Seems to me to many people keep getting caught up with the star wars. People keep crying about who didnt come here, or we stole this guy from so and so. All that matters is who ever is here. All these sites rating kids means nothing. I hate listening to commentators that when a guy makes a play on the field, than they refer to whatever his ranking was coming out of highschool. Or if he's not playing so good but was rated high coming out they say stupid stuff like "this guy needs to start living up to his billing" NO, how bout somebody just didnt know WTF they were talking about or maybe the guy is just in the wrong system or with the wrong coaches.
I liked it when most people had no clue about recruiting and only knew the players once they got to UM unless they grew up in the City, we knew, but now, most people with a rivals account or any other are experts now on who we should or shouldnt get. The same people upset about not getting surtain or campbell, if those guys become bums, they'll be the same ones saying they glad they didnt come here.
Just think back to that ohigho fake game, we had SEAN TAYLOR, mo sikes, kelly j ennings and antrelle rolle, but they way people think now, they would've been complaining and mad that chris gamble was on the other side and why didnt we get him. Even tho that secondary was if im correct top 3 in the nation and #1 in certain categories.
Some would be even crazy enuff to complain about ohigho fake having jenkins at wideout even tho we had dre and roscoe along with ethnic sands. The ooint is just enjoy and root for the players that want to be here.
Again, look at the huggins situation for what it Truly is, this staff told him the Truth, just lije they told jobe the Truth, huggins knew it was jobe and than him. If a player gets mad cause a school is being Truthful that's on him, cause if UM was Truly the school he wanted to go to, he would've came and proved he was better than jobe or at least one of the best. It's like this year with ladson, the other receivers knew ladson had first dibs to come in, than them, cant get salty off of coach dugans and company's eval pecking order.
I could care less where the guys t b at choose to leave go, the way things are going, they gone all have to see us at some point anyway and it'll be more of us on one team than them on another and they'll know what they up against. Sure chris gamble and jenkins made plays, which shows they had to turn to the Florida boys in order to compete. 2 of the biggest plays involved them, first on that 4th down catch jenkins made, he shoved glenn sharpe way downfield, i dont remember when they started call offensive pass interference but it could've started on that play and we would've never had gotten to the non pass interference on glenn sharpe, like dan fouts said "i think the ball got there before glenn sharpe did, terrible call".
UM fans should be the first ones to know stars dont mean smit, what was santana moss rated coming out of highschool, nigel bethel fits that same mode, he'll be coached up by coach rumph who's a real, i wouldnt want any other db coach than having coach rumph with us. He not begging no recruits to come here, and we'll win with who we have. Remember malek young wasnt highly rated by the so called recruiting expert sites, and most witnessed how that was going, so we in Great hands we coach rumph and banda. The Best thing i like about coach banda is when he said something like "im starting too see now why UM accomplished as much as we have" , cause he started seeing the mentality we have down here on the field and off it and our Love for the game, once its all put together, college football knows what's coming. Besides the money, that's the real reason gumbo fisher got outta here, he knew what was coming. Without devonta freeman and dalvin cook, they not winning that national championship, along with a couple of other Miami players.