Lane Thread

I like the tactic, it's like ignoring the hotchick that always has everyone after them and then she starts getting interested because you act like you don't give a ****.

If Ermon signs me as his agent tomorrow and I therefore have a financial interest in the outcome of his development, UF is not one of the schools I'm advising him to go to in order to cash in for both of us. Quincy is leading him in a strange direction.

Do you really believe Quincy is making the decision for Lane? I really cant see a kid going somewhere just based on one friend's decision. I think it's more of Quincy hyping the situation up, to make it look like their this ultimate package deal. Of course they want to play together, but they both made delegate decisions which just happen to be UF. Lane was supposed to be really close to Herb Waters & Tyre Brady also. Doesn't look like he's going to follow them. From his standpoint I see where he is coming from. The playing time at UF is there for him right away. I don't think he's necessarily "scared" of Miamk's wide receivers, he just wants to be playing there from day 1. Quinton Dunbar and Demarcus Robinson will probably be the only wide receivers ahead of him. Maybe another recruit from 2013 or an upperclassmen. At Miami we know this is a difference case. Dorsett, Scott, Waters, Coley, Lewis, Griffin & maybe Carter would be ahead of him by the 1st game in 2014. If he is trying to get in and out of college & produce early, UF is a better option. Lane is a big time talent but so are Rudolph, Dixon, & Langham. If Langham had more speed he would be right up there with Lane.

I don't know. All I know is that there's an appearance that the situation is influencing him.

To me, it's more than an appearance because Nipsy is telling people that they want to play together and they only have one common offer. If Lane isn't comfortable with Nipsy saying that, he could tell Nipsy to stop saying it, or he could refute Nipsy's assertions (he sort of did that in the most recent interview when he said that they won't necessarily play at the same school)).

I like the tactic, it's like ignoring the hotchick that always has everyone after them and then she starts getting interested because you act like you don't give a ****.

If Ermon signs me as his agent tomorrow and I therefore have a financial interest in the outcome of his development, UF is not one of the schools I'm advising him to go to in order to cash in for both of us. Quincy is leading him in a strange direction.

Do you really believe Quincy is making the decision for Lane? I really cant see a kid going somewhere just based on one friend's decision. I think it's more of Quincy hyping the situation up, to make it look like their this ultimate package deal. Of course they want to play together, but they both made delegate decisions which just happen to be UF. Lane was supposed to be really close to Herb Waters & Tyre Brady also. Doesn't look like he's going to follow them. From his standpoint I see where he is coming from. The playing time at UF is there for him right away. I don't think he's necessarily "scared" of Miamk's wide receivers, he just wants to be playing there from day 1. Quinton Dunbar and Demarcus Robinson will probably be the only wide receivers ahead of him. Maybe another recruit from 2013 or an upperclassmen. At Miami we know this is a difference case. Dorsett, Scott, Waters, Coley, Lewis, Griffin & maybe Carter would be ahead of him by the 1st game in 2014. If he is trying to get in and out of college & produce early, UF is a better option. Lane is a big time talent but so are Rudolph, Dixon, & Langham. If Langham had more speed he would be right up there with Lane.

That's where I disagree. That makes him sound like Ryan Moore. Maybe he's an exception, but you know what happens to guys who want to get in and out of a college program quickly? They fail to develop to their maximum potential. Come in and compete your *** off. In college now, all you need is one good year. If you're really that good, you should go to a college that will force you to compete your *** off on the field and in the weight room. By year #3 in the program, you ball out and you decide to leave.

It took Seantrel Henderson 3 entire years to figure this out. Now he's here for the 4th year because of it.

I completely agree with this. You don't need to be an AA for 3 years to be a three and out guy and get drafted early. All you need is one great year. The smart move is to come in, develop physically and mentally and start to play when you are ready to do so at a high level. Some guys can do that right away like Duke, but most cannot do it.
lane isn't 3 and done anywhere he goes imo. he's still lacking in areas of his game that he gets away with dominating high school comp.
lane isn't 3 and done anywhere he goes imo. he's still lacking in areas of his game that he gets away with dominating high school comp.

