Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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I'm not triggered by a ******* dork who dresses up as Darth Vader and dances on the sidelines.

On the other hand, I AM going to mercilessly mock the Mullet ball-gobblers like yourself who can't bring your fragile egos to the realization that Mullet is never going to be employed by the University of Miami.

Darth Vader vs the death of our offense… tough choice

So he won’t be employed by Miami because he previously insulted the intelligence of the incompetent people in charge of hiring coaches at the University?

Are they the same ones that had to be usurped to actually hire Mario and recognize the value of athletics?


Odd that a message board can’t discuss an available offensive minded coach…

I agree with your wr assessment but will push back a bit with qb.

We had 2 elite 11 qbs committed and one left looking for the bigger bag. Who the OC was or wasn’t a big factor there I think.

And I think you are selling Emory’s talent short who actually graded out higher in elite 11 evals. than Rashada, recruiting ranking be damned.

Top end 2024 wrs will still be in play even with the delay.

Meantime we recruit 2 stud rbs, probably the top rated oline class, top end te, and some more speed at slot.

I think the delay will not set us that far back as much as who the next OC will be if he is another failure.
I’m not discounting Emory’s potential but I am basing it on industry-determined stars and rankings, to be objective, not who I consider underrated gems. I’m sure Emory is better than he’s credited for but objectively, we landed a 3 star QB when Dante Moore wasn’t solid to Oregon.

OL is Mario. RB’s want to run behind that OL and know they’ll get work. We’ve had a good history with TE’s. I think the OC situation hurt us the way I said. It’s fixable though with a proper replacement. Unfortunately, that replacement wasn’t named in time for the 23 class.
Here is where you conflate his position and mine as well. We're not posting hysterically and constantly berating the program.

I have found the biggest complainers don't have season tickets, don't go to games, don't donate to the athletic department.

The second paragraph is in response generally speaking.

My response was fairly inclusive of many fan types.

I commented Miami should simply evaluate Mullen and not doing so appears short sighted. That turned into some message board fascination that I actually care if Mullen is employed by Miami, has any job or frankly even woke up this morning. While I hope the last is true, I didn’t wake up this morning thinking of Dan Mullen and am not upset about him like some appear…

I want Mario to succeed, excel actually, but I’m not tied to coaches, and his first year was exactly what many (not I) were worried about with hiring him as a coach. On the positive side, the commitment by the university to change their approach was a win above all.

I’m not really sure why so many are upset about discussing possible OC candidates in a thread dedicated to our failed OC… strange really…
Darth Vader vs the death of our offense… tough choice

So he won’t be employed by Miami because he previously insulted the intelligence of the incompetent people in charge of hiring coaches at the University?

Are they the same ones that had to be usurped to actually hire Mario and recognize the value of athletics?


Odd that a message board can’t discuss an available offensive minded coach…

Urban Meyer is an available offensive minded coach. Jon Gruden is an available offensive minded coach.

This is the false equivalency that dimwitted porsters always use. "Darth Vader vs. the death of our offense". As if there is NO OTHER CHOICE.

How childish. Grow up.

And stop giving similarly dimwitted porsters the false belief that Mullet has a chance of ever getting a job offer from the University of Miami.
Her pre-game behavior is not conducive to a post-Covid outbreak world. She’d be a serious serial super spreader risk.

Urban Meyer is an available offensive minded coach. Jon Gruden is an available offensive minded coach.

This is the false equivalency that dimwitted porsters always use. "Darth Vader vs. the death of our offense". As if there is NO OTHER CHOICE.

How childish. Grow up.

And stop giving similarly dimwitted porsters the false belief that Mullet has a chance of ever getting a job offer from the University of Miami.

You are definitely very upset… many choices out there… Meyer would be an interesting choice… can kill with the right tight end…
I'm not triggered by a ******* dork who dresses up as Darth Vader and dances on the sidelines.

On the other hand, I AM going to mercilessly mock the Mullet ball-gobblers like yourself who can't bring your fragile egos to the realization that Mullet is never going to be employed by the University of Miami.
@Angry Ibis only gobbles on Mario. He’s a shameless Mario shill and slurper who tows the Hecht line relentlessly and he should be called out for it.

You are definitely very upset… many choices out there… Meyer would be an interesting choice… can kill with the right tight end…

You can keep playing your passive-aggressive games to try to trick people into believing you are being "reasonable" by constantly sucking off Mullet.

But the reality is that it's you and your Mullet-lovers who are constantly stamping your feet and giving false expectations that we would ever make a job offer to Mullet.

And you're angry that other people point out the truth that Mullet will never be considered for a job at UM.

Grow up.
Their legal people may well have been cutting and pasting the same old contracts. Maybe need to review their templates and standards and bring in an up to date employment lawyer to assist in getting that straight?
I truthfully don’t know what they have been doing but between Shannon, Golden, adidas, and Arkansas state there have been a lot of issues.

But Rad’s job is to say this is our budget, this is the amount we want to spend, this is the length of the contract, these are some of the perks (car, housing, expense account, recruiting budget, whatever), and these are our several non negotiables or wants. Legal and his agent/attorney negotiate the terms back and forth. I have no idea that anything is amiss, is just seems like it.

With that said, if something did get missed or screwed up, that is not on Rad.
You can keep playing your passive-aggressive games to try to trick people into believing you are being "reasonable" by constantly sucking off Mullet.

But the reality is that it's you and your Mullet-lovers who are constantly stamping your feet and giving false expectations that we would ever make a job offer to Mullet.

And you're angry that other people point out the truth that Mullet will never be considered for a job at UM.

Grow up.


Shake it off. Dan Mullen is living in your head. No one here cares that much about him, but you…
I’m not discounting Emory’s potential but I am basing it on industry-determined stars and rankings, to be objective, not who I consider underrated gems. I’m sure Emory is better than he’s credited for but objectively, we landed a 3 star QB when Dante Moore wasn’t solid to Oregon.

OL is Mario. RB’s want to run behind that OL and know they’ll get work. We’ve had a good history with TE’s. I think the OC situation hurt us the way I said. It’s fixable though with a proper replacement. Unfortunately, that replacement wasn’t named in time for the 23 class.
I wonder what you would have thought when we got Dorsey, he only had offers from us and Tenn.
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