Keep on keeping on SEC

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It's not illegal to BE racist. It IS illegal to do racist things with guns.
Illegal (ILL EAGLE) is a sick bird! And somehow all these kids have absolutely no problem going to and repping those back assward Redneck, Inbred institutions.
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Literally I didn't say anything about context. Here's my context:


In my mind's eye, maybe I can "excuse" racism in the 1700's, 1800's, ****, even in the early part of the 1900's due to shear ignorance, superiority complexes, false propaganda, inferiority complexes, and hurt feelings.'s 2019. If you choose to be racist today, you're dumb af, period. I spoke about how Malcolm changed his views once he was exposed to more things; We're in an era where you can't help but be exposed to the world. If you're view on a person is based upon the color of the skin, you're dumb af. I stand by that 1000%
Lmao. You may be confused. I will quote you, so you can see what you said about context, which I responded to. I have no idea how you misinterpreted my response, either. It was not critical of your comment. I was almost agreeing with you, just making additional points.

Malcolm X did not hate Caucasians; he hated the injustices that were imposed by Caucasians on to the African-American community, in particular, the “justice system” one who he fell victim to himself. However, he began to equate all Caucasians as being unjust, and began to promote Black unity & empowerment. His views of the Caucasian community were slighted by his own personal experiences, and what he witnessed happened to other African-American men & women.

Those are your words. That was context. If you don't see that, look up the definition of context. (Or just click on the spoiler button.)
”the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.”

In any case, you seem focused on race here, but perhaps don’t see that there are many types of bias, and bias has existed forever. All bias is partly common, partly the responsibility of the individual to overcome. This board is full of *** and tranny jokes and few folks here think to themselves ‘OMG, that’s RACIST!’ Likewise, as i pointed out, you talk |about racism, but you do not seem to have considered that Che or Mao were equally offensive symbols to some as the KKK is to others. Irrational hatred based on race, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, it’s all bias.

Anyhow, not sure we are even disagreeing, so not really sure what your concern is here.
Lmao. You may be confused. I will quote you, so you can see what you said about context, which I responded to. I have no idea how you misinterpreted my response, either. It was not critical of your comment. I was almost agreeing with you, just making additional points.

Those are your words. That was context. If you don't see that, look up the definition of context. (Or just click on the spoiler button.)
”the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.”

In any case, you seem focused on race here, but perhaps don’t see that there are many types of bias, and bias has existed forever. All bias is partly common, partly the responsibility of the individual to overcome. This board is full of *** and tranny jokes and few folks here think to themselves ‘OMG, that’s RACIST!’ Likewise, as i pointed out, you talk |about racism, but you do not seem to have considered that Che or Mao were equally offensive symbols to some as the KKK is to others. Irrational hatred based on race, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, it’s all bias.

Anyhow, not sure we are even disagreeing, so not really sure what your concern is here.

My fault, I thought you were responding to something else I stated. My whole point of Malcolm X was not so much his earlier biased/prejudiced views, but rather he came to his senses or had a better respect of other nationalities once he saw the world.
My fault, I thought you were responding to something else I stated. My whole point of Malcolm X was not so much his earlier biased/prejudiced views, but rather he came to his senses or had a better respect of other nationalities once he saw the world.
He did, but equally important was that his earlier views were real and informed by the world he lived in. He was insightful even before he was ‘moderate.’ Too many folks judge history by contemporary standards, whether its Malcolm X or Thomas Jefferson. Never makes sense. MLK had his flaws. Gandhi did, too. Context.
He did, but equally important was that his earlier views were real and informed by the world he lived in. He was insightful even before he was ‘moderate.’ Too many folks judge history by contemporary standards, whether its Malcolm X or Thomas Jefferson. Never makes sense. MLK had his flaws. Gandhi did, too. Context.

Indeed, sir, indeed!
Indeed, sir, indeed!
Not to get all up into it, but imo more folks should read the Bible. Moses was picked by God to do miracles, and save his people, but his flaws (anger) caused God to prohibit him from crossing into the promised land. They didn’t make him less great, however. Likewise in one a them other stories, the warriors defended the temple, but weren’t allowed back in to be blessed after the battle, because they had blood on their hands. Unfair? Maybe. But life is complicated. The point in the Bible if folks remember it is a man isn’t judged by his imperfections, but he does bear responsibility for their consequences.
Not to get all up into it, but imo more folks should read the Bible. Moses was picked by God to do miracles, and save his people, but his flaws (anger) caused God to prohibit him from crossing into the promised land. They didn’t make him less great, however. Likewise in one a them other stories, the warriors defended the temple, but weren’t allowed back in to be blessed after the battle, because they had blood on their hands. Unfair? Maybe. But life is complicated. The point in the Bible if folks remember it is a man isn’t judged by his imperfections, but he does bear responsibility for their consequences.

This thread did not disappoint. I thought it was going to be about bags. Instead it’s racism. I couldn’t make it past page 3.
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