Being given playing time from Day 1 may not be in his best interest. Stacy Coley signed here in the face of having 4-5 guys he'd have to leap. You know what that makes Stacy Coley do? People I've talked to say the guy is so competitive that he's busting his *** on every single detail just so he can get on the field. The result of that is presumably better than if he had walked in here knowing he'd be slotted for PT.

I guess we'll see.
lane isn't 3 and done anywhere he goes imo. he's still lacking in areas of his game that he gets away with dominating high school comp.

Being given playing time from Day 1 may not be in his best interest. Stacy Coley signed here in the face of having 4-5 guys he'd have to leap. You know what that makes Stacy Coley do? People I've talked to say the guy is so competitive that he's busting his *** on every single detail just so he can get on the field. The result of that is presumably better than if he had walked in here knowing he'd be slotted for PT.

I guess we'll see.

true, it's really an individual thing.

some learn by getting it on the field, others learn on the practice field before they can apply it. i'll use an example i'm familiar with...harvin. at uf, while he was more talented than guys in front oh him, some of those guys were nfl players. despite that, he was a terrible practice player, lazy and undisciplined according to most. but he got on the field and was always where he was supposed to be, i remember mullen saying he could find holes in a zone better than any receiver he had seen.

i don't know which type lane is so yea i guess we'll see. but i've said all along he's not the special receiver imo people keeps telling me he is. i've heard aj green when describing him and i don't see that at all. there was consensus on a guy like that as being the best in the country...there are at least 5-6 receivers you can say right now that are as good or better than lane.
UF has had more BUST as WR entering in the NFL. That is precisely the point. Those who go to UF dont really amount to much on the NFL level and you bet ur *** it has something to do with the school, their system, its coaches...the list goes on. WR Graveyard
its kind of strange that's the common perception regarding uf and receivers.

i mean i guess i get it, like i said before, i absolutely would not want to play with driskel, i think he's a bad qb. but uf is selling him on the future. and i mentioned it in another thread, maybe this one, but since 96' uf has had more receivers drafted than anybody. now have they all been studs at the nfl level? no, but that's not a school thing so i'm not sure where the perception comes from that uf hasn't and won't have good receivers. outside of that, the perception that muschamp is a run-heavy coach is flawed. his biggest influence offensively is mack brown per his words. as hciw at texas he wanted holgorson to coordinate the offense and brown eventually settled on harsin from bosie. a run-heavy, conservative guy isn't going to prefer holgorson. also when you look at his coordinator hires at uf one has been weis who is a pass heavy guy who fancies himself a qb guru and the other came from boise where they are known for their aggressive, creative offense.

his first year there our starting qb brantley went down for 4 games and we were left to play driskel and brissett as true freshmen, what competent coach would be slinging the ball all over the lot in that scenario? last year we were again playing a young qb and our run game was the best unit so we again leaned more towards the run. but last year we took 5 receivers and this year we're looking to take 3-4 which gives an idea of the direction we want to go with the offense. and as i said that's reflected in his coordinator hires.

that said if we're talking next year, yea i'm not choosing to play with driskel. but his other contenders bama and miami will both be breaking in new qb's so they're unproven as well. braxton miller is a likely early entry candidate so if he goes there he's likely playing with a new qb also. so really all his top choices will have the same situation at the qb spot.
Even though Lane hasn't spoken to Miami staff doesn't mean that Barrow or anyone else isn't speaking to MAMA LANE. Especially after Ermon's comments on what his mom told him to do by not doing what others do....

"Be a leader not a follower"
UF has had more BUST as WR entering in the NFL. That is precisely the point. Those who go to UF dont really amount to much on the NFL level and you bet ur *** it has something to do with the school, their system, its coaches...the list goes on. WR Graveyard
its kind of strange that's the common perception regarding uf and receivers.

