Miami is about to make a power move

I assuming landing Cooney assures us of Mark Pope which is great but I want to know who else he would impact.

A power move I would assume implies more than Pope.

He was the 7 on 7 coach right ?


Who else did he coach in 7 on 7???
Pete said think of Baez when he came from Gulliver and that this would mean multiple kids. I think this is bigger than Baez because you have the Southridge kids plus the 7 on 7 team. That team name was mentioned earlier in this thread by [MENTION=825]Barboni[/MENTION] and it was the South Florida Fire South I think? Barboni said Jeudy played on the North team so he might know who else Cooney coached in 7 on 7.
I didn't take it as an insult. I took your "calm down" comment as an indication that you didn't recognize my attempt at sarcasm.

LOL at the guy with Chevy Chase as his avatar not getting that this was sarcasm.

NCAA clearinghouse holding up Cooney too...********.

Calm down. He will get cleared

In about seven weeks

Lol at taking my post as an insult to begin with. Everyone knew you were being sarcastic.
I know you love the Harley isn't made for this U angle, which he isn't, but Seider still gets credit for it. Harley's he's just the tip of it. Seider coached north of your beloved Broward in the Palm Beach area high schools for a number of years and he grew up in the Muck so he knows the area and would give us a strong presence in that area. Prior to being at WVU he was at Marshall, like Todd Hartley, where he was pulling in Florida kids. WVU is a much harder sell than Miami or Bama.

The guy has had to scrap at the schools he was at to get players there. Bama sells itself right now with championships. Put Seider on a staff at a school that's easier to sell and watch.

During the Jeudy thing I was on the Bama board and they were talking about Crystalball or another coach potentially leaving and how they would just hire Seider and not miss a beat. During the Harley thing the WVU board was confident that they'd send Seider back down and that would be it... and it was.

Crystalball has pulled in great talent at Bama. I'm sure that he would do well here too but he rustled a lot of Jimmies at the U when he left for Bama. I give him a pass only, and I mean only, because he bolted from Golden and his clown show. I'm sure he saw Al in action and said this is some crazy shît. I'd be happy to have him as a coach and recruiter but he's not universally loved at the U.

I'm alum, and i don't waive that around in arrogance because, I'll always believe the team belongs to the fan base and represents the city of Miami. I mention that to say, the built for it thing? There's no shtick or "angle" here, it's personal to me just as i'm sure it's personal to the players who stay home or the ones who left home to represent The []_[] despite all the other opportunities they had. The Duke Johnsons, Frank Gores, DJs of the world, and a lot of players that didn't necessarily go pro but sacrificed for the []_[] without a great deal of notoriety... Their legacy should be respected at the end of the day.

Like the many other student athletes who made tremendous sacrifices, Mario Cristobal bleeds orange and green at the end of the day. He made a decision to better his career elsewhere because he's serious about his chosen profession, and i'm sure he's learned more during his time under Saban than he would've under Golden. I'm also sure he doesn't need anyone's validation about his legacy as a champion, "a pass" or acceptance back into 'the []_[] family'. I know it's fan talk and everyone is entitled to their feelings, but it sounds stupid.

What's truly ironic however, is how some members of our fan base claim to know everything about the []_[] (like Shalala was bad for the program, Mario or Randy are traitors, and whatever nonsensical caricature they like to paint about the alumni being a bunch of spoiled arrogant snobs), but don't understand the first thing about what the []_[] stands for. They don't understand the love and sense of pride associated with it.

"You're either with us or against us" and []_[] don't beg people to come here or get overly emotional about the people who don't want to be here. If they don't want to be Hurricanes then they can go somewhere else, because this thing was never built on people who didn't want to be here.

The campus is open, so anyone can go there. There's places to eat, free concerts, a movie theater, a museum, great fitness facilities, a library; homecoming is always a good time... I think more people should go there to feel a connection to the place and then maybe they would understand.

