Miami is firing DC Lance Guidry

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Nakos is making some of this up. @Cribby @JayCane20 @Hurracanes and others have said names of people we know for a fact have spoken to Mario or been on campus. The strategy has always appeared to be fire everyone except JT and D Nic, move Big Joe off field and hire a current or former HC as DC so Mario can focus on management and recruiting. he doesnt want to baby sit a defense.
How is Mario baby sitting a defense if he has no clue how to run a defense?
He either moves on or moves off field imo
If they get rid of Big Joe, they need another Samoan uncle on staff. There's a reason Miami hasn't had Polynesian players between The Rock and Mario's time that I can recall. Even if we don't get them all, parents and the kids trust Big Joe. He keeps us in the conversation with west coast Poly kids.