Lane Thread

I like the tactic, it's like ignoring the hotchick that always has everyone after them and then she starts getting interested because you act like you don't give a ****.

If Ermon signs me as his agent tomorrow and I therefore have a financial interest in the outcome of his development, UF is not one of the schools I'm advising him to go to in order to cash in for both of us. Quincy is leading him in a strange direction.

Do you really believe Quincy is making the decision for Lane? I really cant see a kid going somewhere just based on one friend's decision. I think it's more of Quincy hyping the situation up, to make it look like their this ultimate package deal. Of course they want to play together, but they both made delegate decisions which just happen to be UF. Lane was supposed to be really close to Herb Waters & Tyre Brady also. Doesn't look like he's going to follow them. From his standpoint I see where he is coming from. The playing time at UF is there for him right away. I don't think he's necessarily "scared" of Miamk's wide receivers, he just wants to be playing there from day 1. Quinton Dunbar and Demarcus Robinson will probably be the only wide receivers ahead of him. Maybe another recruit from 2013 or an upperclassmen. At Miami we know this is a difference case. Dorsett, Scott, Waters, Coley, Lewis, Griffin & maybe Carter would be ahead of him by the 1st game in 2014. If he is trying to get in and out of college & produce early, UF is a better option. Lane is a big time talent but so are Rudolph, Dixon, & Langham. If Langham had more speed he would be right up there with Lane.

I don't know. All I know is that there's an appearance that the situation is influencing him.

To me, it's more than an appearance because Nipsy is telling people that they want to play together and they only have one common offer. If Lane isn't comfortable with Nipsy saying that, he could tell Nipsy to stop saying it, or he could refute Nipsy's assertions (he sort of did that in the most recent interview when he said that they won't necessarily play at the same school)).

Nipsy's trying to glom off of Lane's popularity. Sad scene.
Give me players that bleed orange and green. Kids that have pride in their home town, that want to be a part of bringing the U back.

Enjoy Gainesville , puke! And welcome to the chain gang.

Pretty ignorant post. Kid bled orange and green, we just weren't interested. Wouldn't offer him at any position that I have ever reliably heard. Show some class, wish him luck, and cheer when we beat his Gators (if he ends up there).

Quincy also talked **** about The U to anyone who would listen and on social media, so why would I wish this kid luck?

He has brought this hatred from Miami fans on himself.

As for Lane, he is a supposed die hard Hurricane and a "Miami is my dream school" kid, so if he does end up choosing UF(one of our most hated rivals) and turns his back on his city and home town dream school then F@#k him too.

The 305 ain't gonna have any love for these kids who turn their back on their city to go rep Gainesville.

Quincy talked smack about the U on social media? Do you have an example? Also believe UM offered as a safety because some fool imagined it was true and wrote it on the interwebs? People read something someone said on a board and repost it enough it's true? You the NCAA? I don't follow kids on facebook or twitter so let me know if I just totally missed it. Can't say I'd be surprised if a 17 yr old son of a Cane that grew up dreaming to don the orange and green was crushed when the U he loved wouldn't offer him. I might even understand an immature reaction on twitter (considering he is not yet mature), but I never saw one.

Either way, I don't have a problem with the staff not offering. He may not be as good as some think and you can't take every legacy. I just can't stand statements like "these kids who turn their back on their city" when he was dying to play here. Makes no **** sense unless you trollin' for FIU.
Rmcid, IMO if you are following every word that a teenage football recruit says, and every word said fanbase says, well you're doing it wrong.

I agree with you at this point. If The Don hasn't offered, there's a reason, and I sure as **** don't need some random 16 year old in a New Jersey basement to tell me whether that's a good idea or not.
Agreed. But we also shouldn't make up a false narrative to crap on the young man for not playing here when we won't let him. Save the venom for the cheerleaders and Keefs of the world.
Give me players that bleed orange and green. Kids that have pride in their home town, that want to be a part of bringing the U back.

Enjoy Gainesville , puke! And welcome to the chain gang.

Pretty ignorant post. Kid bled orange and green, we just weren't interested. Wouldn't offer him at any position that I have ever reliably heard. Show some class, wish him luck, and cheer when we beat his Gators (if he ends up there).

Quincy also talked **** about The U to anyone who would listen and on social media, so why would I wish this kid luck?

He has brought this hatred from Miami fans on himself.

As for Lane, he is a supposed die hard Hurricane and a "Miami is my dream school" kid, so if he does end up choosing UF(one of our most hated rivals) and turns his back on his city and home town dream school then F@#k him too.

The 305 ain't gonna have any love for these kids who turn their back on their city to go rep Gainesville.

Quincy talked smack about the U on social media? Do you have an example? Also believe UM offered as a safety because some fool imagined it was true and wrote it on the interwebs? People read something someone said on a board and repost it enough it's true? You the NCAA? I don't follow kids on facebook or twitter so let me know if I just totally missed it. Can't say I'd be surprised if a 17 yr old son of a Cane that grew up dreaming to don the orange and green was crushed when the U he loved wouldn't offer him. I might even understand an immature reaction on twitter (considering he is not yet mature), but I never saw one.

Either way, I don't have a problem with the staff not offering. He may not be as good as some think and you can't take every legacy. I just can't stand statements like "these kids who turn their back on their city" when he was dying to play here. Makes no **** sense unless you trollin' for FIU.