i mean i guess i get it, like i said before, i absolutely would not want to play with driskel, i think he's a bad qb. but uf is selling him on the future. and i mentioned it in another thread, maybe this one, but since 96' uf has had more receivers drafted than anybody. now have they all been studs at the nfl level? no, but that's not a school thing so i'm not sure where the perception comes from that uf hasn't and won't have good receivers. outside of that, the perception that muschamp is a run-heavy coach is flawed. his biggest influence offensively is mack brown per his words. as hciw at texas he wanted holgorson to coordinate the offense and brown eventually settled on harsin from bosie. a run-heavy, conservative guy isn't going to prefer holgorson. also when you look at his coordinator hires at uf one has been weis who is a pass heavy guy who fancies himself a qb guru and the other came from boise where they are known for their aggressive, creative offense.

his first year there our starting qb brantley went down for 4 games and we were left to play driskel and brissett as true freshmen, what competent coach would be slinging the ball all over the lot in that scenario? last year we were again playing a young qb and our run game was the best unit so we again leaned more towards the run. but last year we took 5 receivers and this year we're looking to take 3-4 which gives an idea of the direction we want to go with the offense. and as i said that's reflected in his coordinator hires.

that said if we're talking next year, yea i'm not choosing to play with driskel. but his other contenders bama and miami will both be breaking in new qb's so they're unproven as well. braxton miller is a likely early entry candidate so if he goes there he's likely playing with a new qb also. so really all his top choices will have the same situation at the qb spot.

that's nonsensical for so many reasons but what's the point.

so the school is all that matters...then why did lance legget, ryan moore, etc. all bust? exactly, it's an individual thing. not sure how the school is the problem if they are getting to the next level. there are so many factors that go into play that being the franchise they're drafted by, systems, injuries, etc. that to reduce it down to school attended is well, retarded. but i'm sure you feel that andre johnson is andre johnson because he attended miami, he would have sucked elsewhere :ohlord:
UF has had more BUST as WR entering in the NFL. That is precisely the point. Those who go to UF dont really amount to much on the NFL level and you bet ur *** it has something to do with the school, their system, its coaches...the list goes on. WR Graveyard
its kind of strange that's the common perception regarding uf and receivers.

i mean i guess i get it, like i said before, i absolutely would not want to play with driskel, i think he's a bad qb. but uf is selling him on the future. and i mentioned it in another thread, maybe this one, but since 96' uf has had more receivers drafted than anybody. now have they all been studs at the nfl level? no, but that's not a school thing so i'm not sure where the perception comes from that uf hasn't and won't have good receivers. outside of that, the perception that muschamp is a run-heavy coach is flawed. his biggest influence offensively is mack brown per his words. as hciw at texas he wanted holgorson to coordinate the offense and brown eventually settled on harsin from bosie. a run-heavy, conservative guy isn't going to prefer holgorson. also when you look at his coordinator hires at uf one has been weis who is a pass heavy guy who fancies himself a qb guru and the other came from boise where they are known for their aggressive, creative offense.

his first year there our starting qb brantley went down for 4 games and we were left to play driskel and brissett as true freshmen, what competent coach would be slinging the ball all over the lot in that scenario? last year we were again playing a young qb and our run game was the best unit so we again leaned more towards the run. but last year we took 5 receivers and this year we're looking to take 3-4 which gives an idea of the direction we want to go with the offense. and as i said that's reflected in his coordinator hires.

that said if we're talking next year, yea i'm not choosing to play with driskel. but his other contenders bama and miami will both be breaking in new qb's so they're unproven as well. braxton miller is a likely early entry candidate so if he goes there he's likely playing with a new qb also. so really all his top choices will have the same situation at the qb spot.

that's nonsensical for so many reasons but what's the point.

so the school is all that matters...then why did lance legget, ryan moore, etc. all bust? exactly, it's an individual thing. not sure how the school is the problem if they are getting to the next level. there are so many factors that go into play that being the franchise they're drafted by, systems, injuries, etc. that to reduce it down to school attended is well, retarded. but i'm sure you feel that andre johnson is andre johnson because he attended miami, he would have sucked elsewhere :ohlord:

Poor coaching and player development might have had something to do with Lance Leggett and Ryan Moore busting.
UF has had more BUST as WR entering in the NFL. That is precisely the point. Those who go to UF dont really amount to much on the NFL level and you bet ur *** it has something to do with the school, their system, its coaches...the list goes on. WR Graveyard
its kind of strange that's the common perception regarding uf and receivers.