My parents both went to Miami. I went to a smaller school with no football team so I wouldn't have to be in the situation I assume that [MENTION=1396]blackvern[/MENTION] found himself in at F$U. I was fortunate to be in a position to do that. I grew up on seasons tickets, going to games and watching guys like Otis Anderson when we sucked and you were a toddler. My Dad stopped going to games but I kept going with cousins, whose parents also both went to the U. I remember the free tickets with the purchase of meals at Burger King... I was in 5th grade. I've been to 3 of our National Championship games including the Rose Bowl. I sat in the stands in heat and rain for years when we sucked because of hometown pride. Miami pride.

You say that the U belongs to the fan base and the City of Miami on one hand but then on the other hand, what you and a few others on this board do by connecting pride in the U, true loyalty to the U and understanding of the U culture as requiring a U degree spits in the faces of me and a good bulk of the hardcore U fans on here and elsewhere who see it as city pride, something you didn't grow up with in Broward. You're not taking what we grew up on away from us based on not having a U degree and we don't need to sit on a fücking lawn at campus to understand your idea of what this U is about. That's probably what you needed to do.

And I get the "with us or against us" thing you started saying as do many of us non-U alumns. It was actually a recruiting pitch where elite recruits were told "you can either be with us or get your åss kicked by us every year." That's where Bama is right now not us so we can't tell the Jeudy's and McKitty's to just pound sand at this point. Those guys aren't lining up to play here even where opportunities and track record are better so good luck with that until we re-establish ourselves, which will happen.

As for Mario, your original statement was that he would be universally welcomed back by all and that's not the case.

nah...I think you lack reading comprehension. Show me where I said understanding or having pride the []_[] 'requires' a degree.

Read my post again and you'll see I said nothing of the sort. I did grow up in Broward and have that perspective, but I also spent 10 years living in Dade and have that perspective as well. You'd be surprised how many people from outside Dade don't know anything about it. More people should go down there because it's a great city and I think I said that in my post above...

No, you pull out your alum card then talk about what some people who are fans don't get and how they need to spend time on campus to get it... Like I said, you connected it with inferences and you've distinguished between sidewalk and actual alumns by calling another poster a sidewalk alum in the Ford thread which translates as you stating that you're better capable of speaking on an issue because you have a degree from the U and he doesn't.

Nah... alum card means nothing as a football fan. However, when you suggest I "love the Harley isn't made for this U angle", or another poster finds having pride in the []_[] to be 'funny', I clarify to you it's not an "angle" with me, and tell the other poster this []_[] isn't a joke to alum. It runs vein deep with me and any alum, but YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AN ALUM to feel that way.

Fans like that other guy only feel strong when the team is winning, but otherwise he has no respect or sense of pride for the []_[]. It's really about integrity, and having the same pride whether we're on top or not. The people who suggest we need to eat **** from recruits who don't want to be here, because we're not winning enough games, don't have pride in the []_[]. Integrity man..and self respect. It's really a way of life that's bigger than football.
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Will this power move be added to the coaching staff, or will he be in a similar roll to Baez?

I just remembered that the NCAA voted to allow a 10th assistant to coaching staffs in the FBS.
Will this power move be added to the coaching staff, or will he be in a similar roll to Baez?

I just remembered that the NCAA voted to allow a 10th assistant to coaching staffs in the FBS.

Hopefully similar role to Baez and then we can bring in a passing game coordinator for the 10th coaching spot.
Will this power move be added to the coaching staff, or will he be in a similar roll to Baez?

I just remembered that the NCAA voted to allow a 10th assistant to coaching staffs in the FBS.

baez type of role but I don't think the 10th assistant has gone through yet. If it does I could see Charlie Partridge coming in as a lb coach
Will this power move be added to the coaching staff, or will he be in a similar roll to Baez?

I just remembered that the NCAA voted to allow a 10th assistant to coaching staffs in the FBS.

baez type of role but I don't think the 10th assistant has gone through yet. If it does I could see Charlie Partridge coming in as a lb coach

Correct. It hasn't been voted on. It had strong support when proposed.
Gibson decommitting is the power move?

I didn't see this. Him getting tossed to the curb is the power move.

Mark Richt Bicht

Maybe pete shouldn't put **** out there. I think his source is a tad off.