Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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I hear ya. That's why I was pointing out that Mario has not really been a "playcaller OC", if anything, he has been a Co-OC in charge of the line and the TEs and whatnot.

Like it or not, he's not good at clock management. And like it or not, lots of other head coaches are not either.

And I have publicly volunteered for the job of being Mario's clock/timeouts guy. Just give me a UM polo and hat and a really good parking space near @SpikeUM ....
Spike’s ******* parking space is like one of the most VIP of the VIP things you can get.
I’ve stayed away from time frame predictions but I can fully guarantee there’ll be coaching changes by spring ball
There is a huge ocean between now and spring

fish years GIF
Wait. We got a $80,000,000 head coach. Let’s see how bad Mario wants him to be gone. Dip in dem pockets Mario and pay for your mistake. Find that $1.8 or 9m and pay the man. Man up! No way $1.8 million dollars is holding up this rebuilding process. We’ve all had fucc ups in our lives. Admit yours and let’s move on.
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Worst offensive coordinator Ive ever seen in my life. There is simply nothing positive to say about his work this season. He never demonstrated any level of competency this season. Moreover, he showed a complete lack of understanding of how to structure a drive, how to call consecutive plays that build off the previous one, etc...

What I find the most disturbing about his performance this season is how he totally misused the Quarterbacks, specifically Jake Garcia. What Gattis did to Jake Garcia this season was criminal IMO. What we saw tonight was yet another example. Garcia was QB3 all week, which meant that he likely did not get any reps with the first team offense this week. Gattis went to Brown when TVD went down then put Garcia in with the ball on the one yard line. Unreal. Then Garcia comes out looking good in the 3rd quarter, completes three straight passes, gets two first downs and Gattis proceeds to pull him and put Brown in so he could hand it off. That's incompetence.

The ONLY reason Garcia looked so good in the 4th quarter is because Brown was injured. If Brown was available, Gattis would have pulled Garcia at least two more times and inserted Brown for whatever foolish reasons that swirl around in Gattis's low IQ head. Without the fear of being pulled for completing too many consecutive passes, Garcia was free to flourish, which he did. And yes, I never denied being the Conductor of the Jake Garcia hype train this season.

Not only did he hurt Garcia's development, he likely hurt Brown's as well. We know **** well that he hurt TVD's marketability. Josh Gattis destroyed an elite QB room within four months of being hired. That's incompetence.

Every hour that Gattis remains employed by UM is an hour that Mario is failing at his job. The clock is ticking.
Not to worry, this Gattis site will NEVER be deleted !!! It will survive his departure whenever it may be…….
Either Mario hasn’t had his coming to Jesus moment or he’s facing an uphill battle with getting rid of Gattis.

Amazes me that he’s so focused on recruiting and can’t get rid of the dude that’s hurting it the most (allegedly).

The problem is if he can’t get elite receivers pretty soon then he’s gonna lose any traction with elite qb’s.

Especially if we don’t hire a good QB coach. Also, a lot of the good young QB coaches might not want to run what goddess is running.

If between recruiting calls, he can take FIVE SECONDS - and tell me to fire Gattis - I'll do it for him.

Fee? Well, not sure what Mario would consider adequate.

But I can pay him in installments!
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