Mark Walton Arrested Again

Just imagine what he got away with as these I'm sure weren't his only crimes.

I don't feel sorry for the guy. I always wish the best for people, but he had more than most at his age and has subsequently ****ed it all away.

The cause, loss of wealth, bad habits, unchecked behavioral issues, and who knows what else to start with. In the end, it sucks, but don't ever feel sorry for someone like this.

Take a good look at his body language. That is what schizophrenia looks like in young high testosterone males.

I have seen it too many times in DIAGNOSED cases. They are prone to confusion, silliness, erratic behavior, and violent outbursts.

The only reason he hasn’t been hospitalized is because he got bailed out quick enough to not completely break down. You could take him in front of the judge and he can feign coherence and just say yes sir and no sir and everyone pretends like he is competent.

He has no bond and there will be no hiding his syptoms. Mark my words. He will be in a state hospital within a year.
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He is struggling. Some of you peeps are a holes. Imagine. Here is a Liberty City kid who's Dad was murdered when he was 7 years old, his brother was shot and killed and his mom died from a stoke at 45 years old... I ain't saying what he's done is right, but no one should have to go through what he has had too...
There’s plenty of people who experienced tragedy at a very young age and don’t end up assaulting a pregnant woman.
I’m with you. But wouldn’t he have to play longer? Or can CTE develop and cause symptoms early in career?
CTE can develop with a pretty minimal amount of head trauma depending on severity of each incidence, but it does seem that the more hits to the head the worse the possible outcomes (see Aaron Hernandez & Chris Benoit).
Time to spit some legal knowledge.

Mark was arrested for 1 count of Robbery Firearm. Robbery F/A is a 1st degree felony punishable by up to life in prison in the state of florida, It also carries a 10 year min/man.

Being that this is a 1st PBL, Mark is not entitled to bond, however his attorney can file for an "Arthur Hearing" and the state most prove that there is "Proof evident/ Presumption great." in order for the judge to hold him no bond. If the State is able to prove PEPG the judge will likely hold him no bond till the case is resolved unless the evidence in the case is weak (i have no idea if it is or isnt.)

Any min/man sentence in florida is a day for day sentence meaning you get no time off for good behavior or as we call it down here "gain time", further a judge cannot get rid of a min/man unless the defendant is youthful offender eligible and that ran out for mark the day he turned 21. The only way around the min/man is for the state to waive it.

Also making matter worse is Mark's case has been designated to be handled by the State Attorney's Career Criminal Unit or CCU. He may even be designated as HOQ (Habitual Offender Qualifed) HVOQ (Habitual Violent Felony Offender) and ROC (Repeat Offender Court) Eligible but these designations all depend on what his priors are. These cases are always handled by seasoned experienced prosecutors.

Long story short he's dug himself a deep hole.
Are you kidding? Richt was incredibly strict. UGA fans used to complain all the time about Richt suspending for minor off field issues. He did the same here.

So you think children are magically protected from brain issues? Do you realize how little impact your head actually needs to get damaged? Youth soccer teams are removing heading the ball now because that can cause brain damage. Let alone actually getting tackled.

This is a study that shows CTE players who started playing younger showed signs earlier.

It also doesn't matter if it isn't expressly CTE. No one would argue that youth football doesn't cause brain damage. And brain damage is frequently linked with violent crime.

In fairness, Richt Miami was totally different than Richt UGA. Richt was no where near the disciplinarian he was. I’m convinced bro used us for vacation & to live his dream to coach w/ his boy.

Now in regards to CTE, brotha imo, it’s been an overused, convenient excuse for bad behavior. Waaaay too many football players who’ve had longer, more brutal careers that live long, normal lives, & behave like normal ppl. I would argue that hockey players are more susceptible to CTE than football players as they play longer seasons, have to play both ways, and get smoked against the glass or a hockey stick **** near every game.

With that being said, Mark very well could be suffering from CTE. Like u said, for all we know, bro could’ve developed it at the youth level. We really don’t know, & it’s hard to even qualify; but to me, it appeared after losing his mom tragically, he was not the same, & he puts me in mind of Ye. So it could be a combo of the two, honestly. I just hate attributing everything to CTE.
Maybe he can Anna Delvey the judge into thinking he's innocent like he Anna Delvey'ed our fanbase into thinking he was an elite RB

Years later, and you’re still with this bizarre obsession.

You may be joining Walton in the loony bin with this kind of neurotic obsessive behavior.

Who knows you guys might even be roommates.
Time to spit some legal knowledge.

Mark was arrested for 1 count of Robbery Firearm. Robbery F/A is a 1st degree felony punishable by up to life in prison in the state of florida, It also carries a 10 year min/man.