i mean i guess i get it, like i said before, i absolutely would not want to play with driskel, i think he's a bad qb. but uf is selling him on the future. and i mentioned it in another thread, maybe this one, but since 96' uf has had more receivers drafted than anybody. now have they all been studs at the nfl level? no, but that's not a school thing so i'm not sure where the perception comes from that uf hasn't and won't have good receivers. outside of that, the perception that muschamp is a run-heavy coach is flawed. his biggest influence offensively is mack brown per his words. as hciw at texas he wanted holgorson to coordinate the offense and brown eventually settled on harsin from bosie. a run-heavy, conservative guy isn't going to prefer holgorson. also when you look at his coordinator hires at uf one has been weis who is a pass heavy guy who fancies himself a qb guru and the other came from boise where they are known for their aggressive, creative offense.

his first year there our starting qb brantley went down for 4 games and we were left to play driskel and brissett as true freshmen, what competent coach would be slinging the ball all over the lot in that scenario? last year we were again playing a young qb and our run game was the best unit so we again leaned more towards the run. but last year we took 5 receivers and this year we're looking to take 3-4 which gives an idea of the direction we want to go with the offense. and as i said that's reflected in his coordinator hires.

that said if we're talking next year, yea i'm not choosing to play with driskel. but his other contenders bama and miami will both be breaking in new qb's so they're unproven as well. braxton miller is a likely early entry candidate so if he goes there he's likely playing with a new qb also. so really all his top choices will have the same situation at the qb spot.

that's nonsensical for so many reasons but what's the point.

so the school is all that matters...then why did lance legget, ryan moore, etc. all bust? exactly, it's an individual thing. not sure how the school is the problem if they are getting to the next level. there are so many factors that go into play that being the franchise they're drafted by, systems, injuries, etc. that to reduce it down to school attended is well, retarded. but i'm sure you feel that andre johnson is andre johnson because he attended miami, he would have sucked elsewhere :ohlord:

Poor coaching and player development might have had something to do with Lance Leggett and Ryan Moore busting.

^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

UF has had more BUST as WR entering in the NFL. That is precisely the point. Those who go to UF dont really amount to much on the NFL level and you bet ur *** it has something to do with the school, their system, its coaches...the list goes on. WR Graveyard
its kind of strange that's the common perception regarding uf and receivers.

i mean i guess i get it, like i said before, i absolutely would not want to play with driskel, i think he's a bad qb. but uf is selling him on the future. and i mentioned it in another thread, maybe this one, but since 96' uf has had more receivers drafted than anybody. now have they all been studs at the nfl level? no, but that's not a school thing so i'm not sure where the perception comes from that uf hasn't and won't have good receivers. outside of that, the perception that muschamp is a run-heavy coach is flawed. his biggest influence offensively is mack brown per his words. as hciw at texas he wanted holgorson to coordinate the offense and brown eventually settled on harsin from bosie. a run-heavy, conservative guy isn't going to prefer holgorson. also when you look at his coordinator hires at uf one has been weis who is a pass heavy guy who fancies himself a qb guru and the other came from boise where they are known for their aggressive, creative offense.

his first year there our starting qb brantley went down for 4 games and we were left to play driskel and brissett as true freshmen, what competent coach would be slinging the ball all over the lot in that scenario? last year we were again playing a young qb and our run game was the best unit so we again leaned more towards the run. but last year we took 5 receivers and this year we're looking to take 3-4 which gives an idea of the direction we want to go with the offense. and as i said that's reflected in his coordinator hires.

that said if we're talking next year, yea i'm not choosing to play with driskel. but his other contenders bama and miami will both be breaking in new qb's so they're unproven as well. braxton miller is a likely early entry candidate so if he goes there he's likely playing with a new qb also. so really all his top choices will have the same situation at the qb spot.

that's nonsensical for so many reasons but what's the point.

so the school is all that matters...then why did lance legget, ryan moore, etc. all bust? exactly, it's an individual thing. not sure how the school is the problem if they are getting to the next level. there are so many factors that go into play that being the franchise they're drafted by, systems, injuries, etc. that to reduce it down to school attended is well, retarded. but i'm sure you feel that andre johnson is andre johnson because he attended miami, he would have sucked elsewhere :ohlord:

