Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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I didn't say that....nobody knows what's going on behind closed doors....but to keep regurgitating it non-stop, to the point of nauseum is absurd.
Though you are completely right, it’s shows just how much distain the fan base has. We can look at multiple coaches and say they need to go off of this year and to some extent we have, but nothing like Gattis. We as a whole know what this man failed to accomplish and we know what can’t go through another year of seeing that again. Absurd? Sure is. But you and I know that it won’t stop because we know his departure isn’t just wanted, but necessary.

I don't like it either.

My hope would be that Mario made a decision that Gattis is gone. How doesn't matter but we'll give him 2 weeks to leave on his own terms and if he hasn't then we'll fire him. But we're not going to let his job search hold this program hostage.

But if he made that decision and gave it more than 2 weeks (which would be tomorrow), then in my opinion he's given him too much time.
Procrastinating lmao. Delaying the inevitable. However you want to classify it we are behind the 8-ball. Unless Mario is just a clueless **** and Zo is kicked back collecting a check for nothing.
Procrastinating lmao. Delaying the inevitable. However you want to classify it we are behind the 8-ball. Unless Mario is just a clueless **** and Zo is kicked back collecting a check for nothing.
That’s the thing dude - Mario isn’t stupid. Zo isn’t stupid. I refuse to believe they endured the entirely of 2022 saying “yeah, let’s run it back with this guy.”

If he does, this place and fanbase will riot, and deservedly so. I won’t go to a single game.
Though you are completely right, it’s shows just how much distain the fan base has. We can look at multiple coaches and say they need to go off of this year and to some extent we have, but nothing like Gattis. We as a whole know what this man failed to accomplish and we know what can’t go through another year of seeing that again. Absurd? Sure is. But you and I know that it won’t stop because we know his departure isn’t just wanted, but necessary.

Gattis is easily the most disliked coach by the fanbase in an extremely long time. That's one **** of an accomplishment.

He's up there with NoD, and I think Gattis is actually worse. Not sure how that's even possible, but he absolutely sucks.
That’s the thing dude - Mario isn’t stupid. Zo isn’t stupid. I refuse to believe they endured the entirely of 2022 saying “yeah, let’s run it back with this guy.”

If he does, this place and fanbase will riot, and deservedly so. I won’t go to a single game.
Crazier things have happened.
That’s the thing dude - Mario isn’t stupid. Zo isn’t stupid. I refuse to believe they endured the entirely of 2022 saying “yeah, let’s run it back with this guy.”

If he does, this place and fanbase will riot, and deservedly so. I won’t go to a single game.

If they aren't stupid, then what are they? Patient? More patient than other programs that are on par / better than us, making better moves, and seemingly improving their chances to win?

Retaining Gattis is pure stupidity.

Mario and Alonzo have all four of their hands in that cookie jar.
Gattis is easily the most disliked coach by the fanbase in an extremely long time. That's one **** of an accomplishment.

He's up there with NoD, and I think Gattis is actually worse. Not sure how that's even possible, but he absolutely sucks.
My current top 5 in recent history.

5. Baby Richt
4. Enos
3. Gattis
2. No D
1. Slip n Slide
I don't think his intent was to fire Gattis..his intent was to have Gattis leave on his own.

If Gattis doesn't/can't move on, then Mario will have to decide if he wants to fire him or keep him for another year.

But goal #1 was for Gattis to leave on his own.

As completely frustrated as I was w/ Gattis and his offense, I also felt that Mario's preference was to let him walk away on his own. That said, can't honestly see JG land a quality coordinator job in college after the disaster he led this season. What's left likely is as a position coach in the pros. Which makes the timeline way too drawn out to lure good players from the portal and for ESD.

This needed to be done the Sun or Mon right after the last game. Take the financial hit upfront but salvage the recruiting and season tixs sales. Program perception as well.
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The Mount Rushmore of UM coaching ****ups.

LOL @ 1. Who is that dude?
I don't think his intent was to fire Gattis..his intent was to have Gattis leave on his own.

If Gattis doesn't/can't move on, then Mario will have to decide if he wants to fire him or keep him for another year.

But goal #1 was for Gattis to leave on his own.

Impotence at its finest. If this is the stance, then fire Mario and company now.
Maybe I’ve just had too many beers on Friday night but when Cribby says nothing is making sense I’m officially concerned.
he said it before when he said Marios process of staff building was weird. maybe Mario just doesn't know what hes doing or maybe he had other help at Oregon that helped him build a staff. who knows.
Yep, it’s not like he started looking for a job recently. This has been going on for **** near over a month.

At some point, Mario might have to make the decision instead of the decision being made for him. And I’m growing increasingly concerned as the days tick off as to why he’s having trouble making what is essentially a no-brainer.

Unless it was told to keep quiet, all the Gattis to Iowa talk cooled significantly. The initial thought from their fans and writers I believe was Ferentz’s son to take a demotion as run game coordinator/o line coach (he excels in the latter) and Gattis the passing game coordinator / OC. But they also didn’t think changes would come (if any) til after the bowl game.
the gattis to iowa rumor was complete Speculation based on McNamara transferring there. gattis and iowa are a worse fit than gattis and Miami, though I know their fans are sick of Brian ferentz and would take almost anyone as a replacement
Though you are completely right, it’s shows just how much distain the fan base has. We can look at multiple coaches and say they need to go off of this year and to some extent we have, but nothing like Gattis. We as a whole know what this man failed to accomplish and we know what can’t go through another year of seeing that again. Absurd? Sure is. But you and I know that it won’t stop because we know his departure isn’t just wanted, but necessary.
gattis is just useless. when no one has said a single good thing about you when you leave that you worked w, it isnt good. when a coach is arguing about his own merits with people on twitter, hes no better than a 17 year old.
the gattis to iowa rumor was complete Speculation based on McNamara transferring there. gattis and iowa are a worse fit than gattis and Miami, though I know their fans are sick of Brian ferentz and would take almost anyone as a replacement
Iowa doesn't even have na opening and their OC is the HCs kid right now. that HC has the best job security on earth
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