Mizz's Sam

I am not ok with those who are intolerant of that view just like I am not ok with those who are intolerant of the view that 2+2=4. That does not make me close minded; it makes me logical and reasonable.

One is a mathematical fact and the other.. well, that is like, your opinion, man.

Tolerating only opinions of which I agree is totally tolerant.

Again, I personally believe it's fine being intolerant. But don't act like you're some better person than those who are intolerant of the homosexual lifestyle.

Lulz at the idea that homosexuality is "programmed". It was a theory offered many years ago that was never confirmed (actually, most scientists have rejected the notion of a "***" gene). But that doesn't keep people from repeating the lie that its genetic.
Strange discussion. I'm straight. One of my brothers was ***. We were raised in the same household, same parents, etc. I don't believe for a second that my brother chose to be ***, just like I never chose to be straight. Even though I knew he was ***, it was not an issue for me, but I never really understood why he was that way. Bottom line is he was born that way. I can't see discriminating against them in any way. But, we've gone way past tolerance and into celebration, which I also don't understand. I don't see what there is to celebrate.

Does your brother post here under the name sebastian91?

lol - No, he's dead.


While I agree with the "who cares what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms?" sentiment, you'd have to be determinedly dense not to recognize why "coming out" is big news in certain contexts.

I agree that it's a shame that a man coming out, admitting only to being himself, makes him courageous. But given the times, and the situation, courageous is exactly what it was. It is approximated that 10% of the world population is homosexual, so I think it's safe to say Sam isn't the first homosexual to play college or pro football. But the fact that he's the first to come out should suggest to you a little about that struggle.

I also always find the "choice v. born that way" argument amusing. Not only because it's been well handled by science, but because sheer common sense should point you in the right direction. Ten percent of the population decided to adopt a lifestyle and love that makes them the target of international hate, disgust, and misunderstanding? Not buying it.

Good for the kid.
Being *** is wrong.

According to the Bible, that is correct. (so is divorce)

So are a number of things that in today's world are ridiculous. Personally I'm a Christian, but I'm also not a dumbass.

So the Bible doesn't apply in today's society? Just trying to figure out what you are saying.

As it shouldn't. Religion is a choice. Homosexuality is not. Yet I get religion throw in my face at every ******* turn and if I disagree with it I am a horrible person.
Born this way or Chose this way. There is no one answer. Just tired of the a**l retentive American society tripping over themselves to proclaim, "Look! We're tolerant! You should be too! Let's celebrate this brave man's gayness!" I don't care if the guy next to me in the shower is *** or straight. I don't care if the guy next to me likes to wear women's underwear while scoring touchdowns. I have a problem when someone forcibly tries to make me like something I don't care about. I'm not talking about what I like to do in bed. There are sites, bars, groups for that. The front page of sports is not one of those places.
Being *** is wrong.

According to the Bible, that is correct. (so is divorce)

So are a number of things that in today's world are ridiculous. Personally I'm a Christian, but I'm also not a dumbass.

So the Bible doesn't apply in today's society? Just trying to figure out what you are saying.

Not what I'm saying at all. I just think it's ridiculous that people use the Bible (which preaches to love everyone, and not judge others) to hate and cast judgment on people. The Bible says homosexuality is wrong in one, maybe two verses, I believe. One of which is in the old testament, where it also says wearing blends is wrong. My point is that people tend to only focus on certain things the Bible says not to do so it's convenient for them to hate others.
Being *** is wrong.

According to the Bible, that is correct. (so is divorce)

So are a number of things that in today's world are ridiculous. Personally I'm a Christian, but I'm also not a dumbass.

So the Bible doesn't apply in today's society? Just trying to figure out what you are saying.

Not what I'm saying at all. I just think it's ridiculous that people use the Bible (which preaches to love everyone, and not judge others) to hate and cast judgment on people. The Bible says homosexuality is wrong in one, maybe two verses, I believe. One of which is in the old testament, where it also says wearing blends is wrong. My point is that people tend to only focus on certain things the Bible says not to do so it's convenient for them to hate others.

Yo. The Bible says some other, really crazy ****, too. And this was the word as written by a bunch of bros at the time. God didn't whisper in anybody's ear.
Probably the same way you came to the conclusion **** aren't born that way.

How can you say with certainty that they are? You can't prove it. That is your opinion. I said I didn't really know.. but I lean towards saying they are not. Could I be wrong? Absolutely. Only one of us is being obtuse about it though.
Probably the same way you came to the conclusion **** aren't born that way.

How can you say with certainty that they are? You can't prove it. That is your opinion. I said I didn't really know.. but I lean towards saying they are not. Could I be wrong? Absolutely. Only one of us is being obtuse about it though.