Poor coaching and player development might have had something to do with Lance Leggett and Ryan Moore busting.

don't disagree, just using it as an example.

miami has had some receivers not do well in the nfl lately either. and i don't say that to disparage miami, just making the point that its an individual thing. once they get to the next level success/failure is primarily on the individual with other factors thrown in. if dorsett goes in the 2nd round for example and doesn't have a good pro career, would anyone say 'well miami produced busts that's why he didn't do well'? no, that's retarded. he was obviously prepared coming out of school or he wouldn't have been drafted where he was.

I like the tactic, it's like ignoring the hotchick that always has everyone after them and then she starts getting interested because you act like you don't give a ****.

If Ermon signs me as his agent tomorrow and I therefore have a financial interest in the outcome of his development, UF is not one of the schools I'm advising him to go to in order to cash in for both of us. Quincy is leading him in a strange direction.

Do you really believe Quincy is making the decision for Lane? I really cant see a kid going somewhere just based on one friend's decision. I think it's more of Quincy hyping the situation up, to make it look like their this ultimate package deal. Of course they want to play together, but they both made delegate decisions which just happen to be UF. Lane was supposed to be really close to Herb Waters & Tyre Brady also. Doesn't look like he's going to follow them. From his standpoint I see where he is coming from. The playing time at UF is there for him right away. I don't think he's necessarily "scared" of Miamk's wide receivers, he just wants to be playing there from day 1. Quinton Dunbar and Demarcus Robinson will probably be the only wide receivers ahead of him. Maybe another recruit from 2013 or an upperclassmen. At Miami we know this is a difference case. Dorsett, Scott, Waters, Coley, Lewis, Griffin & maybe Carter would be ahead of him by the 1st game in 2014. If he is trying to get in and out of college & produce early, UF is a better option. Lane is a big time talent but so are Rudolph, Dixon, & Langham. If Langham had more speed he would be right up there with Lane.

That's where I disagree. That makes him sound like Ryan Moore. Maybe he's an exception, but you know what happens to guys who want to get in and out of a college program quickly? They fail to develop to their maximum potential. Come in and compete your *** off. In college now, all you need is one good year. If you're really that good, you should go to a college that will force you to compete your *** off on the field and in the weight room. By year #3 in the program, you ball out and you decide to leave.

It took Seantrel Henderson 3 entire years to figure this out. Now he's here for the 4th year because of it.

I agree with you. It could very well benefit him having to start off behind 6 guys and work his way up. However, all recruits have different interests. We see in Moten's case he's likely to come to Miami over UF the same reason Lane is likely to go to UF over Miami (Immediate playing time). Although Moten won't get immediate playing off the bat like lane, he's less likely to get buried in the depth chart. If the kid's first priority is playing time then that's just how it is. Not saying it's the right move but it's his decision & his priorities. Working your way up the depth chart with guys that have the same talent or above you will get you better.
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I like the tactic, it's like ignoring the hotchick that always has everyone after them and then she starts getting interested because you act like you don't give a ****.

If Ermon signs me as his agent tomorrow and I therefore have a financial interest in the outcome of his development, UF is not one of the schools I'm advising him to go to in order to cash in for both of us. Quincy is leading him in a strange direction.

Do you really believe Quincy is making the decision for Lane? I really cant see a kid going somewhere just based on one friend's decision. I think it's more of Quincy hyping the situation up, to make it look like their this ultimate package deal. Of course they want to play together, but they both made delegate decisions which just happen to be UF. Lane was supposed to be really close to Herb Waters & Tyre Brady also. Doesn't look like he's going to follow them. From his standpoint I see where he is coming from. The playing time at UF is there for him right away. I don't think he's necessarily "scared" of Miamk's wide receivers, he just wants to be playing there from day 1. Quinton Dunbar and Demarcus Robinson will probably be the only wide receivers ahead of him. Maybe another recruit from 2013 or an upperclassmen. At Miami we know this is a difference case. Dorsett, Scott, Waters, Coley, Lewis, Griffin & maybe Carter would be ahead of him by the 1st game in 2014. If he is trying to get in and out of college & produce early, UF is a better option. Lane is a big time talent but so are Rudolph, Dixon, & Langham. If Langham had more speed he would be right up there with Lane.

