I’m quite well sir.
You appear to be upset. Which I understand. It has been a rough year for Miami, even more so for those blind supporters of Mario amongst us. I hope they hold up. His hiring process failed. His coaching failed. Our record was a failure: some may still be sad. Some are frustrated at the lack of movement and some with the condescending **** attitudes around here. All very fair. Some just like to have some bourbon and make jest of the absurdity of high horse riding around here. For whichever category any may fit, cheers to a blessed weekend filled with whatever brings you joy.
Mullen is a weird dude, but very good at calling an offense. It would be a shame if Miami was so shortsighted and/or stubborn that they failed to seriously evaluate the possibility along with other qualified candidates.
But then again, according to some Mario’s choices are endless…yet others say Gattis and Steele were not his first choices. Easy for people to be confused.
Here’s to a successful Miami football program in our lifetimes. If King Mario sees fit for it to happen on his command, I hope he has learned to adapt as many successful coaches before him have.