Mark Walton Arrested Again

“There goes Yearby through the hole!”

I know someone that won the lottery. That doesn't mean its common. Also, them not getting arrested again doesn't mean they were rehabilitated.
Mental health is no joke
Mental illness is a serious problem in this country and we as a society, aren't even close to understanding it much less have any type of control of. It's the ultimate can that continues to get kicked down the road.
100% correct.

I have seen it even more than once.

But same i said it was my hcildhood friend from right up the block. So like you said the whole crew we had kinda slowly but surely backed away from him...i didnt because i went off to college an came bac so i didnt have a was just " Old boy be trippin". Crazy that now that he is locke dp he talks more coherent and sound like the old guy i grew up with. Likely because he gets treatment since he will be sat down for over 20 years.

If it's schizophrenia, a lot of them like riding that euphoric zone when they're off their meds. It's like a constant high. When they go full blown off, it's a matter of time until they're full blown into psychosis, which we label crazy. Like you said previously, late teens to early 20's is when it appears.

Had a friend myself that suffered from this and her spirals were almost indescribable. On meds, great human being. Off, woah, wtf, look out.
Thanks for the info.

It sounds like you clearly know how the criminal justice system works in Florida, especially for these types of crimes, although I’m sure your knowledge of jurisprudence in the state is only limited in a narrow criminal sets. I do get the sense that at some point you’ve either been in the district attorney’s office or opposing them.

In any event thanks for the good knowledge drop. My bottom line after reading your post carefully is that based on my somewhat nebulous knowledge of his priors, that there’s a real good chance he’s fūcked. Sounds like he could easily be doing a minimum of 10 years. Geez.

Yup I was a prosecutor for the Broward county state attorneys office for five years, I left almost 7 years ago to start my own criminal defense firm. So basically this is everyday of my life lol. I'm glad I can use my knowledge to bring some clarity for you guys.
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When you have seen it, you know exactly what is is when you see it again.

Always the same story.

He was such a great guy. Then in the late teens early 20s his behavior flips. People play it off like he is just a lost kid or being an *******.

After a while they start losing their grip on reality and it becomes undeniable that they have a medical issue. When you bring it up to them, they become indignant because “ I’m not crazy!”

They start going to jail and it spirals. The worst thing is to bond them out.

When my brother went through this, he could fake coherence if you weren’t around him enough. The pressure of being locked up breaks them down and the judge and prosecutors can’t just hustle them through to a plea.

I am adamant about getting him help because in my brother’s case, and some other guys I know, the VIOLENCE stopped once they started to receive treatment. The healing process is long and will have ups and downs but treatment often stops the cycle of violence and gives them a chance to heal without harming themselves or other people.

But we don’t care enough as a society. We prefer bloodshed.
Mental health is serious overlooked as a cause of repeat offenses. A lot of solvable societal problems go unsolved because there's money to be made by letting them persist or blaming other causes. It isn't necessarily a matter of not caring, it's not really being aware of the root cause.
Years later, and you’re still with this bizarre obsession.

You may be joining Walton in the loony bin with this kind of neurotic obsessive behavior.

Who knows you guys might even be roommates.
What - no mention of Walton banging my mom??? Don't tell me you've gone soft Original

No shame ya got Delvey'ed by Walton - it happened to a lot of smart people here.

And I appreciate your diagnosis of me. It's opened my eyes. Can I count on you to keep my in your prayers?
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Anyone who ever had to deal with service industry employees in dade county understands his pain.
Customer service here in DC is the worst pure millennial waiting for 15 minute break or they’ll check stock an let you know and never come back.

Even if you get there name tag an report MOD are helpless, oh and a fan favorite is they can’t speak English when they here you speaking English they go EHHHHHHH shrug walking awayw
Customer service here in DC is the worst pure millennial waiting for 15 minute break or they’ll check stock an let you know and never come back.

Even if you get there name tag an report MOD are helpless, oh and a fan favorite is they can’t speak English when they here you speaking English they go EHHHHHHH shrug walking awayw
I’m familiar with that regions particular level of dis-service: Southern efficiency with northern hospitality.

Take a good look at his body language. That is what schizophrenia looks like in young high testosterone males.

I have seen it too many times in DIAGNOSED cases. They are prone to confusion, silliness, erratic behavior, and violent outbursts.

The only reason he hasn’t been hospitalized is because he got bailed out quick enough to not completely break down. You could take him in front of the judge and he can feign coherence and just say yes sir and no sir and everyone pretends like he is competent.

He has no bond and there will be no hiding his syptoms. Mark my words. He will be in a state hospital within a year.

What about his body language? Lol. Because he skipped away because he was happy to be out of jail? He's not schizophrenic lol.
Yup I was a prosecutor for the Broward county state attorneys office for five years, I left almost 7 years ago to start my own criminal defense firm. So basically this is everyday of my life lol. I'm glad I can use my knowledge to bring some clarity for you guys.

It shows. I have several friends/relative that had a similar career path. I think @AtlAtty might have a somewhat similar career path, but he’s in Georgia.
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