All of this. If these weren't good at football their city wouldn't give one **** about them or where they went to college.
Agreed. But we also shouldn't make up a false narrative to crap on the young man for not playing here when we won't let him. Save the venom for the cheerleaders and Keefs of the world.

At this point I can't tell you what's true and what's completely made up so I keep my mouth shut about it.

Unfortunately there's a huge group of people who know less than I do, that talk constantly about it.

Its one of those situations we will rehash in a few years and I bet we end up happy about how everything went down. In the meantime I expect tons of Fake Insider bull**** to overflow.
He isn't going to pledge to another school then come to the free BBQ on Sunday we are providing for recruits and family. He knows better. If he does committ somewhere on Saturday it will be to us or he will delay his decision.

We have Waters, Coley and Lewis for the next 2-3 years so I am not worried one bit.

"All teams are even right now" but yet you have your announcement date picked out.. Kid lies to the media all the time just to get each fan base all fired up. Have fun at UF and catch 25 passes a year.
if Lane plays for FSU, FIU, USC, Alabama, MDCC .. its the kids choice and best of luck to him. I have not heard him say a single bad thing about Miami (unlike some retards out there) so no reason to hate on him

he hasn't played games with us or anything of that sort.
Agreed. But we also shouldn't make up a false narrative to crap on the young man for not playing here when we won't let him. Save the venom for the cheerleaders and Keefs of the world.

He absolutely talked **** via social media. I saw him making the tweets during one of those ask me anythings kids do on twitter. He was also tweeting at Lammons putting down UM about how we haven't won **** in years, and he was in diapers last time we won...or put out a first rounder. I get it he's bitter etc, wanted an offer etc.....he's still been pretty classless ever since.
if Lane plays for FSU, FIU, USC, Alabama, MDCC .. its the kids choice and best of luck to him. I have not heard him say a single bad thing about Miami (unlike some retards out there) so no reason to hate on him

he hasn't played games with us or anything of that sort.

I agree. Of course IF he becomes swamp scum, well then he will be like all of them -- scum! Until then, there is hope for him. Come to THE U young man.
I think i know what the staff is doing. They told dixon he was the #1 wr on the board "right now" because i think they feel they have a better chance at getting dixon to commit now. Now i think with lane and all the momentum pushing him to uf with wilson and cook in his hear and several other uf commits as well. They are just backing off a bit because lane has stated all the college coaches calling all the time is tiring. They are giving him space now and i believe once the dust clears and he commits wilson and the other guys won't be on him then and i think from november or december to nsd they are going after him hard like coley down the stretch winter months.
Tito might be doing a story on it, but he just tweeted out that Lane will be at the BBQ Sunday and will announce his committment Monday...
I never had a problem with this kid but he just ****ed me of. He's attending our BBQ Sunday and he already "knows" where he's going to commit. Unless it's us, which I highly doubt, he's obviously trying to garner some hype around his commitment and make everyone "guess" where's he going.
I never had a problem with this kid but he just ****ed me of. He's attending our BBQ Sunday and he already "knows" where he's going to commit. Unless it's us, which I highly doubt, he's obviously trying to garner some hype around his commitment and make everyone "guess" where's he going.

Yeah I haven't either had a problem with him either, but if he comes to the BBQ only to commit to UF the next day then thats a **** move.
Lane now says he will be announcing Monday. Not sure what it means, but he has also mentioned going to the recruit BBQ on Sunday....just and FYI.

Edit: Sorry, just saw it posted...
Give me players that bleed orange and green. Kids that have pride in their home town, that want to be a part of bringing the U back.

Enjoy Gainesville , puke! And welcome to the chain gang.

Pretty ignorant post. Kid bled orange and green, we just weren't interested. Wouldn't offer him at any position that I have ever reliably heard. Show some class, wish him luck, and cheer when we beat his Gators (if he ends up there).

Quincy also talked **** about The U to anyone who would listen and on social media, so why would I wish this kid luck?

He has brought this hatred from Miami fans on himself.

As for Lane, he is a supposed die hard Hurricane and a "Miami is my dream school" kid, so if he does end up choosing UF(one of our most hated rivals) and turns his back on his city and home town dream school then F@#k him too.

The 305 ain't gonna have any love for these kids who turn their back on their city to go rep Gainesville.

Quincy talked smack about the U on social media? Do you have an example? Also believe UM offered as a safety because some fool imagined it was true and wrote it on the interwebs? People read something someone said on a board and repost it enough it's true? You the NCAA? I don't follow kids on facebook or twitter so let me know if I just totally missed it. Can't say I'd be surprised if a 17 yr old son of a Cane that grew up dreaming to don the orange and green was crushed when the U he loved wouldn't offer him. I might even understand an immature reaction on twitter (considering he is not yet mature), but I never saw one.

Either way, I don't have a problem with the staff not offering. He may not be as good as some think and you can't take every legacy. I just can't stand statements like "these kids who turn their back on their city" when he was dying to play here. Makes no **** sense unless you trollin' for FIU.

First off, I don't have twitter. I have just seen his tweets that other posters put on here, they link it to his twitter page so its not like they are making it up.

And the statement about the kids turning their backs on their city was directed at Lane(a supposed die hard hurricane "dream school" kid).

I could care less what Quincy does.
Well last I remember hes visited us last and multiple times. He's been to UF once and cancelled FNL visit.....