Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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It is quite concerning.

How does he not realize recruiting is affected by this?

Either he does and he's stubborn or he doesn't and he's clueless.

Both are red flags IMO

Or if it's buyout-related, the timing might have very little to do with Mario and more to do with when the cheapest time to fire him is, or what is owed to whom and when. If the holdup is related to buyout $$$ and contract clauses, I actually feel better that it's not just Mario dragging his heels. It still sucks because now we're at the mercy of the lawyers' timelines, but at least it's not because Mario has some twisted loyalty issues or he's striking out on replacements or whatever.

But that's potentially a product of not focusing on coordinator hires and waiting until the only option is your 10th best.

I do wonder if he would benefit from having an assistant head coach (if he doesn't already).
i suppose with the whirlwind of coming to miami last year he was late and he couldn't get who he wanted (maybe he was overly confident), but no excuse THIS YEAR,.
So who the **** is our OC going to be? Ruggiero is the only name out there. What about Littrell? There's literally no smoke, it's crazy.
There is no smoke until the pope has been chosen. Mario running the Hecht like the Vatican.
Didn't Enos call plays and was the QB coach?
It was Locksley's offense. Plus, I'm not sure where the narrative that it was great, or even good, comes from. Better than how bad it was before, sure, but not a feared offense at all.
My W-2 should be in soon. I’m down to donate my tax return for the buy out.
But that's potentially a product of not focusing on coordinator hires and waiting until the only option is your 10th best.

I do wonder if he would benefit from having an assistant head coach (if he doesn't already).
If you're already talking about hiring someone to prop up your newly, very expensive head coach, you definitely hired the wrong head coach
I started to add him the day I posted this but i decide to let him slide. I noticed it a couple hours later.
He seems like a nice guy outside of the cat thing. My understanding is that if you have nice cats then you don’t have to worry about it as he only finds mean ones tasty. Thuggie can clarify though.
Yawn… still here
Yawn…you never took me up on my offer

Scared Freddie Flintoff GIF by Top Gear
1) Penny wise, pound foolish.
2) UM has repeatedly shown issues with its contracts through the AD. I don't understand who is advising them in-house or as outside counsel on this but it needs to be cleaned up.
3) If it is in his contract, then fair play to him, pay the guy. If I were a coach, I would be weary of dealing with Miami, given the fact that we have had termination language lawsuits with Shannon and Golden already.
4) I am not sure I believe that an assistant coach had a buyout in his contract. He got paid more here than at Michigan. Length of contract was likely the same or longer. I am calling a skeptical BS on that.
5) If this was the issue and we knew this was going to come to this head at some point, how in god's name was this not negotiated over the last two months?
6) This is also why everyone talking about Mario doing right by Gattis, and other coaches wouldn't come if he fired him, and god knows what else are just wrong. It is business and a results-driven one. And Mario signed up a guy that has had a problem at every stop along the way. This was an absolute unmitigated disaster of due diligence and background research.
7) Agreed this is likely just a negotiating plot and will get resolved, but its gone on long enough and the proof is in the pudding that it is impacting our WR recruiting. It is possible that the next coach is an NFL guy still coaching. Whatever. They need to cut this cancer out. An open position is better than this guy being employed.
There’s definitely an issue.

Tbh I’ve never heard of a program buying out a coordinator or non head coach to hire them from another program.
So to recap:

1. Gattis gone
2. Waiting on some buyout/contract issue to be worked out
3. Gattis gone either way
4. New OC to be hired once aforementioned $$ issue gets resolved
5. Gattis indeed gone

Am I close?
Cribs - you hearing any buyout issues on your end?

The whole thing is strange.

From Michigan's angle - why would you give multiple years to a guy you had to "reassign" different duties to? Maybe winning the Broyles Award got Gattis some extension and/or guarantee from the AD?

From Miami's angle - Mario has only had ONE coordinator at FIU/Oregon go longer than 2 years, so it seems ridiculous to give any assistant/coordinator a contract for longer than 2. So if the REAL math on Gattis is "1.8 million for this year, plus whatever is owed from Michigan", it just makes the number bigger, but not impossible.

If this really IS Gattis posturing with "I'll sit out for a year to get all my money", then I'd love to see Dan just fire Gattis for cause (Michigan scandal) and let Gattis hire the same lawyer that Golden used to get HIS full buyout.
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