That's where I disagree. That makes him sound like Ryan Moore. Maybe he's an exception, but you know what happens to guys who want to get in and out of a college program quickly? They fail to develop to their maximum potential. Come in and compete your *** off. In college now, all you need is one good year. If you're really that good, you should go to a college that will force you to compete your *** off on the field and in the weight room. By year #3 in the program, you ball out and you decide to leave.

It took Seantrel Henderson 3 entire years to figure this out. Now he's here for the 4th year because of it.

I agree with you. It could very well benefit him having to start off behind 6 guys and work his way up. However, all recruits have different interests. We see in Moten's case he's likely to come to Miami over UF the same reason Lane is likely to go to UF over Miami (Immediate playing time). Although Moten won't get immediate playing off the bat like lane, he's less likely to get buried in the depth chart. If the kid's first priority is playing time then that's just how it is. Not saying it's the right move but it's his decision & his priorities.

Indubitably. If he makes that decision for those reasons, he won't be the first to do so, and he won't be the last to do so. I think it's generally the wrong decision because it's very hard for kids out of high school to compete with men. Obviously, there are exceptions, but it's hard to do. We live in a society **** bent on instant gratification, so it's understandable if he makes that decision.

That said, I really don't care at all about where the kid signs. UM will be fine with or without him.
If Ermon signs me as his agent tomorrow and I therefore have a financial interest in the outcome of his development, UF is not one of the schools I'm advising him to go to in order to cash in for both of us. Quincy is leading him in a strange direction.

Do you really believe Quincy is making the decision for Lane? I really cant see a kid going somewhere just based on one friend's decision. I think it's more of Quincy hyping the situation up, to make it look like their this ultimate package deal. Of course they want to play together, but they both made delegate decisions which just happen to be UF. Lane was supposed to be really close to Herb Waters & Tyre Brady also. Doesn't look like he's going to follow them. From his standpoint I see where he is coming from. The playing time at UF is there for him right away. I don't think he's necessarily "scared" of Miamk's wide receivers, he just wants to be playing there from day 1. Quinton Dunbar and Demarcus Robinson will probably be the only wide receivers ahead of him. Maybe another recruit from 2013 or an upperclassmen. At Miami we know this is a difference case. Dorsett, Scott, Waters, Coley, Lewis, Griffin & maybe Carter would be ahead of him by the 1st game in 2014. If he is trying to get in and out of college & produce early, UF is a better option. Lane is a big time talent but so are Rudolph, Dixon, & Langham. If Langham had more speed he would be right up there with Lane.

That's where I disagree. That makes him sound like Ryan Moore. Maybe he's an exception, but you know what happens to guys who want to get in and out of a college program quickly? They fail to develop to their maximum potential. Come in and compete your *** off. In college now, all you need is one good year. If you're really that good, you should go to a college that will force you to compete your *** off on the field and in the weight room. By year #3 in the program, you ball out and you decide to leave.

It took Seantrel Henderson 3 entire years to figure this out. Now he's here for the 4th year because of it.

I agree with you. It could very well benefit him having to start off behind 6 guys and work his way up. However, all recruits have different interests. We see in Moten's case he's likely to come to Miami over UF the same reason Lane is likely to go to UF over Miami (Immediate playing time). Although Moten won't get immediate playing off the bat like lane, he's less likely to get buried in the depth chart. If the kid's first priority is playing time then that's just how it is. Not saying it's the right move but it's his decision & his priorities.

Indubitably. If he makes that decision for those reasons, he won't be the first to do so, and he won't be the last to do so. I think it's generally the wrong decision because it's very hard for kids out of high school to compete with men. Obviously, there are exceptions, but it's hard to do. We live in a society **** bent on instant gratification, so it's understandable if he makes that decision.

That said, I really don't care at all about where the kid signs. UM will be fine with or without him.

