Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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I don't deny this at all, these are relevant points.

I'll say this. A lot of porsters tend to conflate "takes a long time" and "hires bad fits" because of the one year we've gone through this with Mario.

But the two issues should be separated.

First, MARIO needs to come to a realization that "taking a long time" does not equate to "makes a great hire". He should address this with Alonzo and be very explicit in what he "needs" in a candidate. To be honest, I think that is what contributed to Mario's slowness last year (and possibly in his past hires as well). Any human being only has 24 hours in a day. If you put Mario in charge of EVERY ASPECT of hiring a staff, when you KNOW he wants to have 8-hour chalkboard interviews AND he wants to make sure that if he makes an offer, the guy will accept...then things are going to move at a glacial pace.

So Alonzo needs to be able to present Mario with 3 to 5 great resumes, and tell Mario "hey, I think your next OC is in this pile", and then let Mario go through his process. And Alonzo needs to have benchmarks and other timelines for getting Mario to a decision.

Second, there is the issue of "fit". And on this, Mario needs to be very clear. It is not just "fit" with him. Sure, maybe Gattis was willing to put in Mario-hours and do Mario-recruiting. But as some of the writers have spoken of, Miami simply DID NOT have an offensive identity last year. Other coaches (anonymously) said that Miami was just "running plays" and really didn't display any hallmark characteristics or identity. So Alonzo needs to help Mario to crystallize what it is that Miami is going to be. Maybe we want strength down the middle (OLs and TEs) and speed on the outside (WRs and RBs). But you can't muddle the process. You can't go "all power" in SoFla and expect to pull big lumbering guys like you see in the midwest. Figure it out, pick a lane, and that hammer on the accelerator. Picking a FIT for coordinators and position coaches brings a lot of dimensions into play...

---Hire coaches who will be a good fit for the TYPE of talent that you tend to recruit
---Hire coaches who FIT TOGETHER, not just putting Gattis and Ponce on the same staff because they each agree to work 22-hour days and send 100 recruiting texts each morning
---Figure out coaches who fit with schemes and systems (particularly since you practice as a team) and prepare the entire team for what they will see from their conference opponents - it was sad to have to play Garcia for nearly the entire Pitt game simply because Gattis prepped a game plan for TVD

Anyhow, that's my 2 cents. I really hope that Radakovich employs Alonzo to address some of the areas where Mario was just overworked last year at this time when we were running on a skeleton staff.
i agree w this actually (hey look we agree on something).

id say, given what we know is coming out about the staffs recruiting efforts, its amazing mario let that **** slide for so long w some of his hand picked guys. if you suck as a coach, at least make up for it by putting in the effort on the trail. the amount of guys on staff that just said meh is astounding to me esp working for a recruiting hc

Untrue. Look at UGA and Michigan. They are clones of each other. Only difference is that UGA is more talented. Michigan just straight up bullied Ohio State who runs the offense you want. At the end of the day, physicality still wins every time and Mario knows he is the best OL recruiter and developer in the entire country and it's not close.
"Physicality" on offense has won one title in the playoff era and that was last year with a generational level NFL loaded defense on a team that was dropping bags like no other for 5 years to build their roster. They also had the most important element Mario and Miami currently do not and that's actual coaching.
Is @Canes1968 reputable? Is he speaking from belief or does he know something for real? Am i asking for too much here?
he didnt say anything that a reputable insider has said on here. its widely known and told to you by insiders that hes gone. its just a matter of when the public knows it and who his new hire is. the only thing thats weird to me is sending him out on the trail. hes not well-liked by anyone whos worked with him apparently and he hasnt done his job as a recruiter. there isnt a single real recruit that is tied to gattis. its been mario, joe, dvd, and field.
"Physicality" on offense has won one title in the playoff era and that was last year with a generational level NFL loaded defense on a team that was dropping bags like no other for 5 years to build their roster. They also had the most important element Mario and Miami currently do not and that's actual coaching.
that took 5 years of a HC who was a title level coordinator on the most elite team in the country as the defensive play caller. theres a big diff. if mario can coordinate a isde of the ball to ensure "yes, no matter what, we will always field an elite off/def" then diff story. but he isnt that. he needs to rely heavily on his assistnats for in game coaching
Gattis’ issue is what @Canes1968 noted. Weekly prep was altered and augmented to assist a few weeks into the season. He’s extremely limited (to say the least) once the wheels of the game are in motion. Unfortunately for him there’s a play clock and as long as there is he will struggle and I don’t see that changing.

Understand as well that he didn’t call plays at Bama and had his hand held at Michigan two of his three seasons. He’s been around but truly has two years of being in the line of fire.
Untrue. Look at UGA and Michigan. They are clones of each other. Only difference is that UGA is more talented. Michigan just straight up bullied Ohio State who runs the offense you want. At the end of the day, physicality still wins every time and Mario knows he is the best OL recruiter and developer in the entire country and it's not close.