Being that this is a 1st PBL, Mark is not entitled to bond, however his attorney can file for an "Arthur Hearing" and the state most prove that there is "Proof evident/ Presumption great." in order for the judge to hold him no bond. If the State is able to prove PEPG the judge will likely hold him no bond till the case is resolved unless the evidence in the case is weak (i have no idea if it is or isnt.)

Any min/man sentence in florida is a day for day sentence meaning you get no time off for good behavior or as we call it down here "gain time", further a judge cannot get rid of a min/man unless the defendant is youthful offender eligible and that ran out for mark the day he turned 21. The only way around the min/man is for the state to waive it.

Also making matter worse is Mark's case has been designated to be handled by the State Attorney's Career Criminal Unit or CCU. He may even be designated as HOQ (Habitual Offender Qualifed) HVOQ (Habitual Violent Felony Offender) and ROC (Repeat Offender Court) Eligible but these designations all depend on what his priors are. These cases are always handled by seasoned experienced prosecutors.

Long story short he's dug himself a deep hole.

Thanks for the info.

It sounds like you clearly know how the criminal justice system works in Florida, especially for these types of crimes, although I’m sure your knowledge of jurisprudence in the state is only limited in a narrow criminal sets. I do get the sense that at some point you’ve either been in the district attorney’s office or opposing them.

In any event thanks for the good knowledge drop. My bottom line after reading your post carefully is that based on my somewhat nebulous knowledge of his priors, that there’s a real good chance he’s fūcked. Sounds like he could easily be doing a minimum of 10 years. Geez.
In fairness, Richt Miami was totally different than Richt UGA. Richt was no where near the disciplinarian he was. I’m convinced bro used us for vacation & to live his dream to coach w/ his boy.

Now in regards to CTE, brotha imo, it’s been an overused, convenient excuse for bad behavior. Waaaay too many football players who’ve had longer, more brutal careers that live long, normal lives, & behave like normal ppl. I would argue that hockey players are more susceptible to CTE than football players as they play longer seasons, have to play both ways, and get smoked against the glass or a hockey stick **** near every game.

With that being said, Mark very well could be suffering from CTE. Like u said, for all we know, bro could’ve developed it at the youth level. We really don’t know, & it’s hard to even qualify; but to me, it appeared after losing his mom tragically, he was not the same, & he puts me in mind of Ye. So it could be a combo of the two, honestly. I just hate attributing everything to CTE.
He still did a lot of strict schit here though. Like expelling sam bruce. A lot of kids were suspended for weed. Like that one QB, I think it was Cade Weldon. This was at the beginning of his tenure too. If he expelled Bruce for falling asleep in meetings and taking a picture with a gun in HS. Than he definitely would have expelled Mark for groping a woman and impersonating a cop.

Ya I agree. It could have been a lot of different things. Hockey players probably do get pretty bad CTE. You hear stories all the time of hockey players getting in trouble for schit, that if your average person did, people would call them a "loose cannon" or something, but because they are hockey players its just "thats what hockey enforcers do".

Boxers pretty much all have brain damage. Go to any gym in the world and talk to the older guys that have boxed for a while. It will be hard to find one that isn't showing some sort of signs of brain damage.

I don't think its really an excuse for bad behavior. Its not like people are saying "ya Kellen Winslow just has CTE, nothing we can do about it, let him run around the nursing homes all he wants". We are just saying the guy got brain damage and now he is suffering the consequences of it.

And people react to things differently. I have had much more people, closer to me die than Kanye and Mark have at a much younger age too and nothing happened to me. Then you have some guys who will have a pet die and they go full crazy. Everyone deals with it differently. Its just like drugs. Some guys can go and smoke crack and live a non violent life. Then you have some guys who will smoke a few joints and end up with Weed Psychosis and end up killing someone. So just because someone took more brain trauma and didn't kill anyone doesn't mean lesser hits to the head won't cause someone to go crazy for less. There are actually a lot of studies linking brain damage and serial killers and every single person to ever play football for a few years, outside of kicker or punter, is going to have some sort of brain damage.
CTE can develop with a pretty minimal amount of head trauma depending on severity of each incidence, but it does seem that the more hits to the head the worse the possible outcomes (see Aaron Hernandez & Chris Benoit).
Benoit was an extreme case. His finishing maneuver was literally a head but from the top rope, done a couple of hundred times per year since the late 1980s.

That said, football has its own risks. It’s not just the dozen college games or high school games per year, it’s all of the practices.
Benoit was an extreme case. His finishing maneuver was literally a head but from the top rope, done a couple of hundred times per year since the late 1980s.