Do you believe people are born left handed? Or is it a choice?
According to the Bible, that is correct. (so is divorce)

So are a number of things that in today's world are ridiculous. Personally I'm a Christian, but I'm also not a dumbass.

So the Bible doesn't apply in today's society? Just trying to figure out what you are saying.

Not what I'm saying at all. I just think it's ridiculous that people use the Bible (which preaches to love everyone, and not judge others) to hate and cast judgment on people. The Bible says homosexuality is wrong in one, maybe two verses, I believe. One of which is in the old testament, where it also says wearing blends is wrong. My point is that people tend to only focus on certain things the Bible says not to do so it's convenient for them to hate others.

Yo. The Bible says some other, really crazy ****, too. And this was the word as written by a bunch of bros at the time. God didn't whisper in anybody's ear.

Not sure if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me. Lol.
Nature or nurture? I don't know. I'm not an expert. But, I do know that the first time I went googoo over a girl was in the 4th grade. I still remember her (1954 for those who care). I also didn't make a conscious decision to like girls. It was just there. I didn't think about it. It just was. I personally can't even envision a moment when you could make that decision. You are born one way or the other, as far as I can tell.
Probably the same way you came to the conclusion **** aren't born that way.

How can you say with certainty that they are? You can't prove it. That is your opinion. I said I didn't really know.. but I lean towards saying they are not. Could I be wrong? Absolutely. Only one of us is being obtuse about it though.

Do you believe people are born left handed? Or is it a choice?

Please link the *** gene.
Being *** is wrong.

According to the Bible, that is correct. (so is divorce)

So are a number of things that in today's world are ridiculous. Personally I'm a Christian, but I'm also not a dumbass.

So the Bible doesn't apply in today's society? Just trying to figure out what you are saying.

Not what I'm saying at all. I just think it's ridiculous that people use the Bible (which preaches to love everyone, and not judge others) to hate and cast judgment on people. The Bible says homosexuality is wrong in one, maybe two verses, I believe. One of which is in the old testament, where it also says wearing blends is wrong. My point is that people tend to only focus on certain things the Bible says not to do so it's convenient for them to hate others.

If people are using the Bible to "hate others" then apparently they aren't reading everything else it says.

But it is clear, that according to the Bible, homosexuality is wrong.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

Also, Romans 1:18-32 goes into great detail as to what is considered sinful.
Strange discussion. I'm straight. One of my brothers was ***. We were raised in the same household, same parents, etc. I don't believe for a second that my brother chose to be ***, just like I never chose to be straight. Even though I knew he was ***, it was not an issue for me, but I never really understood why he was that way. Bottom line is he was born that way. I can't see discriminating against them in any way. But, we've gone way past tolerance and into celebration, which I also don't understand. I don't see what there is to celebrate.

Does your brother post here under the name sebastian91?

lol - No, he's dead.


Bear attack.
According to the Bible, that is correct. (so is divorce)

So are a number of things that in today's world are ridiculous. Personally I'm a Christian, but I'm also not a dumbass.

So the Bible doesn't apply in today's society? Just trying to figure out what you are saying.

Not what I'm saying at all. I just think it's ridiculous that people use the Bible (which preaches to love everyone, and not judge others) to hate and cast judgment on people. The Bible says homosexuality is wrong in one, maybe two verses, I believe. One of which is in the old testament, where it also says wearing blends is wrong. My point is that people tend to only focus on certain things the Bible says not to do so it's convenient for them to hate others.

If people are using the Bible to "hate others" then apparently they aren't reading everything else it says.

But it is clear, that according to the Bible, homosexuality is wrong.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

Also, Romans 1:18-32 goes into great detail as to what us considered sinful.

People do it all the time. And I understand that it's a sin, according to the Bible. However, the Bible also says we are all sinners, so I don't see why people like to pick out this one sin to get their jimmies all rustled about.
I am not ok with those who are intolerant of that view just like I am not ok with those who are intolerant of the view that 2+2=4. That does not make me close minded; it makes me logical and reasonable.

One is a mathematical fact and the other.. well, that is like, your opinion, man.

Tolerating only opinions of which I agree is totally tolerant.

Again, I personally believe it's fine being intolerant. But don't act like you're some better person than those who are intolerant of the homosexual lifestyle.

Lulz at the idea that homosexuality is "programmed". It was a theory offered many years ago that was never confirmed (actually, most scientists have rejected the notion of a "***" gene). But that doesn't keep people from repeating the lie that its genetic.

Sorry, but while scientists say there likely isn't one *** gene or set of genes, it is overwhelmingly viewed as a biological, inherent trait with a genetic and early developmental component.