Visits July 27, 2024 Canes Cookout/Pool Party Visitors

Kids live in their phones. Have you been out in public in the last 5 years. Kids, adults and **** near 90% of ppl can’t put their phones down for more than 5 minutes. They use their phones while driving, walking down the street, while on shift at their jobs. It’s a problem. It’s an addiction and mental health disorder most of the world now has unfortunately
I have two kids- yes, they do everything on their phones. But there are times when it’s just not appropriate.

Every picture I saw of him at the bbq showed a kid who was not very engaged in anything but his phone.

Just my feeling and I don’t count in his recruitment. Mario’s opinion does….
Random thought but:

How come we never see pictures of the food? We see kids take pics of their food at other programs but never here. I am genuinly curious if the food is all around the same slop they serve everywhere else ala michigan or if some schools really go all out on the food lol.
Didn't we see it a couple of years ago? It was all cooked seafood left out on wooden tables - I'm sure there's a word to describe that style of cooking, but I've no idea what it is.
Well, lol.
Idk if we get him, but sounds like we are throwing the bank at him. I kinda agree though, not to sound like the “get off my lawn” guy but I def get diva vibes. I have to remember these are 17-18 year old kids though.

As far as the player, I think he is another high floor kid who is extremely polished and ready day 1. IMO though, he is a clear step down from a physical talent standpoint than JS or Hykeem in years past. Good player though, but would be surprised if he isn’t flirting with portal after a year if he doesn’t play a ton year 1 wherever he signs.
And stephon diggs and most WRs are divas
So coaches at a BBQ are his bosses?

It’s not the same on any level. If he is on his phone when they are in serious talks in an office setting or breaking down film then it might matter. Y’all are reading into it a little too much.
Eaxctly it is also a picture that may have been taken at the exact moment he was answering a text.. No clue how he spent the other 99% of his time on campus.
disagree. It’s disrespectful.
Maybe he's socially awkward and uses his phone compulsively, or he might feel like a clown wearing his NIL money like that; won't judge since I wasn't there and don't know the kid, but the minute you show up to a HS BBQ like that it says something.

That said, talent and work ethic have to be on point for Mario to be recruiting this kid.
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Couldn’t agree more… it’s disrespectful af.

If I was a coach and had a kid w his nose in his phone while I tried to talk to him, I’d tell him to get the **** out. Unless his mom was real hot or something, obviously.
I would have grabbed the phone and thrown it in the pool and I would be the mom doing it. Mine learned early mom stands for mean old mom. Watched a video showing a recap of the day. 90% of the kids had their faces locked into their phones walking in.
I would have grabbed the phone and thrown it in the pool and I would be the mom doing it. Mine learned early mom stands for mean old mom. Watched a video showing a recap of the day. 90% of the kids had their faces locked into their phones walking in.
Bro it is not that serious you're gonna have to throw every kid and every coaches phone in the water then if you're gonna be that way