Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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I’d leave this got **** site forever lol.
Season 9 Lol GIF by The Office
Talk about being tone deaf.

I can pretend to be a tough guy too, but in 2023 it's no longer cool to brush aside rape so that dudes can play on Saturday.
What are you talking about? I was referring to the folks on here crying that Briles is going to TCU….and how they are the same ones that would be complaining about his cover up if we got him. That is what’s crazy about this place. I forgot I have to spell out every word on here. As for quoting “whatever it was”, I didn’t know the details and didn’t feel like researching it.
So you're saying that last year Mario wanted Briles and Briles wanted to come and almost got done but then something happened that killed it...
I think it was found out we never offered but he wanted to get the raise so he used us idk
So is Mario married to a scheme or was he trying to hire Briles? Cuz Briles and Gattis dont run the same schemes at all. If yall get to the point of accepting Cristobal gonna do whst he wanna do you will be less angry. Manny did the same as did Richt as did Golden. Not sure why yall still being surprised when he shown to have this elaborate interview process like when you trying to get a job with the federal govt.
Manny changed schemes from enos to lashlee. defensively he was stubborn as a rock though.
In regards to Nike money at Oregon, it’s kind of important to have the financial backing if you’re going to recruit highly. Our recruiting budget at Miami is the biggest it’s ever been and we have boosters throwing out NIL money like candy. That’s not a knock against Mario, it’s just a fact that you need money to get the job done. Nobody is pulling a top 5 class at a school without a huge recruiting budget.
Truth right here ⬆️
The way NIL is being done has completely changed not only recruiting, but combined with the Portal, it's changed player retention.
I feel a little bit vindicated but it's bittersweet. I realized long ago that there are two types of coaches. The first type respond to failure by rethinking their entire approach. A good example is Brian Kelly after NDs 4 win season. He decided to start all over again, and try a new approach in everything from scheme to talent evaluation. The result was a playoff spot a couple years later. The other type of coach responds to failure by doubling down. The problem isnt the system, it's the execution. Coaches have massive egos. Most coaches fall into the latter camp, which is why most coaches fail. I hoped Cristobal would prove me wrong and be willing to change, but he's another in a long line of UM coaches that double down on failed approaches.

I Guess If You Say So GIF
So what’s the next hope we’re waiting on?? The nfl playoffs to finish up because the OC is on staff with a team? Lol
Need to see how far the Bills go in the playoffs. Joe Brady can't leave as long as they are winning.
It’s pretty sad that Mario thinks he has to hold a millionaire grown man’s hand while keeping him employed to look for a new job, instead of firing him and letting him look for a new job. But parents you can come get your kids though. No coddling there.

“Justin Herbert deserves a competent head coach for once in his life.

The Chargers blew a 27-0 lead to the Jaguars in the wild card round on Saturday night.

Herbert deserves some of the blame. But he doesn't have a Super Bowl-winning head coach like Trevor Lawrence does.

Since enrolling at the University of Oregon, Herbert's list of head coaches includes: Mark Helfrich (Oregon), Willie Taggart (Oregon), Mario Cristobal (Oregon), Anthony Lynn (Chargers) and currently Brandon Staley (Chargers)."

Look who is on the list of incompetent HCs. Yikes
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