Timing suggests it may involve someone coaching for a playoff team.. Mario Cristobal obviously would be a serious power move and something everyone in the University of Miami family would be behind.
You've read the comments on this board. Do you really thing everyone in the U family would be behind hiring Crystalball? How much of his recruiting success is attributable to working for the Saban/Bama machine? Now a guy like JuJuan Seider, who's been a great recruiter at WVU, is clearly selling the shît out of that program.
this board has it's good share of donkeys on it...
Mario could sell the []_[] to a lot of local kids better than he could sell Bama. Only a few talented kids from Miami go to Bama every year, and in actuality we've won our fair share of head-to-head battles against Mario and Bama going back to AG. When you consider the superior product we have now, I feel comfortable knowing we're gaining ground on Bama quite rapidly.
What makes you say Seider is "selling the shît out of" WVU? Cuz Mike "I always wanted to be a gator" Harley chose them?
I know you love the Harley isn't made for this U angle, which he isn't, but Seider still gets credit for it. Harley's just the tip of it. Seider coached north of your beloved and independent State of Broward in the Palm Beach area high schools for his first 5 years and he grew up in the Muck so he knows the area and would give us a strong presence in that area with his knowledge and relationships. Prior to being at WVU he was at Marshall, like Todd Hartley, where he was pulling in Florida kids, albeit at a different level.
Notwithstanding Marshall, WVU is a much harder sell than Miami or Bama. The guy has had to scrap at the schools he was at to get players there. Have you been to Morgantown and Huntington, WV? I have and these are backass shîtholes. Bama, while also in a shîthole, sells itself right now with championships. Put JaJuan Seider on a staff at a school that's easier to sell to South Florida kids, including those kids in Broward, and watch what happens.
With WVU, it's not so much just who signs because they will almost always lose those battles to the big boys, but more tellingly, who he has gotten to go on official visits there. The guy gets F$U & UF commits taking officials to that shîthole. Its not like it's Oregon and there's a Phil Knight Nike goodie bag waiting for them.
During the Jeudy thing I was on the Bama board and they were talking about Crystalball or another coach potentially leaving and how they would just hire Seider and not miss a beat. During the Harley thing the WVU board was confident that they'd send Seider back down and that would be it... and it was.
Even if he has the Championships and the bags, Crystalball has still pulled in great talent at Bama. I'm sure that he would do well here too but he rustled a lot of Jimmies at the U when he left for Bama. I give him a pass only, and I mean only, because he bolted from Golden and his clown show. I'm sure he saw Al in action and said this is some crazy shît. I'd be happy to have him as a coach and recruiter but he's not universally loved at the U. Unless Seider stays out of loyalty to his alma mater, WVU, I think a better school is going to pay him to leave WVU soon and I wouldnt be surprised if it was an SEC school.