Usually I don’t chime in to these types of topics b/c it’s pointless, but I wish ppl would get the story of Malcolm X correct:
Malcolm X did not hate Caucasians; he hated the injustices that were imposed by Caucasians on to the African-American community, in particular, the “justice system” one who he fell victim to himself. However, he began to equate all Caucasians as being unjust, and began to promote Black unity & empowerment. His views of the Caucasian community were slighted by his own personal experiences, and what he witnessed happened to other African-American men & women.
Part of the reason he was taken out by his own religious group & FBI, allegedly, was due to his change of views regarding race relationships. The hate he once embraced was substituted by love & tolerance for all. He came to his own conclusions after his worldly experience that Whites, Blacks, Arabs can all be brothers. So in essence, you can say he grew up w/ a better understanding of life, but he was also taken out b/c of it, as well
It’s 2019, this close to being 2020. Whoever’s racist now is a dumb muthafcka, str8 up. This whole skin color thing is dumb af.
Facts: Ain’t no such thing as a pure race. The whole propaganda of keeping “The Aryan Race” pure, is bull chit. First off, some secular/biblical facts; Aryans came from the blood line of Gomer, who was the grandson of Noah. While not specified, Noah was born somewhere w/in, what we know today, as the Arab Nation. So again, how is the Aryan bloodline “pure?”
We all have a little different ethnicities w/in us, b/c we are ALL connected in some way, shape, or form. Some just have more melanin than others based upon geographical locations. ****, this 12 yr old girl in 2012 just connected that 43 of the 44 Presidents (prior to Trump) were ALL related by one man, and that included Obama!!!
It’s not cool, it’s not funny, and it’s just ignorant to be a racist prick in 2019, and that goes for Latinos, Caucasians, African Americans, Native Americans, Africans, Jews, HUMAN BEINGS.
If there wasn’t diversity, we wouldn’t have the foods we enjoy so much here! Could u imagine how boring it would be to eat hamburgers, hotdogs, and apple pie everyday??
It’s time to wake up; we can be so much better if we stop looking at the outside of ppl, in general.