That said, football has its own risks. It’s not just the dozen college games or high school games per year, it’s all of the practices.
Its not as simple as that. Otherwise the granite chin boxers like Aturo Gatti would have been serial killers, since they take more brain damage than anybody, even more than Benoit. Some people just respond differently. Then there is henry lee lucas who was an actual serial killer and he had brain damage just from his dad beating as a kid, which is nothing compared to what your average boxer sustains in his career.
I’m with you. But wouldn’t he have to play longer? Or can CTE develop and cause symptoms early in career?
There was a redshirt freshman qb at washington state a couple years ago who committed suicide out of nowhere, Tyler Hillinski I think.. The autopsy found he had cte and had the brain of a 65 yr old, he was 21 at the time of death...

Take a good look at his body language. That is what schizophrenia looks like in young high testosterone males.

I have seen it too many times in DIAGNOSED cases. They are prone to confusion, silliness, erratic behavior, and violent outbursts.

The only reason he hasn’t been hospitalized is because he got bailed out quick enough to not completely break down. You could take him in front of the judge and he can feign coherence and just say yes sir and no sir and everyone pretends like he is competent.

He has no bond and there will be no hiding his syptoms. Mark my words. He will be in a state hospital within a year.

He doesnt have CTE.

He likely has Bi Polar or Schizophrenia. It just comes out later in the teenage or around the time he started freaking out 21.

I dealt with it with a close friend...who didnt show it all and we just took it as some what put some funky stuff in his weed. Well he is sitting until 2035 and has been in for almost 10 already. It was straight down hill and wierd actions...multiple shootings...and some of the same behavior we are seeing from Mark. And my boy was soft as **** lol

He needs medication and therapy and to have consistent med management. The break could of been moms death..or he could have been on meds the whole time from hs to um because momw as around and then he turned to weed for self medication as he got real money in the nfl. The crazy part is i still see him around abunch of um guys like Chad Thomas, Tracy Howard, and a bunch of nfl guys. No one wheeled dude into Henderson or any Mental health provider..sheesh.
He doesnt have CTE.

He likely has Bi Polar or Schizophrenia. It just comes out later in the teenage or around the time he started freaking out 21.

I dealt with it with a close friend...who didnt show it all and we just took it as some what put some funky stuff in his weed. Well he is sitting until 2035 and has been in for almost 10 already. It was straight down hill and wierd actions...multiple shootings...and some of the same behavior we are seeing from Mark. And my boy was soft as **** lol

He needs medication and therapy and to have consistent med management. The break could of been moms death..or he could have been on meds the whole time from hs to um because momw as around and then he turned to weed for self medication as he got real money in the nfl. The crazy part is i still see him around abunch of um guys like Chad Thomas, Tracy Howard, and a bunch of nfl guys. No one wheeled dude into Henderson or any Mental health provider..sheesh.


When you have seen it, you know exactly what is is when you see it again.

Always the same story.

He was such a great guy. Then in the late teens early 20s his behavior flips. People play it off like he is just a lost kid or being an *******.

After a while they start losing their grip on reality and it becomes undeniable that they have a medical issue. When you bring it up to them, they become indignant because “ I’m not crazy!”

They start going to jail and it spirals. The worst thing is to bond them out.

When my brother went through this, he could fake coherence if you weren’t around him enough. The pressure of being locked up breaks them down and the judge and prosecutors can’t just hustle them through to a plea.

I am adamant about getting him help because in my brother’s case, and some other guys I know, the VIOLENCE stopped once they started to receive treatment. The healing process is long and will have ups and downs but treatment often stops the cycle of violence and gives them a chance to heal without harming themselves or other people.

But we don’t care enough as a society. We prefer bloodshed.

When you have seen it, you know exactly what is is when you see it again.

Always the same story.

He was such a great guy. Then in the late teens early 20s his behavior flips. People play it off like he is just a lost kid or being an *******.

After a while they start losing their grip on reality and it becomes undeniable that they have a medical issue. When you bring it up to them, they become indignant because “ I’m not crazy!”

They start going to jail and it spirals. The worst thing is to bond them out.

When my brother went through this, he could fake coherence if you weren’t around him enough. The pressure of being locked up breaks them down and the judge and prosecutors can’t just hustle them through to a plea.

I am adamant about getting him help because in my brother’s case, and some other guys I know, the VIOLENCE stopped once they started to receive treatment. The healing process is long and will have ups and downs but treatment often stops the cycle of violence and gives them a chance to heal without harming themselves or other people.

But we don’t care enough as a society. We prefer bloodshed.
100% correct.

I have seen it even more than once.

But same i said it was my hcildhood friend from right up the block. So like you said the whole crew we had kinda slowly but surely backed away from him...i didnt because i went off to college an came bac so i didnt have a was just " Old boy be trippin". Crazy that now that he is locke dp he talks more coherent and sound like the old guy i grew up with. Likely because he gets treatment since he will be sat down for over 20 years.