This. If that "style of offense" is good enough for the #1 and #2 teams in America, and Mario knows what kind of players he needs and is determined to get them, why on earth would we want to be something different?
"Physicality" on offense has won one title in the playoff era and that was last year with a generational level NFL loaded defense on a team that was dropping bags like no other for 5 years to build their roster. They also had the most important element Mario and Miami currently do not and that's actual coaching.
Every Bama title has been won based on physicality.
Untrue. Look at UGA and Michigan. They are clones of each other. Only difference is that UGA is more talented. Michigan just straight up bullied Ohio State who runs the offense you want. At the end of the day, physicality still wins every time and Mario knows he is the best OL recruiter and developer in the entire country and it's not close.
I have to say. I like this I like it a lot.
"Physicality" on offense has won one title in the playoff era and that was last year with a generational level NFL loaded defense on a team that was dropping bags like no other for 5 years to build their roster. They also had the most important element Mario and Miami currently do not and that's actual coaching.
And finesse offenses have won 0. The reality is, you need to be somewhere in the middle. You need a physical OL, you need to be able to score points quickly at times, and you need to be able to run the ball to give your defense a spell or drain clock at other times.
And finesse offenses have won 0. The reality is, you need to be somewhere in the middle. You need a physical OL, you need to be able to score points quickly at times, and you need to be able to run the ball to give your defense a spell or drain clock at other times.
Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
And finesse offenses have won 0. The reality is, you need to be somewhere in the middle. You need a physical OL, you need to be able to score points quickly at times, and you need to be able to run the ball to give your defense a spell or drain clock at other times.
Who asked for finesse? And that's a lie anyway because what Dennis Erickson was running was considered a finesse passing attack for it's day
And finesse offenses have won 0. The reality is, you need to be somewhere in the middle. You need a physical OL, you need to be able to score points quickly at times, and you need to be able to run the ball to give your defense a spell or drain clock at other times.
I think the definitions are being skewed and intent of what people are saying. I think by physicality they mean playing like molasses lol and with zero creativity. UGA has an elite D. UGA has always had that under Kirby. they had their best D ever last year when they won. it was known that their offense has held them back in years prior as well too. they now have Brock bowers who is elite and is their engine. Michigan may run into the same issue again. they can't beat UGA by out physicaling them. they'll need to get creative. reality is they dont see a team close to UGA in terms of defensive talent and speed in the b10 other than OSU. we all want an elite OL that can be physical. we just want more creativity on offense. you can win w a power O in a modern concept. you dont have to be sonny dykes TCU. reality is the winners of the recent titles usually win bc they run an elite O and have strong big lines. Bama w Smith, Jones, Tua, etc. weren't running 1980s O. they shifted when they went to Lane as OC. UGA wasn't winning **** pre Bowers. their offense took another step w Bowers imo. prior to the nIL and portal era, talent was funneled to 4-5 teams. those teams were the only ones to contend. now w talent being more spread out, its going to be harder for the talent rich teams to win by just simply out talenting someone else. fyi, UGA did change their OCs multiple times and finally hit w Monken
You should turn on one of their games sometime after 2014
I think people are confusing physicality with slow and plodding.

There’s different types of physicality. UGA, Michigan are both physical but slow. Bama and Tennessee are also physical - if you watch their o line play, it’s physical af. They move dudes. But they use concepts to get their skill position players the right matchups. They use tempo when they need to. UCLA is another great example. Oregon this year too. O line is physical af, but they incorporate tempo and spacing.

That’s what we need. Mullen would be perfect imo. But we’ll see.
Gattis has been let go. It's done.

That said, it's not because Mario doesn't believe in that style of offense. It's more because Gattis is a poor play caller, poor recruiter, and generally just a goofball that Mario got catfished on. Mario is going to make a hire that runs a similar offense because Mario is confident that he can build an OL capable of running that style of offense. He doesn't believe he needs to resort to gimmicks in order to build the trenches, and he has good reason to be confident. Just chill the f*** out guys. It's done.
This is concerning
I think the definitions are being skewed and intent of what people are saying. I think by physicality they mean playing like molasses lol and with zero creativity. UGA has an elite D. UGA has always had that under Kirby. they had their best D ever last year when they won. it was known that their offense has held them back in years prior as well too. they now have Brock bowers who is elite and is their engine. Michigan may run into the same issue again. they can't beat UGA by out physicaling them. they'll need to get creative. reality is they dont see a team close to UGA in terms of defensive talent and speed in the b10 other than OSU. we all want an elite OL that can be physical. we just want more creativity on offense. you can win w a power O in a modern concept. you dont have to be sonny dykes TCU. reality is the winners of the recent titles usually win bc they run an elite O and have strong big lines. Bama w Smith, Jones, Tua, etc. weren't running 1980s O. they shifted when they went to Lane as OC. UGA wasn't winning **** pre Bowers. their offense took another step w Bowers imo. prior to the nIL and portal era, talent was funneled to 4-5 teams. those teams were the only ones to contend. now w talent being more spread out, its going to be harder for the talent rich teams to win by just simply out talenting someone else. fyi, UGA did change their OCs multiple times and finally hit w Monken
I agree 100%. If you look through my post history, a recurring theme is Bama did away with being a plodding, power offense after Dabo got done with them. That was almost a decade ago. Unfortunately, living in Atlanta and with the friends I have here, I know more and hear more about Alabama and Georgia than I ever care to. It is also why I was not on the Lane Train. The word multiple gets thrown around a lot, but you really do need to be multiple on both sides.

When I said finesse, I really meant Oklahoma, Ohio State in recent years, etc.
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