the last time that thing was worn.
What a dopey response.

I never said that the AD should tell an apparel company how to design things. But that same AD can ABSOLUTELY veto any proposed ideas that go too far from what the university is comfortable with.

As for "feathers", I was clearly referring to Miami, not Oregon, and the fact that adidas added those to the Miami jersey. But there you go again, trying to act like you caught someone making a mistake. YOU were the one who hypothesized that a bunch of lines on a jersey were "feathers".

Keep pointing the finger at everyone else when you make a mistake. It's your brand.
Man you're way too serious about this lol. I didn't make any mistake, I was pointing out that Nike was the one who first had done feathers because it funny since you were obviously trying to use that as a "shot" at Adidas. Regardless I was VERY CLEARLY saying I had no idea what it was supposed to be lol. That's why I LITERALLY SAID "feathers? (or crown - literally no idea what its supposed to be)"... smh

My point = I liked those white alts by Nike... and look how you have twisted it, Almost impressive if it wasn't so retarded.
Nobody cares about "the first time you entered the conversation". The important thing is that you never said ANYTHING about how a 12-year contract was ALWAYS a bad idea. Always. Such a long-term deal is usually bypassed within a few years ("hey, I want what you're paying Miami") and locks you out of whatever marketplace changes arise.
Bruh, you have actually got to be making a joke at this point, right?

I never said anything about how the 12 year contract aspect was always bad even though I literally responded to you with picture evidence saying so from the FIRST time I entered the conversation in 2022.

Just.... I don't even know anymore man lol. How could anyone walk away after reading your response and not believe you are full of absolute **** regarding this discussion...
So a couple of things:

1. These uniforms, aesthetically, are the best uniforms we’ve had. However, being this is literally Adidas’ 5th reiteration of new uniforms w/ better tech, I need to see them in game. Since 2016, the uniforms have looked great in photo ops.

2. I wish Adidas wouldn’t gas & deceive us. We’re not the only program with these threads. TT is a high priority for Adidas b/c of Patrick Mahomes. Adidas has new material, in general. We were the testers of the uniforms, but we’re not the only program that will be wearing these.

I’m attaching side by sides for ur viewings. I’m a true shoe & uniform guy. So @Hufftwoseven , there’s no difference. That’s OK; what’s not OK is the continuous smoke they blow up our ***.
Asking you cause I have no idea with all these little holes in the jerseys. Wouldn't this be hot since some parts dont have holes??? Im asking you cause you are the slow mo guys of uniforms
I’m confused by this statement. At what point were we changing uniforms every week? Since Richt took over, we’ve gone back to the 80’s style uniforms. The only thing that’s changed is the material that Adidas have been using. We still had an alternate last season w/ Adidas’ newest version of Miami Nights.

So what’s changed besides Adidas changing materials? Real ?
Under Diaz we were changing our uniforms every game. Alternating the Orange, Green and Black. Same with pants on the road.
only 1 real question remains...will they allow them to swag out with options for the color of arm sleeve

green or orange or white

I liked these and wish we wore them more than once. Though VT constantly wore their version and it soured on me
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Miami is going back to its core values and branding. Changing your uniforms every week is lame as ****. This is no longer a Mickey Mouse program.
Then explain making the U on the helmets larger. Have to say am a bit surprised Mario allowed it.
Yes, there is a specific pantone for the school colors, as @Rellyrell noted. The issue is that Adidas, like Nike hasn't been consistent with the green color, AT ALL. For the most part, the orange is usually pretty spot on, with some mild differences.

I remember when Nike had Miami's green as a washed out, mustard green look, especially with the bra strap uniform template. That was a significant difference from the previous template, where the jersey looked to be a richer green color, similar to the emerald green Adidas has rolled with in spurts.

Some of the color differences can be attributed to fabric, lighting, etc but some of it is inconsistency in production. Honestly, I prefer the darker, richer green, because it looks better under lights and it pops on television.
I think they look fine and I’ll probably get *****ed at here but I don’t like how the stripe is so high on the shoulder that is just cuts off into the front of the jersey, looks odd to me personally. View attachment 294479

I think I would prefer if the stripe was an actual whole piece like on the Michigan uniform. View attachment 294480

I like it, where the stripe is. It's more of a modern take and really stands out. Kind of like how cars will have lines and angles in not so common places.

In contrast, the Michigan stripe st the end of the sleeve looks like something Poindexter would wear or Erkel. Just give them some glasses with some tape in the middle. Lastly, I have never liked Jordan and it bugs the ever living **** out of me seeing a basketball image on a football uniform.

All in all, I truthfully don't care much one way about the uniforms. Nike Christmas, clam shell (bullet train), and the feathers were all abominations.