Agree. We have Langham and Griffin for the 2014 WR group. Griffin wi be counted as an EE. Im hoping we get some combination of Berrios, Dixon, & Rudolph. Not because they're needs, but who doesn't like to see the rich get richer?

My main goal for 2014 recruiting class is to have an elite defensive class.
Do you really believe Quincy is making the decision for Lane? I really cant see a kid going somewhere just based on one friend's decision. I think it's more of Quincy hyping the situation up, to make it look like their this ultimate package deal. Of course they want to play together, but they both made delegate decisions which just happen to be UF. Lane was supposed to be really close to Herb Waters & Tyre Brady also. Doesn't look like he's going to follow them. From his standpoint I see where he is coming from. The playing time at UF is there for him right away. I don't think he's necessarily "scared" of Miamk's wide receivers, he just wants to be playing there from day 1. Quinton Dunbar and Demarcus Robinson will probably be the only wide receivers ahead of him. Maybe another recruit from 2013 or an upperclassmen. At Miami we know this is a difference case. Dorsett, Scott, Waters, Coley, Lewis, Griffin & maybe Carter would be ahead of him by the 1st game in 2014. If he is trying to get in and out of college & produce early, UF is a better option. Lane is a big time talent but so are Rudolph, Dixon, & Langham. If Langham had more speed he would be right up there with Lane.

That's where I disagree. That makes him sound like Ryan Moore. Maybe he's an exception, but you know what happens to guys who want to get in and out of a college program quickly? They fail to develop to their maximum potential. Come in and compete your *** off. In college now, all you need is one good year. If you're really that good, you should go to a college that will force you to compete your *** off on the field and in the weight room. By year #3 in the program, you ball out and you decide to leave.

It took Seantrel Henderson 3 entire years to figure this out. Now he's here for the 4th year because of it.

I agree with you. It could very well benefit him having to start off behind 6 guys and work his way up. However, all recruits have different interests. We see in Moten's case he's likely to come to Miami over UF the same reason Lane is likely to go to UF over Miami (Immediate playing time). Although Moten won't get immediate playing off the bat like lane, he's less likely to get buried in the depth chart. If the kid's first priority is playing time then that's just how it is. Not saying it's the right move but it's his decision & his priorities.

Indubitably. If he makes that decision for those reasons, he won't be the first to do so, and he won't be the last to do so. I think it's generally the wrong decision because it's very hard for kids out of high school to compete with men. Obviously, there are exceptions, but it's hard to do. We live in a society **** bent on instant gratification, so it's understandable if he makes that decision.

That said, I really don't care at all about where the kid signs. UM will be fine with or without him.

Agree. We have Langham and Griffin for the 2014 WR group. Griffin wi be counted as an EE. Im hoping we get some combination of Berrios, Dixon, & Rudolph. Not because they're needs, but who doesn't like to see the rich get richer?

My main goal for 2014 recruiting class is to have an elite defensive class.

This time next year if you tell me we add 4 of those 5 im sold!!!!!! Lane is great but we will not miss a step with those studs coming in
I know the common perception is Wilson is leading Lane recruitment but I just cant believe that. I'm sure they are friends and have talked about how great it would be to play together but at the same time, I don't think if Lane wanted to go elsewhere that he would choose Florida jus to play with Wilson.

As far as the article, I don't kno what it means that he hasn't spoken with Miami in a month but we're still in. sounds like Miami may have higher priorities on their board or maybe Lane indicated he wanted to play with Wilson and is know having 2nd thoughts. I guess we'll see if he shows up at the BBQ on sunday
I know the common perception is Wilson is leading Lane recruitment but I just cant believe that. I'm sure they are friends and have talked about how great it would be to play together but at the same time, I don't think if Lane wanted to go elsewhere that he would choose Florida jus to play with Wilson.

As far as the article, I don't kno what it means that he hasn't spoken with Miami in a month but we're still in. sounds like Miami may have higher priorities on their board or maybe Lane indicated he wanted to play with Wilson and is know having 2nd thoughts. I guess we'll see if he shows up at the BBQ on sunday

If he goes to the bbq then he didnt decide Saturday. By then obviously he will talk to the staff and we alllllllllll know another interview is coming then we'll see