KC Concepcion

Belichick went 5-13 with Bledsoe. And then Bledsoe made the Pro Bowl his first year after leaving Belichick.
Brady in 2001 was nothing more than a game manager . They won with defense . I get it you’re a dolphins fan but the man has 8 super bowls and some of the best defenses ever. On top of that he drafted and developed Brady as a sixth rounder that all the league didn’t want. The Pat’s in 01 could’ve won a Super Bowl with Dilfer. Just look what BB did to the greatest show on turf . Then go look what he did to the 91 bills K gun offense. Two of the greatest defense game plans ever. Btw Brady was 18 to 12 td to int ratio lol. He was Dilferesque.
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I’m surprised people aren’t higher on Concepcion here. His freshman season was historic. Last year NCST just was a shell he would eat in Dawsons offense

That said if I had to guess I would say Colorado but not sure how they plan on selling the offense
I can't agree with this any more than I already do. With a good QB, he'd be on every highlight reel.
Belichek is one of the best DCs of all time, but the bottom line is he didn't play Brady until he was forced to because of injury and his record without him was 70-93 with two winning seasons in 10 and fired twice. He can be both a good coach and overrated, two things can be true.
He had enough sense to keep a sixth round nobody on the roster and carry 4 roster qb’s which is unheard of. Absolutely insane to do that. He knew what he had or he’d put him on practice squad and would’ve lost him. It’s cute everyone thinks he just lucked into playing him when Bledsoe got hurt. But yall can continue to pick and choose facts to discredit the guy. Brady drafted himself and developed himself lol.
I’m not over impressed with this kid. To me, not a good route runner, not a WR, more of a gimmicky guy in open space. If we think this guy can replace X - gonna be very disappointed. Actually don’t think he signs with us.
Did the same with Lawrence Taylor... Was DC for Giants on Parcells staff... Drafted LT and changed Football...
So he was part of drafting and developing the greatest QB ever and the greatest Defensive player ever.... Won Superbowls with both.... But yea I can see how people think he sucks... 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Also changed how defense was played with his match zone principles..People get caught up in narratives
For the same reason that other people visit Miami in December...

It's one of the biggest tourist attractions in America.
I was down by Lincoln Rd and a1a a few days back... I think everyone on the planet was there too.... Holy freaking moly was it crowded....