My pitch to Flowe.

Been happening since 05. We get all excited for nothing.

1979 huh? Lol. Mario fanboy over here. How the ***** you call yourself a Cane fan since 1979 and be the main one on here talking more **** about another coach? You root for Mario more then your own HC and now you hatin from the sidelines like a girl on this recruitment. Call me Jessica all you want. Lol. you the one who sounds bytch made. I respect certain cats who feel we don’t have a shot but you? Lol. You ain’t got enough stripes, Mirabal the fake insider.
LOL man we have a lot of losers in this fanbase bunch of cry babies and downers.. keep that pu$$y **** elsewhere

yes Idk What you crybabies want us to do! Recruit the #1 LB in the country or not... the fact that he’s taking a OV shows we have a chance...idk How much of a chance it is but we got a chance... don’t think manny can pull kids away from Dabo at this point but let’s shoot for the stars man.
yes Idk What you crybabies want us to do! Recruit the #1 LB in the country or not... the fact that he’s taking a OV shows we have a chance...idk How much of a chance it is but we got a chance... don’t think manny can pull kids away from Dabo at this point but let’s shoot for the stars man.

I don’t get this fanbase sometimes. If 3 years from now a story came out that Justin Flowe, first team All American LB for Clemson, LOVED UM out of HS and was interested in coming but the staff never contacted him and showed him no love, this board would absolutely slaughter Manny, Baker and Patke. SLAUGHTER.

We are recruiting the kid and giving our best pitch and fans are saying we are wasting time. Can’t win with these fans sometimes. Just can’t win.
1979 huh? Lol. Mario fanboy over here. How the ***** you call yourself a Cane fan since 1979 and be the main one on here talking more **** about another coach? You root for Mario more then your own HC and now you hatin from the sidelines like a girl on this recruitment. Call me Jessica all you want. Lol. you the one who sounds bytch made. I respect certain cats who feel we don’t have a shot but you? Lol. You ain’t got enough stripes, Mirabal the fake insider.

1979 huh? Lol. Mario fanboy over here. How the ***** you call yourself a Cane fan since 1979 and be the main one on here talking more **** about another coach? You root for Mario more then your own HC and now you hatin from the sidelines like a girl on this recruitment. Call me Jessica all you want. Lol. you the one who sounds bytch made. I respect certain cats who feel we don’t have a shot but you? Lol. You ain’t got enough stripes, Mirabal the fake insider.
500 bucks says he doesn’t come? Let’s go Mr. If my **** was as big as my mouth I would have a GF.